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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 3: (Fin-Archived)

09:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Josep Pak

Name: Josep Pak

Play-By: Steven Yeun

Age: 27

Occupation: Minor celebrity from being on a reality dating show known as Single Intervention. He still has his old job as an animator for Warner Bros.

Birth Place: Los Angeles

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Physical Description:

Josep is not a physically imposing figure since he stands in at a little over 5'9" and weighs right in at 150 pounds. Even though he is on the small side he does his best to keep in shape as best he can, which has resulted with him having an athletic/wiry build. His eyes are almost as dark as hair that he prefers to keep on the shirt side along with always a styled look to it. There have been a few instances when he has decided to sport facial hair though it is never more than a moustache and some stubble on his chin essentially since he cannot grow a full beard. He has no noticeable features such as piercings or tattoos.

When it comes to his preferred style of clothing it depends on the situation. When he is at work he usually dresses in a suit of some kind and the same can be said if he is going for a night on the town. That being said he enjoys wearing clothing that is more casual from a simple t-shirt and jeans along with one of the many baseball caps he owns. Other than that he sometimes chooses not to wear contacts and instead will wear a pair of glasses though such occasions are rare.

Distinguishing Marks: If you ask him, none.


At first he comes across as a very shy and reserved individual that makes others believe he is introverted. Despite being viewed as a wallflower that is not the case for the man. Granted it might take him a little bit  to come out of his shell in front of new people, but those that he is around often know him to be a rather energetic fellow. Some might consider him to be a goofball though he is hard working and has genuine sincerity in every act he commits himself to. He does have the tendency to put everyone else before himself and usually needs someone else to remind to take time for himself. It also goes without saying he is a complete and total nerd.


Josep was born Los Angeles, CA as the oldest child of a second generation Korean couple. His childhood was what one would call standard though he did have a trouble with bullies since the time he entered grade school due to him being one of the smaller boys in class. This resulted in two rather important discoveries about himself. The first was his love and talent for drawing that he realized one day when the teacher commented on how well he was doing. The compliment also caused the class bully to rip up the drawing after school in front of Josep, which in turned caused him to cry. The second discovery was that his grandfather saw the end of this particular session of bully and chased the other kids away while he started to berate his grandson. It was after that he was taught Hapkido at one of the local instructors in Koreatown. This lead to him learning how to stop others from picking on him, but also made him realize he did not always see eye to eye with the rest of his family on every matter.

The following years through middle school and high school were nothing special compared to everyone else's experiences. He was not a popular kid by any stretch of the imagination and by no one's surprise part of the nerd clique. He enjoyed everything involving nerd culture especially when it came to comic books and animation. Perhaps that was why after he graduated from high school with honors that he enrolled in a university to obtain a degree so he could be employed as an animator. His parents obviously disapproved of his choice in career, but in the end they had to put faith in their son as they knew he would never stay in Los Angeles to take over the family business.

It was at college that he met his best friend, Trevor and in turn another close friend who would become Trevor's girlfriend, Katherine. Even though he was essentially the third wheel at times the couple never seemed to care since he never had much luck when it came to romantic relationships. Eventually college ended for the three of them, but right after graduation Trevor and Katherine tied the knot with Josep being the best man. Being given such a honor was the highlight of his year with being hired by to work as an animator a very close second.

Life was great for the young animator with his career going well though he was on his own fully now given he was living in Glendale and his two closest friends were living in New York City now. For the next year things were great for Josep then tragedy struck when Trevor and Katherine died in a car crash after only being parents to their daughter, Willow for a short time. The couple had made Josep the godfather of their daughter, and with no other option available except foster care he decided to raise the child on his own. It was a rocky start for him being a parent while balancing his career, but eventually he got the hang of it. In a way raising Willow helped him get through the grief of losing Trevor and Katherine.

Two years later he was given a new job opportunity in the form of moving to Burbank to work for Warner Bros. Animation. He was hesitant to leave at first but with the offer to work on animated movies as well he knew it was the right career choice. It turned out to be but he has very little time outside of work and raising his goddaughter. Since then he has spent what little free time he has working on a comic that he hopes will be printed one day though his co-workers tell him he needs to find some time to have fun in his life. His little sisters of are of the same mind and are the ones who signed him up for the show, which he was not happy about when he received the news that he was accepted. It took a great deal of convincing by his family siblings and friends to go through it with it with his sisters promising to look after Willow. With his back against the corner he agreed to go on the show and is going to let whatever happens, happen.

It turned out to be a failure at least in terms of him finding a lady he could form a lasting connection with though that is par for the course with that kind of show. Since he left Australia and Single Intervention he has enjoyed a tiny bit of popularity though nothing compared to others who were on the show. Some might expect he would return to old habits when he left his show and while that is partially true there were some changes. Willow was still his number one priority but he started to take more time to enjoy life. Strangely enough he started doing a small Youtube series where he would tell a story involving either his personal life or his time on the show. It turned out to be a success since the stories were mostly of the comedy variety and while he’s not even close to having a popular channel it proved to be a good outlet for him.

Recently he received a call to participate in another reality dating show and while he initially turned it down he found himself being talked into it by his family. It did not take much prodding on their part since his romantic life had been nonexistent since his return to California so he hoped that maybe this time it would work out. If not then at least he would have more material to pour into his art.


Pretty much anything nerdy especially of the animation variety, same goes for most genres of music, drawing, cooking, playing the guitar, horror movies, practicing hapkido and spicy food.


Crunch time, people who take themselves way too seriously, same with people who think animation is only for kids and Blue players.


Reliable, driven and knows how to keep the mood light by making a joke. Most importantly to him, a great father.


Tends to put everyone before himself, can’t stop himself from singing when he hears a songs he loves, his own worst enemy.


Bats, clowns though more so mimes (they’re the ninja of clowns), blinking and his life has gone by.