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00:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Oola Quag

Name: Oola Quag

Rank: Slave

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 606yrs / any, although her current skeleton is that of an eighteen year old elf

Gender: Either, but identifies more as female / neither

Race: Slime

Description: Oola is a dark gray in color, a transluscent gelatin through which vague details of a skeleton can sometimes be seen. This transparent quality shifts with mood, sometimes rendering her so dark that no details can be seen within, othertimes rendering her so clear that faux organs can be made out and the tiny pits of corrosion on her skeleton can be perceived. Like the elf from whom she had borrowed the skeleton, she stands about four feet nine inches tall, and has only retained about eighty-seven pounds of mass. Her features are often soft and child-like, not firmly formed until seen in profile or until she willfully resolves the detail. The semi-transparent nature of her matter makes the shadows that are cast within her skin give the surface of her 'flesh' a constantly shifting pattern of refracting light and swirling shadows; an effect that's most noticeable around her face where her matter is thinnest against the bone of her very visible, finely-boned skull. Her left eye is a very striking emerald green, and her right eye varies from gray to blue. Instead of hair, she lets tentacles of matter fall like thick dreadlocks around her head, the locks breaking off and reforming when she moves quickly.

Adapt - Oola is less a single cohesive being and more an aggregate intellect arising from complex chemical and electrical communication between each cell of her being. Each cell possesses base intelligence, an unrivaled ability to sense the space around it, and the ability to break down and consume any organic material and copy its structure and properties. This information is shared with the collective, allowing for coordinated processing and integration. This property also allows for spurts of evolution in response to environmental stimuli. This was what allowed Oola to be able to gain a more cohesive intellect capable of identifying the collective as a mutually symbiotic whole by consuming sapient beings before being subject to a life-or-death struggle. She is also capable of integrating and using ingested matter whole, without digesting it, as is the case with her eyes. While she has no innate sense of sight, she is able to gain the ability to see when integrating eyes. Finally, this property gives her the ability to synthesize any chemical compound to store and use as she sees fit. Currently her most common use of this ability is in producing oxygen to expel for use in verbal communication.

Shapeshift - Oola is a polymorph by nature, lacking skeleton and organs alike, and so is capable of forming herself into any shape, provided she has the body mass required. In order to maintain any form capable of erect locomotion, or of standing taller than two feet, she requires a skeleton or some other form of solid support. Her gelatinous form can mimic a large variety of properties, from adhesion to nill friction, and can vary in density and hardness at will. She can also stretch her body out over an extraordinary amount of space, expanding to cover a plane or to fill a space. Anything inside her body is subject to her will, and can be moved quite easily; she can also choose whether or not such matter is consumed, expelled, or retained. This property has exploitable behavior; for example, an electric current of a half amp at nine volts applied to Oola is enough to prevent her from shifting her shape beyond its current bounds.

History: Oola existed as a non-intelligent, carnivorous, protoplasmic collective for the bulk of its life; spending the first 590 years of its existence as a bottom-feeder sliding around the floor of the marshes.

As plantations grew and expanded, sapient needs eventually overlapped Oola's path. When one of the slime's habitual paths was being bisected by a road in development, the crew tasked with moving earth to raise the road became a tasty morsel. A second crew's disappearance under similar circumstances prompted a hunting party for what was assumed to be an overly large, overly aggressive crocodile. Most of the hunting party was at least partially consumed as they tried desperately to hack the slime to pieces. Their efforts proved to be successful, and Oola was forced to adapt and evolve to survive the trauma.

Shedding most of the bulk it gained over the years, the developing collective will adopted a form similar to that of those that had hacked it to death. Seeing a greater reward in retrieving the strange creature than slaying it for the deaths of the rest of the party, the leaders managed to isolate the weakened and confused Oola in a jar full of swamp water and seal it.

It was then the possession of an eccentric private collector, who coaxed the slime from its prison and began to develop its intelligence, gained from consuming a broad spectrum of workers and slaves. The man came to view the slime as the replacement for the daughter he had lost many years ago, and so taught the slime much over the next sixteen years. In addition to mastering how to use a skeleton to support an appearance as a humanoid, the slime was taught social standards and a crude etiquette, and instructed in the local language and customs. Yet in doing so, the scholar bankrupted himself, and when the debt collectors came he had no means to pay them back. So it is that a now sapient and mostly housebroken Oola, who appeared for all intents and purposes as his teenage daughter, was taken instead.

The slime now finds herself for sale as a slave...

Culture: Catfish

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual