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Welcome to Chains Unbroken

09:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cassandra Rossierre

Cassandra Rossierre
Rank: Freeborn
Race: Elf
Age: 86 Years Old
Title: Renowned Gambler

Additional Info: This woman is an enigma in every sense of the word. Known as a magus only by the members of the Dynasty, who she exclusively caters her services to, she is allowed to run amok in the city of Leera, earning her fortune through the card games she flourishes with. She frequently sits in the gambling hall of Casinos, taking home a portion of their profits as her own personal winnings. She has developed a taste for manipulating others, tormenting their minds and ravaging their thoughts for the sake of her own pleasure. Her dress is purposely provocative, the intent on driving the lust of men and women alike, using Hypnotism to further invoke these feelings upon those that catch her eye.

She is a wily soul, uncontrolled and uninhibited by things such as morality or compassion, driven to fuel her desires and swell her fortunes, which she lavishly spends on herself and the pleasures of chocolate, clothing, drink, smoke and excess that makes itself so available in the city proper. She prides herself in having never left the city, for to her, there is nothing the world beyond the swamp city can offer her, in her own opinion.

She gladly takes on students, intent on manipulating them, not for profit, but for amusement, and allows them to study her methods after initiating them into the magicks that she prides herself in so.