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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 3: (Fin-Archived)

05:00, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Emma Burgess

Name: Emma Burgess

Play-By: Franceska Fournier

Age: 22

Occupation: Aspiring country music vocalist

Birth Place: Huntsville, Alabama

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Physical Description: Emma is of average height (around 5'4") with a rather slim frame. There's just enough muscle tone in her body to let others know that she isn't the type to lounge around, and the healthy sun-kissed color of her skin suggests she spends more time outdoors than most. Her hair is a platinum blonde that falls to the bottom of her shoulder blades when left loose, though Emma tends to either pull it into a high ponytail or braid her hair and let it hang over her left shoulder. Her eyes are a deep green and do little to hide her kind nature from others. Even when she's not smiling, her eyes often tell a different story.

The woman's choice of clothing is typically on the conservative side. Most days, this means a blouse and blue jeans (cut-offs if the weather calls for it.) Regardless of wherever she goes and whatever she wears, her golden cross necklace seems to be an ever-present accessory and is often the only jewelry she bothers to wear.

Distinguishing Marks: No scars, birthmarks, or tattoos that really stand out. The boldest thing she has ever done is pierce her ears.

Personality: Emma is your stereotypical preacher's daughter. She cares far too much about the opinions of others, blows her own minor moral slip-ups out of proportion, and has an unhealthy and prudish outlook on sex. During high school, she wouldn't be caught dead at a party and very little about that has changed. She's slightly more adventurous than she used to be while living with her parents, but her shell has only just started cracking. That isn't to say she's socially awkward in most situations; put her in a normal social environment away from drugs, booze, and sex and Emma is more than happy to chat away. It's only when things that she's been taught to see as 'evil' pop up that she starts to get noticeably uncomfortable.

Back Ground: Emma was born into a highly conservative and structured family thanks to her father's position as a pastor and her southern upbringing. Growing up, she was the kind of girl all parents secretly wished their own children would befriend; gracious, polite, studious, and deathly afraid of getting into trouble. School was a breeze, if a little boring and unengaging for a girl that had her head in the clouds more times than not. She participated in a few sports and extracurricular activities (usually because it would look good on a college application rather than out of any real interest) and had no problem collecting her fair share of friends. All in all, it was a comfortable childhood but not much more.

That all changed while Emma was in college. A few of her friends knew about her passion for music and secretly signed her up for America's Got Talent. Emma exceeded even her own expectations up on the stage, capturing the hearts of millions over the course of several weeks as more and more of her competition was trimmed away. Emma didn't actually win during the show's big finale, but as is often the case, the record labels took notice even as the country all collectively let the memory of the runner-ups fade as they always did.

Since then, Emma has been touring the southern states, trying to spark a career out of her fifteen minutes of fame. It's a life of long bus rides from one venue to another, endless pressure from her record label to put together enough singles to push out an album, and disappointing fan turnouts. Still, Emma was determined to make it work. Her agent wasn't quite so patient though. Without her consent, Emma's agent submitted the paperwork to register Emma into the Coupled in Paradise dating show with the intention of getting her client's name back out there. As of now, Emma isn't entirely aware of what she has been signed up for and believes her agent when she tells her that it's just a reality show that she can use to propel her career forward.

Likes: Spending time outdoors, horses, singing, dancing, playing guitar, people that are easy to talk to, spiritual people, southern comfort food.

Dislikes: Peer pressure, the smell of alcohol, drugs, the long hours spent on her bus, catcalling.

Strengths: Good ear for music, can play just about anything with strings, sneakily good at horseshoes and pool, down to earth.

Weaknesses: Somewhat sheltered, can be overly conservative at times, trusts others too easily.

Fears: Losing control, flying, failing at her dreams.