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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 3: (Fin-Archived)

02:56, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nana Uy

Name: Nana Uy

Play-By: Irene Kim

Age: 22

The Leader Singer for East To Eden

Birth Place: Hong Kong

Sexuality: Hetero-leaning Bisexual

Physical Description:
Slim and short with an athletic body Nana has naturally black hair that is worn shoulder-length, often with temporary dyes. She has no tattoos or body piercings but often dresses in skimpy but sharply fashionable outfits, quite pretty but often rather severe.

Distinguishing Marks:
None (No piercings or tattoo's)

Repressed rebel seeking independence! She works hard and parties hard! She is wry and sarcastic but very flirty; highly extroverted and sometimes manipulative. Nana has few avenues for emotional release except through sex (and exercise, and the conquest of her enemies, etc.). She s highly ambitious without coming across as entitled and demonstrates perfectionist tendencies but tries to be tolerant of others.

Back Ground:
Nana was from money. Not the Nouveau Rich the Uy family were old money. Money that had a lineage and a purpose. Her father was into Imports and Exports as was his father before him and his... and so on and so on. Nana didn't just like money she loved it! That and all that money could buy. Lucky for her Nana's older brother would inherit the business and all the responsibilities that went with it. So what was a girl to do? A girl that had ambition but wanted her independence.

Well, Nana had a good... oh no! She had a great voice. Starting out in local night clubs with this band and that Nana finally got her break. One Konno Shengen was in the house one night. Konno Shengen owned Kuroi Ryuu (Black Dragon) record label. One of the top labels in Japan. He was just starting a new all-girl band and heard Nana sing. Thinking how cute she would look in a School-girl outfit and knowing her father had money to help invest in the Hong Kong market was sold instantly.

Nana flew back to Tokyo and started rehearsing with the other girls. The band was named East of Eden. Things went well for a while. The creative juices of Nana and the drummer Akiko Mayura meshed and they soon had enough songs for a first album. Unfortunately their personalities, unlike their creativity, clashed big time. By the time their first tour ended the band was talking about breaking up. Ever the enterprising man, Konno decided to give the girls a break. However, one that would still see them give notoriety to the band. Akiko and Diana would head to two different reality shows. Akiko would head to Australia and Singles and Nana to Coupled In Paradise.

Free publicity and a free vacation Konno had said. They would have fun he said. Nana didn't care about the publicity though she did like that their album had reached #2 in Japan's Rock Charts, but more importantly she wanted to have fun and meet someone. Not to marry silly, hooking up was fine but finding someone to collaborate on a new album would be even better. If she did Konno had no say and it might be the start of a solo career. A nice way to give that bitch Akiko a choice finger as well. So here she was... for better or worse. Fuck that! It was gonna be better!

Music, money, fame, sex, high fashion, and trying new things!

Boredom, control freaks, low budgets, lack of imagination, and criticism.

Works hard, highly extroverted, highly ambitious without coming across as entitled.

Parties hard, demonstrates perfectionist tendencies, and sometimes manipulative.


Nana's biggest fear is that she will fail and secretly that because of her ways she will never really find that special someone. That when she gets older that all she will have to show for it is the memories of good times and one night stands but one to share her success with.