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00:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Margaret Waithe

Name  : Margaret "Peggy" Waithe Gender: Female
Player: Isida Kep'Tukari        Height: 5'5"          MAX HP: 12
Race  : Human                   Weight: 135 lbs       CUR HP: 12
Option : Defense                Age   : 60           Subdue:
Level : 1                       Hair  : Black
Max Sanity: 90                  Eyes  : Green
Current Sanity: 90              Hand  : Right        XP    :
Size  : Medium                  Speed : 30 ft        Need  :
        SCORE    MOD    SCORE    MOD      Bonus Attribute Point (If applicable)
STR   :   8   :  -1   :       :       :
DEX   :  12   :  +1   :       :       :
CON   :   6   :  -2   :       :       :
INT   :  16   :  +3   :       :       :
WIS   :  18   :  +4   :       :       :
CHA   :  18   :  +4   :       :       :
	Total          Armour  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc
AC    : 11   =  10   +       +       +  1 +     +
        13  Fight Defensively
        15  Full Defense
        10  Flatfooted

        Total        Dex     Misc
Init  :  +1   =      +1

Base Attack Bonus: +0

Base Attack Bonus (Melee) : -1
Base Attack Bonus (Ranged): +1
SAVES   Total   Base  Ability  Magic  Misc
Fort  :  -2   =  0     -2
Refl  :  +3   =  2     +1
Will  :  +6   =  2     +4

1st level feat - Sensitive
1st level feat - Remote Viewing

LANGUAGES: English, French, German (rarely used now due to the Great War)
SKILLS                        Attribute   Ranks    Misc.      Total 44

  Bluff*                 Cha      4    +    4    +   0      =  +8
  Craft* (watercolors)   Int      3    +    4    +   0      =  +7
  Diplomacy*             Cha      4    +    4    +   0      =  +8
  Innuendo*              Wis      4    +    4    +   0      =  +8
  Knowledge (art)        Int      3    +    4    +   0      =  +7
  Listen*                Wis      4    +    2    +   0      =  +6
  Perform*               Cha      4    +    4    +   0      =  +8
  Psychic Focus          Wis      4    +    4    +   0      =  +8
  Psychoanalysis         Wis      4    +    4    +   0      =  +8
  Sense Motive*          Wis      4    +    4    +   0      =  +8
  Speak Other Language   Int      3    +    2    +   0      =  +5 (French)
  Speak Other Language   Int      3    +    2    +   0      =  +5 (German)
  Spot*                  Wis      4    +    2    +   0      =  +6

X    = Cross-Class Skill
*    = Skill can be used untrained
Dex* = Skill suffers check penalties from armor.

                          TAB     DAM     CRIT     RNG    WGHT  SIZE  TYPE

ARMOR                     ARMOUR CHECK    MAX  SPELL


Items Owned

Wardrobe of a dozen dresses
One wool coat
One good designer dress
3 sweaters
6 hats
2 handbags
3 pairs of shoes
1 pair of good shoes
Modest amount of jewelry
Necessary unmentionables (undergarments)
Pocket watch
Wind-up alarm clock
Women's toiletry set
Handle bag
Good pen and notebook
Watercolors, easel, paper and Bristol board
Deck of cards
Ouija board
Restoratives (tonics)

Rents a small apartment by the week

Savings - $400
Money per year - $500



DESCRIPTION (Character Looks/Racial Mods)

Margaret "Peggy" Waithe is a woman of average height with a slender grace
 and modest curves, but clearly a woman of a certain age. Though she tries
 to dress in a fashionable style, many of her items of clothing are many
 years out of date, and her jewelry is modest. Her hair is dark (where it is
 not gray), and her skin is very, very pale.  When she exerts herself much
 at all, she goes paler still, and often sits and rests, though tries to
 make light of it.

BACKGROUND Use this format for your characters.

Margaret "Peggy" Waithe is, in Hollywood terms, a relic of another time.
  Once a stage actress and early star in some films, at 60 years of age she
 has outlived the "look" for modern film-making.  Now relegated to being the
 mother or grandmother, aunt or eccentric old lady, Peggy is still clinging
 to what little bits of stardom she can.  More importantly, she needs to
 stay in the circles of Hollywood, where the flashes of visions she gets can
 be explained away as superstition and artistic flair, rather than the signs
 of a crazy old lady.  She doesn't want to end up reading palms and looking
 into a crystal ball at some sideshow...

Peggy was born to a moderately wealthy family in Pennsylvania, and enjoyed
 the privilege of good schooling in the fine arts.  She even spent a few
 summers in Paris, learning the language (as it was fashionable and
 appropriate).  But Peggy had always had strange dreams and odd sensations
 about places, getting intense "feelings" of fear or horror, sadness or
 confusion, oftentimes regardless of how a place looked or its apparent
 history.  The dreams and strange feelings had caused several awkward
 moments during parties, and more than once Peggy had scared away potential
 suitors with her questions and claims about what she could see or feel. The
 misunderstandings and the pressure from her parents to put aside her
 "nonsense" made Peggy feel all the more squeezed and confined in her role
 as potential husband-bait; not to mention the increasing concerns that she
 might be faking.

Unwilling to be forced to take a stint in an asylum, Peggy took her savings,
 suitcases, and what wardrobe she could and lit out for a place where
 eccentricity was welcome.  The theater turned out to be a sanctuary for
 her, and for many years she enjoyed a modest success, even through the
 horrors of the Great War.  During that terrible time, she even volunteered
 in the local hospitals to serve where she could.  But when the Spanish Flu
 came, Peggy was stricken with it, and never recovered her health.

Though she had been hoping to resume theater acting when she had recovered
 as much as she could, the ruining of her health meant she could no longer
 keep the long hours and brisk pace of the stage.  She had to increasingly
 turn to the movies for work. But time is cruel to women in entertainment,
 and increasingly Peggy has found herself shoved aside for the younger stars
 (as the more concealing makeup used on stage could not be used on film).
  More worryingly, her dreams and visions had begun to persist in strength.
  In order to keep her place, any place, Peggy has made her wealth of wisdom
 available to the younger stars, sometimes acting as a chaperone and set
 "mother".  And though she doubts there is any who would believe her, Peggy
 has been reading accounts of Spiritualists and other occultists over the
 past year or so, to try to gain some control over her increasingly-strange