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Welcome to Chains Unbroken

09:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


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Name: Suvari
Rank: Freeborn
Actual Age/Apparent Age: 99/28(human years)
Gender: Both
Race: Oread(Human-Shaitan Half-Breed)

Description: Suvari could be called an imposing young woman of twenty-eight or so she appears to everyone. She stands a bit over six feet tall and weighs in at two-hundred and four pounds with fair muscling. Coal black eyes, match with her dirty blonde more white hair that reaches to her shoulders and curly. Her skin has a tinge of yellow to it, almost a bit of a metallic appearance though still soft though her hands are rough from the work she does. She has a swirling pattern of tattoos on both arms and what appear to be almost like blue gems, three in number on her forehead.

Most often she can be found in heavier clothes, work clothes that she wears when working at the forge with tools hanging on them. When not entertaining which she does sometimes, she can most often be found carrying a large hammer with her as well. Her choice of jewelry is all handmade by herself, mostly metal though some of them have smaller gemstones worked into them. On occasion, very rare occasions, she can be found wearing a flattering dress but mostly in her off time it is light blouses and light pants...most often barefoot or in sandals.

*Oread Magic: Mostly simple magics based around metal, gemstones and fire. (examples...can put out or make bigger a preexisting fire, draw metals and gemstones from the ground, can locate deposits of metals and gemstones, knows metals and can almost talk to them and tell what they want)

*Smith: Able to craft armor, weapons, basic items and articulate artwork of metals

History: Suvari is the youngest of five children born to a human woman, Dahlia, or lower nobility and a Shaitan, Orien, a successful merchant. Like her brothers and sisters, Suvari was raised in her dual heritage and showed an interest in both. She was educated in reading, writing, languages, sums and many other skills for normal life and that of lower nobility. And she excelled at them though she didn't show the same interest in being a merchant like her father, though that was destined for her eldest brother. Suvari though did show an interest in working with metals and gemstones...spending many evenings at Master Tarn's forge.

So on her thirteenth birthday she was allowed to apprentice with the older man that had also taken a liking to her. He taught her over the next eight years all that he could of his craft...turning metals into armor, weapons, horseshoes and fancy pieces of art...the occasional piece of jewelry even. By the age of twenty-two, she took a bit of money from her parents to not only build her own home but a forge as well. And she started her own business though most of her goods went to her father and brother shop to be sold...though she occasionally sold straight from her shop.

For the next six years, Suvari made a name for herself by not only making the best items that she could though most of them not too fancy but also because of a keen ability with metals and gemstones. Meaning they came to her because she could find deposits, meaning that those that mined such goods didn't have to waste time searching. In the long run of things, this meant more profits for everyone and prosperity for all as well.

Culture: Several groups of Shaitan crossed from the plane of earth to the material planes over the years and became wanderers. Mostly they were small groups that formed troops or wandering caravans that never stayed in one place. They would sell wares made through their perspective talents with the powers of earth and fire. Though on occasion one would fall in love with one of the other races, splitting from the group to settle down.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.