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14:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Suriana Flamebinder

 Character Name: Suriana Flamebinder
 Character Race: Red Dragonborn
 Height: 6'8"
 Weight: 247
 Background: Acolyte
 Age: 24
 Alignment: NG
 Eyes: Green
 Deity: Pelor
 Horns: White
 Size: Medium
 Speed: 30  Ft

Backstory: Deep in the Mountains, lay the monastery of the Molten Sun. A temple lay close to the entrance of a long dormant volcano that, as legends went, once held a grand dragon of flame, whose breath was that of the core of the planet. A dragon, that for all of his greed and tremendous power worshipped only one thing. A source of flame even grander and more brilliant than his own. He found worship and prayer within Pelor, the almighty flame and the light of all. And though the dragon’s name is lost to time, he left a mark upon the world in the form of the monastery that lay beneath his home. Magma channels were rent into the stone of the volcano, and used as fuel for the forge of the holy symbols and armor worn by the priests of the temple, and as a natural barricade, making it a harder place to ravage by those that sought relics or the horde of its founder. A horde that is supposedly hidden within the magma, or in some chamber deep beneath it.

Dragonborn of the flames, those of Brass, Gold, and the founder’s own noble Red always had a special place within its walls, seemingly empowered by its location, and typically following in the path of the founder in focusing on the fire aspect of Pelor. However they were not alone in seeking a place of sanctuary and worship there, and as more came to the temple so too did its worship expand for Pelor. Several sections of the church being devoted to one aspect of his will alone. Life flourishing around the temple, fueled by magic and potent, nutrient rich ash providing a safe and home for plantlife of many kinds and allowing the temple to grow more self sufficient, and support more priests there.

It was in this flameborn temple to the Solar Deity that a small dragonborn babe by the name of Suriana was born. Daughter to the head priestess of flame and head priest of life, she was raised to be a cleric for most of her life. Raised with the other children of the temple, of which there were many. For the temple was home to many, and with the rigorous teachings of both fire and life, it was, supposedly, fate that many in that place fell to a certain ‘heat’ often times. It certainly did not help that it was oft one of the few forms of recreation there for the adults. For Suriana and the other children they found their days filled with the teachings of Pelor, exercise to promote a healthy lifestyle and, and metal toys forged by those in the workshops when they had a spare moment.

As they grew older, Suriana and the other children of the temple began receiving training as clerics and paladins to Pelor. Being fitted for armor and arms for training purposes, being shown demonstrations of the power of clerical might to ingrain it into their minds and allow them to more easily call upon this power as they received more training down the line. Suriana had always shown a talent for the life binding properties of Pelor, and the raw physical talent found often in dragonborn. Time passed, and as the hermaphroditic dragonoid grew to reach the age of 20, she began to experiment with the more adult side of her personage, finding she had a certain fondness for the lady folk. The life of Suriana seemed to be a simple one, and though she longed for freedom from the temple, and knew she would leave the temple to see the world she did not know what form this flight would take.

It was the final moments of summer when the whole of the temple noticed a shifting in the wind. Something foul marched on closer to the temple, a horde of undead marching in their direction. Lured by a foul necromancer of some significant power who sought to purge a temple of the light and make some defiled monument to the power of the unliving over those who worshipped life. And they came in force. By the end mid-point of the battle, the priests were certain the temple was lost, and held the entrances while the children and students fled out the back. Suriana had tried to hold the front of the temple with her parents, but after a particularly hard hit from some odd four limbed zombie ape, her parents forced her to flee. After this, Suriana knew that she would have to grow stronger, to one day cleanse her home of the undead that may yet linger.