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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 3: (Fin-Archived)

09:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Robert Colton

Name: Robert "Colt" Colton

Age: 24

Occupation: Musician. Specifically, lead singer and guitar for the band, Reckless Lust

Birth Place: Parts Unknown...or so says his official biography.

Sexuality: Pansexual; Colt is very much a "Love the one you're with" sort of guy.

Physical Description: Colt is a devilishly handsome young man and is very aware of it. His face is possessing of classically handsome features that are angular and well-formed and he usually holds that face in an expression of perpetual lazy mirth, his full and expressive lips curved into a crooked cocky grin that speaks of knowledge of some grand amusement that only he is privy to. His hair is a rich mahogany brown with streaks of violet dyed in here and there in the somewhat orchestrated mess of his hair. His eyes are, perhaps, his most striking feature as they are two different colors, his left eye a deep brown that matches his hair's shade and his right a shockingly light seafoam green with flecks of amber within the iris.

Colt is a tall and athletically built man, standing at 6'1" and cutting a lithe and tautly muscled form. His wiry build is one formed less from training or exercise and more from simply living a rough life. He moves this lithely built form with an easy sort of grace, every step or movement he makes seeming to move or sway with a musical beat only he can hear. His body is a map of the life he lived, from his build to the scars that pepper his form here and there to the tattoos and piercings he has elected to place upon his sun-tanned skin himself.

When it comes to fashion, Colt usually elects for comfort or whim over fashion. One can see him in t-shirts and jeans and skate shoes one day and then see him in mesh shirts, leather pants and biker boots the next. His taste is eclectic, to say the least, but it fits his outlook on life as a whole and fits him as a person rather well too.

Distinguishing Marks: If you were to ask him, the most distinguishing thing about him is his drop dead sexy face, but Colt knows truly that more distinguishing are his piercings (the trio of silver rings that sit upon the upper curve of his right ear, the steel stud that is in the lobe of his left, the stud in his tongue, the twin barbells in his nipples and the curved barbell of the Prince Albert piercing down below his waist) and, of course, his tattoos (pictures and locations below).

Right Arm Tattoo:

Left Arm Tattoo:

Back Tattoo:

Personality: Colt is the quintessential devil may care rogue, always ready to laugh off a problem and have a good time. He seems to either be unable to take things seriously or has chosen never to do so for the sake of his own continued good time. There are few things that Colt has not tried, even fewer that he wouldn't try and nothing in the way of moral or social compunctions that would keep him from doing so. Colt is a free spirit, letting little keep him from doing what he likes.

Colt can come off cocky and perhaps even a little arrogant, seemingly always sure of himself even when he is perfectly aware he is doing the wrong thing. He isn't a bad guy, simply the sort that goes by the beat of his own drummer and lets things fall to the wayside if they don't go along with wherever the beat takes him. He likes to socialize and make friends (and lovers) at the drop of a hat, but, to him, many relationships are fleeting things, meant to be held and enjoyed for the moment and nothing more. Life, after all, is too short to get caught up in stuff like monogamy and other social constructs that Colt has very little use for.

As is probably no surprise to any who spend even a little time with him, Colt is something of a flirt and very much a hedonist. He believes in taking what pleasures life can give without hesitation, very much subscribing to the motto, "Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse". He believes that, if he lives a life he enjoyed and doesn't regret, then he lived a good life, even if that life were to come to a sudden end, so why deny himself what pleasures life could give? Where's the fun in that?

Background: If one asks Colt where he came from, he usually has a number of answers for people to choose from. He grew up on the mean streets of [Insert Big City Name Here], fighting for every scrap he could. He's actually exiled royalty that had to start a new life in this country after the coup from his birth country. He is the offspring of rock and roll royalty but has to keep it secret for reasons. He sprung fully formed and perfect from the bosom of the Greek god Apollo, shining like the sun and gifted with beauty, grace and talent. These are the things that Colt will tell people about his background when asked so the truth is actually very hard to figure out with him.

For the select few that Colt trusts and calls truly friends, though, the real story is there. Just wait and see if any can get it out of him during his time on the show.

Likes: How does the saying go? Ah, yes. Sex, drugs and rock n' roll.

Dislikes: Stagnation, prudes, dubstep.

Strengths: Dashing good looks (self-proclaimed), preternatural musical talent (proven by deed), ability to never let anything ruin his mood or his good time (also proven just by spending ten minutes with him), unshakeable confidence (read: cockiness)

Weaknesses: No filters, cocky (read: borderline arrogant), reckless, hedonistic, self-centered, prone to bad decisions, prone to never taking responsibility for his bad decisions.

Fears: Spiders. Yeah, probably spiders.