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Welcome to Chains Unbroken

11:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Kendassa
Rank: Freeborn
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Heroic Human

Description: standing at six feet, Kendassa's long, blonde hair is the first thing that one might notice from either behind or from the right side of her profile. Someone who saw her from the right might notice her neck-tattoo first, depicting the three dots of Eurmal, the Trickster God. That, or a small scar on her jaw in the same direction, seemingly made by a blade or sharp edge. A similar scar goes from her right shoulderblade to the back left, without reaching her venus' dimples. Despite these imperfections on her skin, she appears to take good care of her looks. She always wears a silver torc around her neck, with its' extremities bearing the appearance of two wolf heads.

Abilities/Skills: Kendassa is unbelievably lucky, as if protected at every turn by a higher power. Her physical condition is also astounding- surprising, really, given her otherwise human-looking body.

Culture: Orlanthi- they are a fierce people hailing from the Sea of Grass, battling often with trolls, ice demons, elves and beastpeople. Orlanthi value freedom and kinship almost equally: it varies for each individual. The Orlanhi follow these rules, generally: "No one can make you do anything you don't want to do.", "But no one can live alone". There is a lot of variety in each Clan, each having their own set of traditions and values, but at the core they are very similar.

Short background: Kendassa hails from the Grass Sea, from the Red Antler clan and also helped in the Circle right up until one night she had a vision of a massive she-troll with the lower body of a gigantic wolfspider setting foot/pointy leg in their Tula. After that, the hill on top of which the Clan Ring's House was built upon turned to ash and was blown away by a strong gust of wind. Obviously, as soon as she had managed to assemble the circle, she told them about her prophetic dream, but the circle wouldn't have it. They thought they could withstand the trolls' attack, like so many times before. Kandassa punched the Chief in the face and was immediately expelled from the Clan for a year: using her opportunity, she followed in her cousin's footsteps and decided to come to Leera, where she decided to attempt and stay whilst working for House Ackina as an enforcer and a slave trainer.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual. Gender is not the main point of attractiveness for Kendassa.