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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 3: (Fin-Archived)

12:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Wren Rosman

Name: Wren Rosman

Play-By: Hannah Simone

Age: 31

Occupation: Scream Queen -- Horror Novelist/Screenwriter (predominantly short stories and B-flicks, the latter of which she's become known for, to the point she now has Stan Lee style cameos in most). Wren also has a PhD in Forensic Psychology from Columbia University.

Birth Place: New York, New York

Sexuality: I <3 Menz.

Physical Description: Of Eastern Indian/American-Italian descent, Wren has light caramel-colored skin and silky dark brown hair, typically kept long with cropped bangs. Her large black eyes can go from feigned innocence to blazing with hellfire in a second flat, and her fat lips tend to pull to one side when she talks (Elvis style). At 5'8", she is thickly built with wide hips, large breasts, and a smallish waist. Thai takeaway and days spent writing have stolen the majority of her muscle tone, but there are still a few rays of light on her abs and thighs. A big ol' apple-bum is by far her best feature, and she doesn't mind seizing every boy-short opportunity to show it off.

Distinguishing Marks: A tattoo of a woman in Dia de los Muertos makeup kissing a skeleton on her back/upper right arm; the script "Mila" on the back of her neck; a small scar beneath her chin from fight in middle school; a lead-colored scar on her knee from where her college roommate stabbed her with a pencil.

Personality: While Wren considers herself kind, sympathetic and straightforward, others have described her as perverse, loud-mouthed and aggressive. She's known for becoming instantly and deeply passionate over a person, project or cause, to immerse herself completely in every aspect, but when she's done (or bored), she just as easily wipes her hands and walks away. It's a condition she's vaguely aware of, and that she hates; she's actively tried changing it, but to no avail.

Regardless, she has a massive soft spot for pups, and would call herself mom to a baker's dozen of strays if she weren't holed-up in a tiny (albeit rent-controlled) NYC apartment. She does what she promises (and therefore doesn't make promises easily or lightly), and is incredibly loyal to the people she cares for.

Background: Immigrant cab-driver dad. Sexy waitress mom. It's brunch time at Hector's, an old-school diner on the corner of Little and Washington. Dad takes a break from steering the Yellow, orders a cuppa with half and half. Mom is hungover, brings the order;  most of the coffee's sploshed on the plate. Dad says: "Honey, you spilled it everywhere". Mom says: "Mister, you ordered it half and half. Half in the cup, half in the saucer."

Instant love. Then came marriage, then came Wren's big brother Johnny in the baby carriage. Then Liam. Then Spiro. Then Wren herself. Enter a whole lot of normal life. Family was the center of her universe, and it was filled with friendly, good-natured bickering. No one was allowed to be down, no sad pandas. Things were always just the way they were supposed to be, at varying levels of awesome, and no matter how broke they were, how worn their second-hand clothes, how many nights they filled their bellies with noodles and butter, their household was full of happiness.

Then dad was shot and killed just a few weeks after Wren's 14th birthday.

Things changed after that, in ways Wren doesn't care to talk about. It's perhaps what started her fascination with death, horror and psychology.

Some other life events of note:

*The birth of Wren's daughter, Mila. The girl is currently five and has Downs.
*Her marriage to Vance Cole, former CiP1 contestant and now a major name in country/folk music.
*Her eruption on the scene as a noted screenwriter for B-movies.
*The crumbling of her marriage, which has made the cover of every rag mag from here to Tasmania.

Likes: Mila; her ugly-as-hell best friend in the world, Dookie the Chowhound (a french bulldog mix); chili chocolate; running; the occasional joint; Jimi Hendrix; stove-top popcorn; pad thai; beer in excess; a DGB (damn good book, preferably by Neil Gaiman); bubble baths, rainstorms; secretly, Vance.

Dislikes: Prissy/catty/cliquey/basic bitches; temperatures over 80 degrees; turning on her internal filter; sitting still.

Strengths: No matter the obstacle, Wren plows through it head-on, practically with blinders. Her ability to detach when necessary borders on magical.

Weaknesses: Patience, and subsequently, impulsivity. A big mouth that runs off just a little too often.

Fears: What's fear?

Fun Facts: (little things most people don't know about you): Despite her bizarre attachment issues, deep down Wren is a romantic (but an odd one; flowers and chocolate don't ring her bell. As for what does, you'll know it when you see it). She hates talking on the phone and doesn't have a Facebook page. She will never admit she knows every song to Les Miserable, in both English and French.

The Perfect Guy/Girl for You: First and foremost, someone who challenges her, someone eager to match wits. A sense of humor is a must. Quirky and offbeat, but a little twisted, leaning toward the darker side (not gory or morbid, necessarily, but someone who can appreciate the beauty in a seedy underbelly).