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22:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Noa Savea

The Basics

Name: Noa Savea
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be in his mid to late 30s

The Physical

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 234LBS
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Beautiful, piercing blue

Distinguishing Features:
Noa has a plethora of tattoos adorning his body, most of which take the shape of tribal shark teeth and what appear to be scales. The majority of these tattoos are often hidden beneath his shirt, but the markings running down his forearms are there for the world to see. When asked about the tattoos, Noa quickly changes the subject. It's obvious that they have some meaning to the man, but what that meaning is hasn't yet been discovered.

Physical Description:
Noa Savea clocks in at a healthy 6'4" and 234 pounds. He has an impressive physique, one that most assume he puts a ton of work into. While he is muscular, he's not overly muscled. Noa is well toned and his musculature fits his form quite well.

One would be hard pressed to catch Noa in another more formal than a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. If required, he does clean up well on occasion, and pulls a tux off quite well. But, such opportunities are few and far between in New Genesis.

Noa keeps his hair long and his beard unshaven. Falling past his shoulders, Noa's brown hair transitions from dark to light due to what one would -correctly- assume was a lot of time spent in the sun. His beard is long and seemingly unkempt, but the truth is he puts a good bit of effort into his appearance.

Noa is strong, fast and durable- inhumanly so. If asked about his impressive physique and physical prowess, he details the extensive cybernetic implants he's received throughout his lifetime. The Savea family was loaded, and he chose to spend his inheritance on practical things, rather than waste it away on the nonsensical. If asked about his family's wealth, he'll tell you that they owned a successful string of resorts, before the war started. Now that everything has gone to hell, all that's left is the money- which he didn't bring to New Genesis, since the city has implemented its own currency.

Noa also claims to have undergone the procedure to acquire the Cortical Stack, essentially granting himself immortality through technology. If prompted, he would say the operation was definitely worth the money. If asked, he'll admit to having his own personal clones stored away, in case of emergencies- all of which share the same implants.

Under The Hood

At first impression, Noa is a little quirky. Borderline odd. He has a lot of years under his belt, and a lot of knowledge to go with them. There is an obvious intelligence to his gaze, as well as the simple curiosity of a scientist or a scholar.

The second impression is a little worse for wear, however. Once you get past his polite exterior and move into the real Noa, he takes a turn for the worse.

Rather than the polite and proper Noa that one expects, they get the gruff and somewhat sarcastic underside of the man.

Noa is a smart ass, to put it simply. He's sarcastic and has a very dry sense of humor, but he's a nice guy. Noa is a little rough around the edges, so it takes a minute to warm up to him.

Some may think he's an asshole, but others find him to be a loving guy with a big heart and a penchant for helping those in need- it's all a matter of perspective.

Noa's jokes are generally a defense mechanism, to keep those around him at a distance, rather than letting them get close. The less people he cares about, personally, the less he has to lose.

While he wouldn't openly admit it, he loves the people of New Genesis, and truly sees the city as his home away from home.

When he first moved to New Genesis, Noa planned to wait out the war and then leave once it was all over. But, he's come to like the place he now calls home. Now, he's not sure what he'll do when the war ends. But, for now, he plans to thrive in the city, make new friends and live a simple, domestic life.

Noa fears that the war between the mortals and the myths will drive them all to extinction. He studied the war extensively, up until he moved to New Genesis. While some may not have noticed, he has- the more gods the humans kill, the worse off the world is.

It's a dangerous line the opposing forces are walking, and stepping one toe over that line could spell doom for the rest of the world.

Talents & Weaknesses

The Basics: Noa has all of the basic skills of the age- driving, use of modern electronics, etc. Anything that the average man or woman would need to know to get by. Noa knows how to cook pretty well, is a decent bartender and can sing very well.

Hand To Hand Combat: Noa is well trained in a several forms of martial arts, and he can take a hit better than most (punching Noa feels like punching a brick wall, one would assume that it is due to the cybernetic enhancements). Much faster than one would assume of a man of his size, Noa has strength and speed on his side. However, physical prowess doesn't win a fight, if he is outmatched in skill.

Marksmanship: Noa is a damn good shot, regardless of the firearm he is using. However, he's undergone extensive training in the use of sniper rifles, in particular.

Survival: Noa survived out in the wasteland that was once called Earth for years and years. He know show to fish, hunt, track, build a fire, etc. Noa is skilled in survival- he knows how to make it on his own, if his plans in new Genesis don't pan out.

Noa is an intelligent man, and it shows in conversation as well as the way he carries himself. There is an obvious wisdom that lies behind his eyes.

If asked, Noa will inform you that he was home schooled by his family. Given how rich they were, they could afford the best tutors money could buy. Noa seems to know a little about everything.

Wouldn't you like to know?

While Noa has very few physical vulnerabilities, he does have several less obvious weaknesses.

Overall, his most prominent vulnerability is the secret he holds close to his chest. Noa Savea is not his real identity- and if anyone found out who he truly was, it would end his peaceful life in New Genesis. He'd be forced to fight so he could stay, or he'd have to move on and cut his losses.

Society Info

Length Of Time In New Genesis: One year

Occupation: Owner of Glass Half Full (pub) and The Studio (music lounge)- both businesses are currently hiring.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Noa leaves running his businesses to his employees, while he is an avid participant in the Arena. Utilizing the Arena's privacy policies to their fullest extent, the face behind the power armor player known only as Leviathan, or Levi for short, has never been seen, nor has Noa's name been mentioned in any type of media other than to advertise his businesses. While those on his team know his face, the crowds and opposing teams do not. Leviathan, named for his massive size, is currently the top ranking sniper in the League, boasting an impressive K/D.


Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
The Arena League


1. Why, specifically, are you seeking refuge in New genesis, rather than somewhere else?
Answer: New Genesis is the one place I know my family won't bother me. It's safe, peaceful and does not tolerate excessive violence. My kind of place.

2. Were you invited into the city, or did you sneak in? If the latter, how are you avoiding detection?
Answer: I applied for sanctuary and was accepted shortly after.

3. What do you plan to accomplish, while living in the city?
Answer: Peace. I want a break from the violence of the world. There's little one can do in the face of such savagery, other then move on to greener pastures.

Do you play well with others, or are you more of a loner?
Answer: I do play well with others, though I can get quite competitive at times.

Extra Credit:
What have you done since arriving in the city?
The first thing I did was settle into a little studio apartment and got a job at a burger joint, so I could start saving money. Once I moved up to Tier 2, after the first month, I worked as hard as I could in my off time to do 'good' things. I had plans to open my own business, and I needed to get to T3 to follow through. I spent months helping around the city, picking up trash off the streets and doing whatever I could to earn MP. It was a lot of hard work, but in the end it was worth it. The system is flawed. One doesn't have to be a good person to move up the Tiers, they just have to look like a good person on camera. Anyone savvy enough to figure that out is likely to move up quickly. A.I.'s don't have a moral compass, so how would they know what someone's true intent was, whether it be selfish or selfless?

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
It didn't take long for me to make my way into the Arena. Once I was there, I was hooked. I moved up through the ranks quickly, joining the League and making my own name in that world. I earned plenty of Credits, some of which I put back as a little nest egg. However, I believe what pushed me from T2 to T3 was donations. I donated a lot of my winnings to the lower Tiers, paying for housing and food where I could.

Have you ever broken one of the Laws, within the city limits?
I have not. Little can be gained by breaking the Laws- I see no point in doing so.

If so, which one?

The Juicy Bits

Very little is known about Noa Savea, other than what he claims to be true. Many have asked him about his past, but he seems to be a closed book.

What he will tell you is that his family was rich, but they were distant. Despite his family's wealth, he did not lead an easy life. He worked, hard, for what he has now and he's not the type to take things for granted.

Noa refuses to discuss his family beyond the basics. He does the same when discussing himself. Noa is not the type to give away information without rhyme or reason. Loose lips lead to lost secrets, and he can't afford to lose his secrets.

On the other hand, Noa's history in New Genesis is an open book... mostly. Half Glass Full and The Studio are quite popular, and are often crowded with the residents of this fine city.

With a popular, public business, Noa's become a bit of a public figure. The face of his businesses. His record is spotless and, for all intents and purposes, he is an upstanding citizen of New Genesis.

(OOC: For those of you who don't mind spoilers, follow this link to his true identity: link to another game This link will take you back to my personal compilation of characters and ideas. While you are more than welcome to peruse the cast list and available threads, I would appreciate it if any ideas you wish to borrow would be discussed in PM before simply taken without permission. Thank you!)