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Welcome to Gallows Hill: Boston [Anitaverse]

17:36, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Finn Doughtery

General Character Information
*Full Name: Finn Doughtery

*Date of Birth: May 18th, 1992
*Actual Age: 21
*Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

*Place of Birth: Adams Massachusetts
Ethnicity: Caucaisan
Religion: Catholic
Degree of Religious Practice:Light

*Species: Shifter

Physical Appearance
Weight: 180 lbs
Body Type: Athletic and toned
Hair Color: Auburn
Hair Style: Messy
Eye Color: Blue Grey
Skin Tone: Pale

Birthmarks: Small blotch on his back
Scars: Small scars on his leg from a childhood break
Tattoos: Hawk on his shoulder.

Scent: Campfire Smoke
Aura: Crimson

*Physical Description: Tall and atheltic, Finn has an odd blend of being able to command attention and blend into the crowd. He has bright eyes, which regard you with a keen intellect and a mischevious smile behind them; and a mess of hair that is often times style or left to it's own devices. He is rarely found sporting the same type of clothes, instead grabbing whatever moves him at the time. He is lucky enough that he can pull of scruffy one day, but be dressed to the nines the next.

Father: Owen Doughtery
Mother: Claire Doughtery
Siblings: Ty and Jane Doughtery

Marital Status: Single
Spouse: None
Other Romantic Relationships: None currently. He was seeing a bartender at a local pub, but she grew tired of his hectic schedule. They are good friends still, and enjoy each other's company now and again, but she knows she isn't long term.


Friends: Lily, bartender. Colin, mechanic

Highest Education Achieved: High School, Currently in College
Degrees Held:
College/University Attended: UMass Boston

Occupation/Career/Finance: College Student
Current Occupation: College Student / Musician
Socioeconomic Level (At Birth): Lower Middle
Socioeconomic Level (Current): Student

Spending Behavior: Easy come, Easy go
Financial Assets: Not much
Financial Liabilities: Not much

Languages (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing):
Languages graded on a 6-pt. scale: Novice – 0, Beginner – 1, Intermediate – 2, Advanced – 3, Superior – 4, Native - 5
Example (English – L5, R5, S5, W5)

English (L5,R5,S5,W5)

Speech Pace: Quick
Accent: Slight Boston
Voice Tone: Warm

Vices: Music, Dancing, Gambling.
Strengths: Charming, Music, Convincing, Brave
Weaknesses: Overly trusting, compulsive
Fears/Phobias: Drowning, Deep Water
Mental Illnesses: None
Turn Ons: Direct, athletic, artistic
Turn Offs: Jealousy, Manipulative

  Short Range Goal: Get established with the local music scene
  Medium Range Goals: Pack standing and finishing school year
  Long Range Goals: Settling into the city, Pack, finishing school.

How does the character handle emotions of…?
  Anger: Anger for Finn is a flash pan. Quick to erupt, but quick to forgive as well
  Frustration: Frustration he avoids, usually by going the other way or diffusing the situation. If it's beyond his control to fix, he ignores it as best he can.
  Fear: Fear is something Finn has little experience with. He is impetuous and compulsive. Something truly scary he would get the hell away from, unless he had someone to protect from it.
  Desire/Lust: Finn is open and honest with his desire. If he spies a lovely lady, he'll buy her a drink, ask for a dance or make a move. He takes rejections with a light hearted smile.
  Emotional Pain (i.e. heartbreak):Emotional pain he would channel into his music. Sorrow and anger, pain and longing are all great fodder for the muses. Music is what excites him, and it is also what soothes him.

*Character History

Finn is from the Berkshire Mountains, as close to the middle of nowhere as you can get as a native of the state. His father worked for public works, fighting the forest and mountain roads. His mother was a teacher, teaching the children of their small town.

Growing up, he spent his days climbing trees, playing football and splashing in the river on the hot summer days. Once he got older, his father gifted him a guitar and he never went anywhere without it. He filled church picnics and barbeques with his songs, his voice rich and strong.

Finn would probably have married a local girl, got a job somewhere and drank too much beer when the Bruins lost; if not for Jenny. Jenny was a girl who had drowned, or so the story went. No one remembered why she was lost on the river one night, or why she had never returned. But everyone in town knew the stories of her ghost.

Jenny was said to haunt the shores of the river in the full moons of winter, her feet leaving no tracks on the snow. And it was said that whoever stole a kiss from her, would be granted a single wish. Of course the locals had all dared each other over the decades, young men often spending the night shivering and freezing as they dared each other to try a kiss.

When the time was right, Finn and his friends were no exception. They spent the night on the shores of the river, drinking and watching the fire's glow as they waited. He had no idea why he didn't pass out with the rest of them, maybe his grandmother's fond teasing about his wild blood held some small truth. But that night under the full moon, he saw Jenny's ghost.

Dressed in an old shift, the fabric wet and clinging to her figure despite the cold, Finn watched as she pulled at her hair, and searched the shores in relived panic. Something about her sorrow touched him, and in an act of bravado he walked over to her, his hands somehow touching her.

There the resemblance to the legend ended. Suddenly a cold worse than winter clutched his heart, and he screamed before plunging into the winter cold water. The current was strong, despite the ice on top, and he fought to grab onto the rocks as he rolled over and over again. He had no idea how long he fought the river, but as the cold weakened him he finally closed his eyes.

He awoke the next morning, wrapped in the fur of a wolf. He panicked at first, until a male's voice told him to shut it, and so he calmed down, realizing the warmth of the wolf felt amazing after the river. He found out later that the Fairfax's daughter had found him in the river, the family an insular pack of relatives and wolves who had craved a quieter life in the mountains.

His heart had been weak, he had been near death and in her youth, their daughter had bit him. Thinking to heal him with the virus, not knowing he wouldn't change at first. The Fairfax clan helped him heal, helped him through his first change and return to his family. But Adams felt small after that, like a cage, especially as the only wolves around were an insular clan, who felt he would add some well needed good blood. He loved Anna as only the young can love, but he also knew he would never be happy in a cage.

And so he worked hard, got a scholarship and charmed a begrudging acceptance from the family. The Ulfric arranged a transfer to the Boston Pack, and Finn took what little extra he had earned and bought a decent guitar. Now he performs music, many of his songs wild and full of an energy that most find captivating.