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23:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Noah Dubois

The Basics

Name: Noah Dubois
Nickname: Detective, Officer, Dubois
Species: Wizard
Gender: Male
Age: 83, appears to be in his mid 30s

The Physical

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 183 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Distinguishing Features:
The mark of Akariel's coin is burned into his right palm. Though the scar remains, it seems to be fading. While it is difficult to scar a Wizard, due to their healing factor, his body hosts several scars from past altercations with big bads during his travels. The most prominent of which is a jagged scar across the right side of his abdomen.

Physical Description:
Noah Dubois is a man of average height and exceptional build... hunting and fighting monsters, not to mention humans as well, takes its toll on one's physique. Over the years, he has developed a lean musculature that speaks volumes of how hard he works in his chosen profession.

Noah is best described as ruggedly handsome, but his attitude is a little off putting, driving some away. Attraction is a matter of perception, and he tends to avoid notice whenever possible... usually by offering snarky comments to send those looking at him in the opposite direction. He's a nice guy, but given his current situation, he can't afford to get close to anyone.

While he does clean up quite well, and fills out a suit or tux nicely, Noah prefers to dress casually. More often than not, he can be spotted wearing a decent pair of running shoes, a pair of jeans and a plain black shirt, some jacket or another, and his badge hanging on a chain around his neck.

Noah keeps his hair short and out of the way, and usually has his beard neatly trimmed. But, lately, his facial hair has gone unshaven, a clear sign that work or something else is causing him serious stress. Like most on the force, Noah doesn't put much effort into his appearance, but shaving is routine. When something breaks his routine, there is obviously something wrong.

Alternate Form Description: N/A

Under The Hood

Noah is kind of an ass, but he's likable. Wizards are grumpy... he's not sure if it's an innate part of him, caused by the magic flowing through his form, or if he's just a dick. Either could be true, he imagines, but he does put effort into trying to be nice. Although, he has a difficult time tolerating incompetent or unintelligent people.

Noah has a solid grasp on human and supernatural lore/history, and it shows in conversation. He's an intelligent man, one who has clearly spent plenty of time hitting the books. Whatever books they may be...

While he is somewhat of an acquired taste, Noah is a nice guy overall. He tends to help people when they need it, though he does have his own problems and will focus on them when he has the time to do so. Noah is an excellent detective, and has a pension for seeing things where others don't. Whether this is due to his eyes being open to the supernatural world around him, while others are closed, is up for discussion. But, overall, he's damn good at his job and, while he doesn't care for most people, it's clear that he enjoys his work. Although, computers seem to crash when he's around...

In the end, overall, Noah believes he's done more good than bad in his life, though he's still trying to make up for the lives he ended as Akariel's vessel. The nightmares are a constant reminder of the blood on his hands. He'll never forget.

Long term? Destroy the Denarians. Short term? Find his father and free him from Akariel's grasp... if he can do some good along the way, that's great.

Losing his father to the Fallen for good. He knows the man is still fighting the beast, but knows from experience that it's not a battle he can win on his own.


Mundane Skills:
Overall, Noah has the general skills of a detective or P.I. He's worked as both, in the past. He is skilled at precision driving, and has a damn good cardio- chasing criminals for a living does wonders for your physique. Given the fact that any technology in his general vicinity tends to get hexed, whether it is his own doing or a result of his damn bad luck as a Wizard, he's not terribly familiar with most modern tech and physically can't use most of it for more than a few minutes without it breaking in one way or another.

Noah has all of the typical Wizard powers such as sensitivity to magic, ability to access 'the sight,' etc. On top of that, he specializes in Air magic with Earth and Fire as his secondaries. Noah is quite skilled in Evocation, but he focuses more on utility spells rather than battle magic. Some of his most common uses of Air magic are picking locks, pulling apart devices, calling up fog, localizing smoke, and purifying air around him. On top of that, airis the primary medium for the transfer of sound—allowing for the creation of distractions by throwing loud sounds around or creating “bubbles” where sound doesn’t travel for the purposes of privacy and stealth

Though he prefers to resolve things without violence when possible, he is more than capable of firing off a few powerful spells in a pinch, if he needs to. He is mediocre in Potion Brewing, but adept in Thaumaturgy.

Noah's magic is more...precise, than most. Air magic doesn't necessarily take a lot of precision, but the way he uses it certainly does. While evocation is 'quick and dirty magic,' he's better than most at casting precise spells, and minimizing the amount of energy he uses with each spell. He was taught by the best.

Focii: He wears a pendant around his neck and a ring on his hand that he uses as foci, rather than the tradition staff or some sort of wand.

Technology. Modern tech doesn't play nice with Wizards.
Mortality. Despite his magical prowess, Noah is a squishy human.
Magic. There are very few beings who can easily shrug off magic, and he's not one of them.

Society Info

Length Of Time In New York: 7 years

Detective by day, Denarian/Monster hunter by night. Sounds cooler than it is. Mostly chasing down leads that turn out to be dead ends. He has to follow the rules of the Accords, during his investigations, which can be a pain in the ass.

Organizations/Factions: White Council, NYPD

1. What are you doing in New York, and how have you fared since arriving?
Answer: Searching for my father, working as a detective for the NYPD as a cover, and pretense for snooping around where I shouldn't be. Not doing so great... trail is going cold.

2. You've just spotted a human getting mugged across the street. Before you can react, the victim suddenly begins to shift, changing into what can only be described as a werewolf and assaults the mugger. What do you do?
Answer: Keep on walking. The human asked for it. I will, however, keep tabs on the wolf and put it down if it harms innocents or, at the very least, report its existence and potential danger to the Wardens within the city limits.

3. You've been accused of a crime you didn't commit, and are currently being interrogated by one of New York's finest. How do you go about convincing them of your innocence or, if all else fails, breaking free?
E. Use my connections in the NYPD and the White Council to clear things up.

4. What does your day-to-day look like? What can you be found doing on an average day?
Answer: Depends on the day. I'll likely be chasing down some lead or another, or filling out paperwork at the precinct for a recent arrest. Sometimes I'll head down to the Tiger for a drink, whether it be coffee or booze. It's a good place to pick up gossip of the various big bads in town.

The Juicy Bits

Up until ten years ago, Noah possessed one of the 30 Blackened Denarii, and was possessed by Akariel, the wolf of the fallen. Over the years (before finding and after being rid of the coin), Noah worked in several different police departments under various aliases, and even worked as a P.I. for a short time. He moved often, to avoid suspicion for his slow aging, of course. For the last several years, he's spent all of his time hunting down the Denarian that is possessing his father.

He has worked with the Knights of the Cross on more than one occasion, in his hunt for his father, and his self appointed mission to rid the world of the Denarians.

Noah holds very few things dear, but since his father took on the burden of the coin, Noah has routinely taken care of his dad's possession. To this day, he drives his father's 1967 Chevy Impala. The older the car, the less it breaks down. The Impala has 32 years under its hood. Noah and his father have rebuilt the machine more times than he can count, pouring quite a bit of money into it, but they both love the car.