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Welcome to Gallows Hill: Boston [Anitaverse]

00:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Melinda Lannox

Full Name: Melinda Lannox
Nickname(s): Mel

Date of Birth: February 18
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Place of Birth: Spokane, Washington
Ethnicity: Mixed
Religion: none

Species: Shifter (Werewolf)

Physical Appearance
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 140 lbs
Body Type: Slender and fit
Hair Color: black
Hair Style: short bob
Eye Color: hazel
Skin Tone: tanned
Scars: roughly circular burn mark on right upper arm

Scent: lilacs and petrichor
Aura: lilac, shot through with red

Physical Description: Mel is a tall, fit woman in her mid thirties. She keeps her hair fairly short, at shoulder length or above, and its natural deep black matches well with her tanned skin tone. Her hazel eyes are intelligent, and the serious look they often hold makes her look older than she actually is. She tends to dress in loose, flowing clothing, such as linen pants and button up blouses suited for an office or a casual stroll.

Father: Unknown
Mother: June Lannox, they talk regularly
Siblings: none

Marital Status: single
Other Romantic Relationships: none currently

Highest Education Achieved: University degree
Degrees Held: Bachelor of Technology
College/University Attended: Washington State University

Current Occupation: Computer Programmer - Cyber Security
Socioeconomic Level (At Birth): poor
Socioeconomic Level (Current): middle class

Character History
Melinda Lannox (Mel to anyone who knows her, only her mother calls her Melinda) grew up with few advantages in life beyond a caring mother and her own intelligence. Her mother was a single parent with no family to fall back on, so she worked multiple jobs through most of Mel’s life in order to support them both. Despite that, the two were very close, and remain so even now that Mel has left Washington state.

Mel was an excellent student, working as hard at her grades as her mother did at her jobs. From a young age, she decided that her contribution to the family would be to make their future better by studying hard, going to university, and getting in to a position where she could take care of both herself and her mother. As elementary school turned in to high school, things seemed well on track; Mel’s grades were always at the top of her class. She took accelerated programs so she could graduate early. As she approached post secondary, scholarship offers were many and varied. In the end, she decided to pursue a career in computers, as it seemed a reliable option that would have jobs available, and she could stay close to home for school.

University proved itself to be as easy for her as high school had been. In a few years, she was finished her degree and had landed a solid job with a respectable IT firm in Spokane. Used to living off very little, her paychecks seemed like untold riches, and she was quickly able to change her mother’s situation from working multiple jobs, to only needing to work part time. It brought Mel great joy to be able to finally see her mother enjoy her life rather than simply working all the time.

Of course, just when her life seemed as close to perfect as she could imagine, everything changed. It was a random attack, one full moon night as she walked home from a late night at the office. The attacker was never caught or identified. Afterward, she remembered nothing of the attack or of how she survived. She simply woke up in the hospital after being in a coma for a week, clinging to life. The world being what it was by then, the hospital recognized the type of attack, and she was tested for lycanthropy. It came back positive, of course.

With that dark stain in her medical files, Mel’s life took a drastic change. Her company didn’t – precisely – fire her, but she went from being the one to watch to persona non grata overnight. She began working remotely more and more often, drifting away from the corporate climber she had briefly been and into the roll of behind the scenes coder and designer.

Everything changed again when the Ulfric of the Spokane werewolf pack came for her.

From then on, Mel’s life belonged to him in every way that mattered. Jared ruled his pack with an iron fist; it was his own personal harem, with only a few other Alpha and Dominant males allowed. Threats and torture, rape and slavery, whatever it took to keep the pack in line, he did. He controlled every aspect of Mel’s life. Clothes, food, job, friends, all of it was dictated by Jared, and any deviation on Mel’s part resulted in swift and brutal punishment.

Mel learned to bury her resistance deep.

For fourteen years, she endured. When she finally was strong enough to escape his grasp, Mel sent her mother far away from Spokane, and then declared her intent to leave to Jared in front of the entire pack. She put him in a no win position, forced to either fight her and weaken himself enough that one of his lieutenants would kill him, or let her go. He let her go. Mel left Spokane with the sound of his whispered promise of retribution filling her ears.

For two years, she ran. She travelled the country, moving from place to place, never staying anywhere longer than a week. The spectre of Jared haunted her everywhere she went. When she approached a local Pack, her reception was cool at best; no one wanted the trouble that came with her. Jared had made certain of that. And so Mel settled into the life of a nomadic Wolf, with no pack and no home. She worked remotely and saw more of the country in a month than most people saw in their entire lives.

Eventually, she made her way towards Boston. Massachusetts had enacted new laws regarding Shifter rights, spearheaded in large part by the Boston Ulfric. It seemed like the kind of place where perhaps she could stop running, for a little while at least. Jared had vanished – she presumed dead – and without him to cause problems, perhaps she could find some peace.