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Welcome to Chains Unbroken

11:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: D'Glasse

Rank: Ex-Slave/Freeman

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 58/21 - his lifestyle and the pact keep him young.

Gender: Male, generally

Race: Human, arguably

Description: Tall, about six feet even, around two hundred pounds, blonde with grey eyes, pale skinned, and in excellent physical condition. He keeps himself wrapped up when possible, as many of his scars have resisted even alchemical healing.
Some of those scars are specific, particularly a large one on his back: someone, using a whip, beat a mark of the one of the urban houses of Morealis into his back. Said scarred-in sigil is defaced by eight further lashes delivered at a later point by a less skilled hand.
Over both is an elaborate tattoo of a night-black dragon with intense amber eyes, wings open wide and ascending, a legless entity of pure shadow gazing intensely back at the viewer. Around the dragon, in a circle, are the words: Shad Tukor Orkar Gudjag Zizi Dez Eg Odak, written in azure ink.

He is knowledgeable, and ever seeks more, to become perfect in his own eyes.
He is ruthless, and has made more than one sacrifice, for ever-elusive satisfaction.
The rest of his power flows from these two qualities.

History: Shorthand - He was a city slave, initially taught to read.
    The education was denied him, and he learned, "Knowledge does not befit a slave."
    He learned anyways, and got the knowledge that would be denied him.
    He attempted escape multiple times, and earned a lifetime's worth of scars and rage from the discipline. Sometimes he gave as good as he got, and sometimes he didn't.
    He discovered an arcane ritual, having stolen a book from a strange man with an odd head cover that looked like a raven (a plague doctor). The ritual detailed contact with the dead that would grant one secrets beyond this world.
    He abducted his overseer, and made his way to the Majesty ruins, and the family crypts below them, body in tow. No one came here, little happened here, and he would not be disturbed for his next step.
    He ritually sacrificed the overseer, and drained his blood into a specially prepared vessel, at the right time, in the right place, and stirred his concoction with the overseer's own sword. When the blood was boiling, and his mind was ready, he drank deep of the horrific brew, and it was then he saw the spirits that had gathered around, curious. Eager.
    Hungry to experience the joys of life once more.
    He awoke from his slumber, aching from his groin outwards. He emptied the remainder of the sanguine brew out, as the ritual demanded for safety. The tome he had been reading was gone, its purpose had been fulfilled, and to its dreadful true master it had returned. The once-slave emerged from the crypts, reborn...curious. Eager.
    And hungry for more.
    His channeled rage gives him a strength few can match, and he has become skilled in the arts of murder and evasion, having picked those up on the run and refined later...never mind what the spirits had taught him on these topics. But it is his education and magic - alchemical, trick, halved, or pure - that his new identity truly flows from.
    He is D'Glasse, now, and no one else unless he wishes or needs to be. He has worn no chains since, save those of convenience and purpose. Little escapes him, and what he wants, he takes. He asks or begs of no one, unless he stands to gain, because he has sworn to himself to have no master ever again.

Culture: He is known these days as an information broker, a man who seems to know a great deal. He will sometimes take a side job in "breaking" unruly slaves, a job he seems to approach with great glee publicly...and when private, he educates them in how to appear submissive, and he teaches ambition, how to both hide it and stoke it. He has a lot of former and current slaves who owe him favors, at various levels of society.
    He has no illusions about reforming society, so he makes his own way, and helps where he can.

Sexual Orientation: Negotiably heterosexual; his experiences with the spirits have made him open to non-human species, and he can go along with a polyamorous situation of mixed genders if he likes someone involved enough, or if he really, really stands to gain from it.