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19:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Saelocfeax Of The Calamitous Eye

While Saelocfeax can shift her appearance at will within the limits of the Disguise Self effect, she is – at base – a Black Jaguar Barbarian of Atheria. She’s a beautiful black-furred catgirl with green eyes, a voluminous fur cloak from one of the great predator-beasts of the Totemic Realm, and gold-and-emerald jewelry. She fairly often wears a loincloth and may or may not wear a breastband if the situation is very formal and she feels like accommodating that.

Saelocfeax sees herself as a demigoddess. As such…

It is her right to have servants, be brought tribute, and live in luxury without having to go to the bother of managing a realm. She should be pampered and her whims indulged, not burdened with rulership!
It is her right to be deferred to, to be feared for her power, and to enslave her enemies!
She wants a worthy mate. Preferably a powerful, virile, hero-mage ruling a realm, who will give her many strong children and stand as her equal. She will want those children to do well and become great in their own right – but if a runt shows up… well, slave-collaring one or two along the way is only to be expected. Every realm in Atheria has a fairly high rate of child-failures for one reason or another. She’s used to the Totem Realms “died fighting or got eaten by a predator”, but she’s quite familiar with the Order realms “enslaved for being disruptive” (if only somewhat familiar with Hojin’s “killed in a magical accident”) and it’s really not much different. At least slaves get to live.
As long as SHE is dominant and gets plenty of attention, her children have the highest status and first call on resources, and her mates concubines are kept firmly subordinate to her, the larger the household – and thus the greater her mates display of dominance, power, wealth, and virility – the better. If her mate should bring home forty newly-enslaved young nobles… the more quickly the boys are castrated, the girls are spread and bred, and they are all installed in the harem and obediently saying “yes master/mistress!”, the better she will be pleased.
Selfrica – the Pride-King (well, leader of one of the more respected feline tribes) scorned her. She wishes to acquire both him and enough extra healing magic to skin him alive repeatedly. She’d like enough of his pelts for a chair cover, throw rug, and bedcover. After that… his genitals, tail, and claws can go on display in her trophy room and he can take up a lifetime career as her footstool and watch his neutered sons serve her.
She’d like to have her sisters as slaves as well, and her nieces by Selfrica to give out to followers as rewards – but has considerable less animosity towards them. They simply need to recognize her greatness and their proper place as her slaves, at which point her sisters will probably be permitted to join her husbands pride / harem as concubines.