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08:34, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


The Basics

Name: Poseidon

Species: Olympian Deity Lineage: Cronus and Rhea

Age: He's old. Let's leave it at that. Gender: Male

Height: 6'4" Weight: 234LBS

Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Beautiful, piercing blue

Nicknames/Titles: Earth-Shaker, Neptune

The Physical

Distinguishing Features:

The tattoos on his human alias are shared through most of his forms (though they are never revealed in public). While it's certainly not obvious, the tattoos tell a story. Each line, each bit of ink, is there for a reason- mostly honoring old friends lost either in the war or beforehand. The Myths were not always aligned with one another- the pantheons weren't on friendly terms at all times. War was a common nuisance and, as the brother to the Olympian King, Poseidon was expected to protect his pantheon as Zeus and Hades did.

Physical Description:

As a sea god, Poseidon is a shapeshifter at heart. He has no one true form. Whatever form he takes is not a mask that he puts on, but is an adaptation of himself. That said, whatever his current form appears to be, that is Poseidon on a physical and spiritual level.

Noa Savea clocks in at a healthy 6'4" and 234 pounds. He has an impressive physique, one that most assume he puts a ton of work into. While he is muscular, he's not overly muscled. Noa is well toned and his musculature fits his form quite well.

One would be hard pressed to catch Noa in anything more formal than a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. If required, he does clean up well on occasion, and pulls a tux off quite well. But, such opportunities are few and far between in New Genesis.

Noa keeps his hair long and his beard unshaven. Falling past his shoulders, Noa's brown hair transitions from dark to light due to what one would -correctly- assume was a lot of time spent in the sun. His beard is long and seemingly unkempt, but the truth is he puts a good bit of effort into his appearance.

Alternate Form:

Poseidon, as the water gods are want to do, is able to shift his form at will. He doesn't have one favored form, other than his current alias, but he will shift on occasion if need be. Overall, he tries to avoid changing his stripes terribly often, to avoid drawing attention.

Under The Hood


Poseidon is proper, polite, almost regal even, when he needs to be. Which is fitting for a lord of the sea. A king should play the part of a king- it requires a lot of thought and objectivity to rule a kingdom fairly. Despite his manners, Poseidon has a temper. One that, when piqued, is not easily quelled.

That said, when outside of his court or the other divine courts, he can be just as relaxed and casual as the next guy sea god. During the war, in his down time he would spend time socializing with those under his command, rather than planning and plotting with the other Generals. He cared little for the war, and was only participating because his brothers had pledged their allegiance to the cause- rebelling against them would've caused much more trouble than it was worth at the time.

Overall, Poseidon is a likable guy god, as long as you stay on his good side. Avoid anything that involves harming or polluting the oceans in some way or another, and you're golden. Poseidon has a penchant for losing his temper when his domain is invaded by toxic human technology.


Short term? Live in peace, until the war has passed. Help pick up the pieces and put everything back together.

Long term? Stop it all from happening again. History repeats itself, if one doesn't take steps to prevent it from doing so.


That any chance of the Olympian Initiative and Mortal Coalition reaching a peace is long gone. If the war is fought to its end, they all lose. If humanity dies out, so do the gods. If the gods die out, so does the earth and humanity in turn. No one wins in this scenario, but they're all too damned stubborn to see it.



Poseidon has forgotten more skills than most will ever learn in a lifetime. Throughout his extensive life, he's spent plenty of time among human civilizations, picking up different trades, but not many stuck.

In the modern age, in a world ravaged by war, he's focused mostly on survivability, letting any other useless skills that he picked up in the past to fade.

The Basics: Poseidon has all of the basic skills of the age- driving, use of modern electronics, etc. Anything that the average man or woman would need to know to get by. Poseidon knows how to cook pretty well (though he avoids seafood out of respect for his aquatic friends), is a decent bartender and can sing very well.

Hand To Hand Combat: Poseidon is well trained in several forms of martial arts, and he can take a hit better than most (punching a god feels like punching a brick wall). Much faster than one would assume of a man of his size, Poseidon has strength and speed on his side. However, physical prowess doesn't win a fight, if he is outmatched in skill.

Marksmanship: Poseidon is a damn good shot, regardless of the firearm he is using. However, he's undergone extensive training in the use of sniper rifles, in particular. Poseidon was trained in marksmanship by a son of Apollo who, gods bless his heart, couldn't fire a bow worth a damn.

Survival: Poseidon lived in the seas and the wilds for millennia. He is well versed in skills such as hunting, tracking, trapping, camouflage, etc. He knows how to survive on his own, how to live off the land when need be. While he can't starve or die of thirst, thanks to his divinity, food still tastes good. And, if he's to keep up pretenses in New Genesis, he'll need to eat to appear human.

Magical Education:

Poseidon was essentially 'home schooled' in the ways of magic, learning from the best in his family- Hecate. The Olympians tend to keep things in-house, learning from each other rather than reaching out to others for help. They're a very proud, powerful and stubborn pantheon. Did I mention stubborn?


Poseidon is known for many things but chief among them is his power over the seas, earthquakes and horses. He has complete power and control over the ocean. He can create storms to sink ships or clear weather to help them along. He also can cause earthquakes on land which earned him the title "Earth-Shaker". In a technical setting, these powers take the form of Hydrokinesis, Geokinesis and Animal Manipulation/Creation. On top of that, despite his particular affinities, Poseidon is a sea god, and they are known for being able to shapeshift (Biokinesis) and place blessings or curses upon those traveling the seas.

Hydrokinesis- Hydrokinesis is the metaphysical psychic ability to control and manipulate the movement of liquid water using the power of the mind. Hydrokinetics are shown to be able to control, manipulate and alter the molecular state of water. In Poseidon's case, this ability is limited to the control of sea water, rather than encompassing all water.

Geokinesis- One with this ability can psychically move earth about as though by Telekinesis. In addition, one can psychically alter earth's texture, density, fluidity, temperature and the like, at will. Furthermore, one can psychically induce or prevent natural earthen phenomena (ie sinkholes, quicksand, mudslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), at will. This ability is limited to causing earthquakes, in Poseidon's case.

Animal Manipulation/Creation- Those with this ability are able to create, communicate with and control animals. Poseidon is only able to do this with horses. One of Poseidon's most famous deeds is the creation of the horse. There are two stories that tell how he did this. The first says that he fell in love with the goddess Demeter. In order to impress her he decided to create the world's most beautiful animal. He worked for some time and eventually produced the horse. However, it took him so long to make the horse that he was no longer in love with Demeter. The other story tells how he made the horse to win the city of Athens from Athena. While one of those stories is certainly true, he leaves it up for debate among the mortals, rather than giving a straight answer when asked.

Biokinesis- Biokinesis is the technical term for shapeshifting. One with this ability can psychically accelerate, decelerate, bolster or negate immune processes, at will. In addition, one can psychically accelerate, decelerate, bolster or negate digestive processes, at will. Furthermore, one can psychically alter the processes of growth, aging and regeneration, at will. One can also psychically alter traits of physical appearance (ie height/weight, hair length/color/texture, skin color/features, apparent age, gender or species), at will. One could even, in some cases, psychically manipulate bodily chemicals, tissues, organs and/or systems (ie flesh, blood, muscle, bone) as though by Telekinesis.

Blessings & Curses- Deities are able to bless or curse those within their domain, meaning that Poseidon's blessings and curses only take effect when the target is on the open seas.

As a Myth, a god, Poseidon has a different physiological makeup than humans or other creatures.

Abs For Days- Gods and Goddesses have a very different build than humans. While mortals have to work and exercise regularly to stay fit, most deities are naturally beautiful and well built (take Aphrodite for example). Of course, there are exceptions to this rule (*cough* Hephaestus *cough*) but Poseidon is not one of them. On top of their exceedingly good genetics, deities are naturally stronger and faster than most other species, as well as immune to disease and sickness in general. As if those gifts weren't enough, gods are ageless and essentially immortal (boasting an impressive healing factor when wounded as well)- though they all have their weaknesses. While some might consider these traits powers or magic, they are more physical and primal than that. They aren't skills to be learned, nor are they able to be acquired through practice. These traits are simply a part of their physiological makeup- something the humans were jealous of until they found their own, synthetic immortality.

To keep up his strength, Poseidon regularly drinks sea water gathered from the port connected to New Genesis.


The god-killing technology of the modern age.

God-level weaponry, wielded by other deities.

Not much can kill a god, but potent magic is one way to go about injuring or incapacitating him.

Society Info

Length Of Time In New Genesis:

One year and counting.


Ruler of the Seas. While he's not the only Sea God, he is certainly one of the most prominent.


Olympian Initiative, Greek Pantheon and other sea gods and goddesses. While he is, or was during his time in the war, on good terms with most other water based deities, there are creatures in the depths that none of them can control- beasts that should never have been created, but they are left to be watched by the rulers of the seas. Poseidon has given up his position in the war, but his influence has not faded from the depths- a good portion of his powers tied up in keeping those beasts locked away in their prison.


1. Why, specifically, are you seeking refuge in New genesis, rather than somewhere else?
Answer: New Genesis is the one place I know my family won't bother me. It's safe, peaceful and does not tolerate excessive violence. Not to mention, it borders the sea. My kind of place.

2. Were you invited into the city, or did you sneak in? If the latter, how are you avoiding detection?
Answer: I applied for sanctuary and was accepted shortly after.

3. What do you plan to accomplish, while living in the city?
Answer: Peace. I want a break from the violence of the world. There's little one can do in the face of such savagery, other than move on to greener pastures. I did many things that I'm not proud of, and one day I'll have to answer for them. But, for now, I need a moment to breathe.

4. Do you play well with others, or are you more of a loner?
Answer: Depends on who these 'others' are. Rival pantheons? No. Peaceful bystanders? Absolutely.

The Juicy Bits

The Man, The Myth, The Legend:

Poseidon is considered one of the 'big three' in the Olympian Pantheon, meaning he is rumored to be one of the most powerful. While he wouldn't boast as much, he has shown his strength time and time again, fighting off invading gods and ungodly monstrosities that pass into his domain.

Once married to the beautiful Amphitrite, Poseidon has many children spread out through the world- most of which fight side by side their scion cousins in the armies of the Olympian Initiative. Regardless of the children she bore and the happiness she gave him, Poseidon could not protect her. Amphitrite was one of the first casualties of the war- she was lost in a battle long ago, when the humans had not yet given up on controlling the seas.

Over his many years, Poseidon has collected an innumerable amount of enemies, but some stand out above the rest. On the other hand, he has collected many friends as well- those who are willing to risk their lives to save his. Not that he would ask such favors of those he considers friends.

Overall, Poseidon's connections run deep in any and all pantheon connected to the seas. Whether they be friend or foe, Poseidon has come in contact with most, if not all, sea gods and goddesses in times of peace and war.

However, those in the Olympian Initiative believe him to be dead, thanks to a rumor spread by his younger brother- Zeus. Due to a falling out, which led to a fight and Poseidon leaving the Initiative, Zeus decided to fake his brother's death. The King of the Olympians, in all his mock wisdom, believed that the death of a General would be less devastating to his troops morale, than a General openly abandoning the cause.

In the end, though Poseidon would never admit it, Zeus was right. The show must go on.

Poseidon and his Trident:


Poseidon has an extensive history that I won't bore you with- it is well-documented in mythology and books. Tales that the Mortal Coalition has studied until their eyes bled, searching for weaknesses in the Lord of the Seas, the Earth-Shaker.

There were many steps along the path that led him to New Genesis, but the most memorable was a woman named Kana. An engineer by trade and a knight of the Initiative by necessity, she was one of the many scions in his regiment during the war. Though there were many, she stood above the rest in skill and dedication.

As one of his most reliable troops, Poseidon was heart broken when Zeus came to him with news of a new project, one that would revolve around Kana's abilities and skills. One that could, in turn, turn the tide of the war. The Coalition was forever pushing forward, breaking the front lines of the Initiative, and Zeus was desperate for any chance to push back. And this desperation took the form of weaponry. Weapons of mass destruction, that would likely kill hundreds of thousands.

While genocide had been committed in the past, even by gods themselves, Poseidon had never taken part. Nor was he willing to do so. Informing Zeus of his doubts, refusing to ask that of a subordinate, much less a friend, the brothers argued for days. Then days turned to weeks, and weeks to months. Eventually, Zeus approached Kana himself, going behind Poseidon's back to do so.

That's when it started. The hatred for the cause, the idea that the end justified the means. What was it all for? To kill the humans? To kill the ones they needed, in order to survive? It was nonsensical at best, and betrayal at worst. And it was certainly the worst. If Zeus did not trust him to maintain his own regiment, what else had his brother done behind his back, without him knowing?

While it was not the only chip on Poseidon's shoulder, it was the final straw. The betrayal of his brother ate at him until he fled the war camps, leaving the Initiative behind. Leaving his troops, the ones who relied on his support and leadership, behind to do as they chose. Leaving a cause he had scarcely believed in behind.

Of course, that wasn't the end of it. Zeus couldn't let his brother live in peace, he had to follow, tracking him to land outside of New Genesis, accusing and berating Poseidon of betrayal and abandonment of his Pantheon. It wasn't the first time they'd traded blows, but it was one to remember.

Writing Sample:

"You're out of your element, brother," Poseidon warned in an even tone as waves crashed against the cliffs below, the moonlight glinting off of the golden Trident held in his right hand resting on his shoulder. The sea god's eyes glowed a beautiful yet dangerous shade of blue. The magic leaking from his form was enough to set any nearby creature on edge, scampering for what little cover there was from the storm that was brewing above and below.

"I can't forgive your trespasses," the Olympian King shot back, venom in every word. Zeus gripped the Lightning Bolt tighter, sending sparks of electricity down its length. "Nor I yours," Poseidon answered solemnly. He didn't like where things were headed, but he was prepared for the worst, gripping the length of the Trident hard enough his knuckles turned white.

"I won't kill you, brother, but I'm happy to kick your ass," he commented, those piercing blues locked onto the sky god with deadly intent, using a phrase he'd picked up from the scions in his regiment. "You're a long way away from home. You won't win this," he added, knowing damn well that his brother was out of his sphere of influence.

Zeus snarled in return, raising the Bolt to aim directly at the sea god's chest, the Crack! of lightning echoing through the open expanse. Poseidon raised his Trident with lightning fast reflexes, deflecting the bolt from above and sending it crashing into a distant tree. "As you wish," Poseidon growled, beginning a slow march toward his brother, brandishing his Trident spinning it from side to side.

Another bolt flew at Poseidon, this time from the the one in his brother's hand, rather than from above. The spinning trident deflected the blow easy enough, setting a nearby bush on fire.

While the battle was physical, they were gods. Their actions took effect on their immediate surroundings. Their actions had consequences, but thought of such things fled the mind as yet another bolt flew Poseidon's way.

The primal consequences of two forces of nature colliding were taking shape roughly a mile out in the sea. An odd occurrence, one that could be seen from the distant New Genesis, was taking place as the brothers fought. A cyclone forming up above dipped down to meet a whirlpool below. The sheer power running through the natural disaster sent monstrous waves in every direction, some traveling toward the city even. Spinning the Trident in one hand he reached out with the other taking control over one wave as it came crashing down on the quarreling gods, sending Zeus sprawling, weapon lost to the sea as the water drained off the cliff back into the drink. Although, to a sea god, nothing was ever truly lost in the depths.

"It's over," Poseidon said, moving swiftly toward his brother who was still fighting the remnants of the wave. Breaking free, the sky god regained his feet, eyes burning with anger as they took in the sight of his brother. Unarmed and far outside of his territory, Zeus didn't stand a chance against his brother, but he wasn't about to back down.

A bolt of lightning crashed down on Zeus, the god disappearing as the electricity faded. In mere seconds another bolt hit the ground behind Poseidon, the sky god accompanying it, traveling with the power of the storm. Zeus reached for his brother's neck, attempting to choke him from behind.

Anticipating as much, Poseidon turned swiftly, Trident brandished in both hands and sunk it deep into his brother's ribs, a solemn look plaguing the sea god's handsome features. As Zeus sank down onto the Trident, Poseidon ripped it free and let the point fall to the ground.

The tempest out at sea began to lose some of its power, the cyclone above starting to recede as the whirlpool below grew more aggressive, the waves becoming larger and more frequent. The citizens of New Genesis out in the port could be seen retreating inside the city's walls, to avoid the sudden onset of the storm.

"You'll live," Poseidon noted, gazing menacingly down on his wounded brother. "If you leave and never return," he finished, reaching down and grabbing Zeus's face, forcing him to look into his eyes. "Promise me, brother, or prepare for whatever afterlife awaits you," Poseidon said, the look in his eyes clearly showing that he took no pleasure in threatening his brother's life.

"I promise," those two words escaped the sky god's lips just as a bolt of lightning crashed down on him from above, taking Zeus away with his tail tucked between his legs.

Sighing, Poseidon pushed the soaking wet mane of hair out of his face and set his sights on New Genesis. "A fresh start," he mumbled, chuckling as he began his trek to the city's walls, leaving a smoking crater in his wake. As he made his way toward the city, he looked back toward the storm and the sight of the battle. One final bolt of lightning crashed down on the cliffs, massive and powerful, the bolt fractured the land, causing the cliffs to collapse and fall into the sea. Rolling his eyes, Poseidon continued his journey, ignoring his brother's tantrum. Zeus had always been a sore loser.