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22:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ann Richards

Name: Ann Richards
Nickname: Anne, Dianne, Polly
Age: 27
Faceclaim: Natalie Portman


Duality Division:

The ability to duplicate oneself, but only by dividing the sides of one’s “inner self” into separate entities. The user does not keep all of their traits in each duplicate.  In Anne's case each one represents one of her schizophrenic personas from before the virus.  These duplicates have their own full memories including everything they learned during their time before the virus.  For example Dianna still has full knowledge of her time spent at college, Polly knows her marksmanship and mechanical skills, and Anne knows her Akido and knitting.  The other duplicates cannot use any of this knowledge.

Pain or struggle from one of the other two, cause difficulty to the original- depending on which one that is.  Since any one of the three can be the dominant personality when the other two are created, this penalty moves to whoever is trapped in the original, physical body- and must expel the energy to keep the other duplicates in existence.  (So- If Polly is the original- then her fighting/mechanical abilities will be nullified because she'll have to concentrate to keep Anne and Di from fading- Because of this- Anne most often takes point, since Di and Polly are the more active Duplicates, but sometimes they're surprised.  The clone(s) may depend upon the consciousness, condition, and/or life of the original, i.e. if the original loses consciousness, takes too much damage, dies etc., then the clone(s) will dissipate.

[Note: Most of the time Anne will be played as a single character with one of the three personalities taking lead, just hearing the other two in her head.  It takes either desire or emotion to actually bring the other two into being.]

This is simply a theory of Dianna's- she believes that since technically herself and Polly are simply imaginings created by Ann because of trauma, that it would be possible for them to manifest something if they could convince themselves it was real enough.  While it is a theory and they haven't accomplished it yet- it could happen provided they were fully deluded into believing that the person or object actually existed.


Energy Drain
Whoever is the original host must exert considerable energy toward keeping the others corporal.  While there is no concentration involved- the host body is the general battery for the other two.  When that energy is depleted, the duplicates dissipate and cannot be recovered until adequate energy is restored to the host.  The duplicates can help by eating and sleeping minimizing the energy they demand from the host, but there is always a drain.

Shared Pain/Sensory Experiences:
What one feels they all feel.  Sensations are simply shadows of what is happening, but everything from pain to pleasure is shared by all three.  Wounds, breaks, burns- while not physically manifested on the other two send pain.  So if one cuts her finger the other two, while there is no cut, will feel the pain of the cut.  Food poisonings make them all sick to their stomach, though the one who ingested the food is the only one with actual bacteria.

Likewise strong emotion and other senses are shared in a lighter capacity.  However, if one smells something the other two can as well.  By this point they are pretty good at realizing what they are actually experiencing vs what is shared, but it is still distracting.

Note: Unless they communicate there is no way of knowing which of the three is experiencing the sensation, pain, or emotion.  Only that it exists.

Potential for Corporal Nightmares:
The possibility of Manifesting is that subconsciously the Anns could manifest something from a nightmare or if they experience a full psychological break other things.  For this reason Dianna has avoided actually actively pursuing this ability.

Other Special Abilities:
PhD- Biological Science- Focus in Hematology and Anomalous Research
MA- Forensic Psychology
BA- Ancient History
Mechanic- Standard cars, Diesel, learning how to fix aircraft.
Hand to Hand Combat: Krav Maga
General construction and Handyman skills.
Home cook
Excellent coordinator/ organized
Imperturbable/ calming
Knitting, sewing, mending
Knows basic Aikido- due to Polly's pressuring.

Is your character a League member or a recruit?
(Discuss with GMs)

How many years with The League: 5+ years at the compound.

Occupation on the Campbell Compound: Dianna works in the Medical Clinic analyzing blood work, and Polly Works in the Garage helping to maintain the vehicles.

Theme song: Split Personality- Pink

Physical Description:
Height: 5'5, Weight: 120, Hair color:Brown, Eye color: Brown

General description:

Dianna Richards is an attractive woman in her mid-30s.  Her brown eyes and brown hair are cut in a becoming fashion right to her shoulders.  Dianna tends to wear her hair in a twist with a pencil holding it in place while she is doing her research.  She wears a pair of black rimmed glasses that for some reason neither one of the other personalities need to wear.  Dianna wears sensible suits with sensible shoes, and strives to look clean, orderly, and professional.

Polly Richards tends to wear the blouse a little lower buttoned than Di and Anne.  Polly wears jewelry, heels when she feels she needs to be professional, but doesn't mind putting on a pair of coveralls and cleaning out the gutters.  There is no doubt that Polly is the more social of the three and dresses accordingly.

Anne Richards tends to wear jeans and t-shirts or sweaters.  She loves comfortable clothing and rejects professional wear unless forced into it.  Anne prefers to not wear makeup and will forgo styling her hair for the day, because in her mind she has no talent with it.

Distinguishing Features:
Dianna's most distinguishing feature is her glasses and her rather somber expression if that is a feature.
Polly seems to maintain her scars and bruises from one corporal form to the next creation.  Only when she is the host do the scars and bruises vanish- unless she incurs them while she's in the driver's seat.  Polly has a long scar on her palm and another that parts her eyebrow on the right.  She also has a long scar along the small of her back from when she guided them through the wastes.
Anne has very little in the way of distinguishing marks- in fact that is the mark in itself.  She is by far the plainest of the three.

Personality Description:

The trio perceives themselves as a team all striving toward one end- the best life they can possibly have.  In many ways they feel they owe it to the lost Ann of their past and their deceased parents and brothers to achieve, be happy, and make a difference.  They tend to think of themselves as triplets that happen to be living in the same body and they accept and applaud each other's differences.  They watch out for one another, protect one another, in the same way close siblings would, but they can also have some interesting arguments behind closed doors.


Dianna controls her environment by learning.  Because she believes intelligence is the key to success, she finds those who do not pursue the intellectual aspects of things lazy.  Dianna understands the importance of teamwork and has high regard for people with knowledge that she does not possess.  Unraveling the puzzle is the most important thing to Dianna, and she will spend hours obsessing on a new strain of bacteria, scoping out each little nuance.  Throughout high school, college, and into her professional life, she has had an issue with forgetting about personal "fun" instead thrilling at the unknown.

Di, though the most intelligent of the trio, does not communicate well with people. It's not a problem with speaking, it's a problem with interacting.  People annoy her.  She will defer to Ann or Polly unless her knowledge is absolutely needed.  She can be abrupt to the point of being rude if she thinks someone is being stupid.  She also has trouble with teamwork when she feels that the team is going in the wrong direction or if she does not trust the decision making of those in charge.

Keeping Dianna Richards amused and entertained is easier done than said.  All Dianna needs to be happy is a research lab.  If given a puzzle she will work hours on end with it until she has it solved.  She enjoys reading in a garden, listening to classical music, and painting.  She works mostly with watercolors.  The intricacy of the style really speak to her methodical nature.

Polly went to prom, she got the job, she paid the bills.  While it would seem on the surface that Polly is the responsible one, that would be a serious mistake.  Polly is the consummate flibbertigibbet.  She is full of fun and bubbles, but in the end she is about herself and what she needs to get done.  If you can aide her in that pursuit, she will be your best friend.  If you get in her way, she doesn't mind fighting dirty.  In High School Polly probably would have been popular, if she was the only version of herself running around the hallways.  Polly has always known about Di and Anne.  She realized early on they would not be able to take care of themselves, so she did it despite her natural predilection for fun over work.  She never lets the other two forget it either.

Polly is the doer of the trio.  She's the one that does the dirty work, earns the money, gets the job, and deals with the dark figures in the alleys.  She gets things done, and does not let head or heart get in the way.   However, Polly has a skewed moral compass.  She does what is best for her and not necessarily what is best for the trio.

Polly finds herself needing some sort of stimulation regularly.  Whether it is fixing an engine or working out- she likes to keep her hands busy.  She's the person you call when you need IKEA furniture put together- she'll enjoy the task.  Polly enjoys dating, but can't stand commitment.  She likes men- alpha male men.  She has no time for milk toast.  In her quiet hours, Polly enjoys listening to music with a beat and sculpting.  Whether it is clay or chiseling into stone or ice, she enjoys the kinetic experience and finds it soothing.

Ann now Anne has hidden most of her life.  In many ways Anne is the emotional quotient of the trio.  She feels things deeply and cries during Hallmark commercials.   Despite the blackouts and the strange occurrences around her, Anne has found refuge in people.  She bonded easily with the nursing staff, with the owners of the youth centers, and even with the various foster parents- even the ones that weren't so nice.  Anne's discovery of the other two personalities put things into perspective.  Anne is the one that has brought both Di and Polly together.  It is her management that helps the other two function.  Anne is the people person.  Those who meet her find her down to earth and more than a little disarming- until of course they discover her list of superstitions and "traditions," that she claims she knows are silly, but she never can quite give up.

Anne is the communicator of the trio. Anne is superstitious, paranoid, and tiny bit OCD.  She believed for a very long time that she was haunted, before she realized she was simply schizophrenic.  Faced with the choice of losing two thirds of her life, she's learned to live with her two "roommates."  Anne did not attend college- she left that to Di, nor is she particularly brave or skilled like Polly.  Anne is simply kind, but acts as the control between her two other personalities.  She is the only one of the three that can shut the other two away if she needs to.

Anne likes to be around people even if just to watch them go by on the sidewalk.  She enjoys going to sporting events and has been known to play baseball from time to time.  When she does listen to music it is to general classic rock.  Unlike her sisters she knits and sews, and she's really quite good with both.

When left to themselves, the trio enjoy playing board games with themselves.  They enjoy everything from Monopoly to Trivial Pursuit- from Last Night on Earth to Cthulhu Wars.  It is not unusual to walk into their bunker to find a game board set up and a game in progress even though they've chosen to conserve energy and just share one body for the duration of the game.


Ann Richards was a normal child, with a normal childhood, normal parents, and a normal house.  That all changed when she was nine years old.  Traveling home from a high school football game, the family car swerved in order to miss a deer.  The car hit the median and flipped.  Ann's parents and two brothers were killed in the accident.  Anne was in a coma for nine months.  She awoke to discover that her normal life had been uprooted while she slept.  Having no immediate family, she was spun off into the foster system.

Unable to function Ann's personality split into thirds- each third taking over what the others couldn't manage.  Polly became the fighter that kept them safe in the foster system.  Once they graduated High School she was the one who got them a job, money, and an apartment.  Di took over learning and used academics as an escape from the unpredictability of the foster system.  Ann Richards was somewhat lost for a time.  Unaware that either Di or Polly existed, Ann lived in the in-between.  Experiencing long blackouts, changes to her environment, clothing changes, and location shifts- she assumed from nine on that she was possessed by her dead family.

Di entered college at 19 and found bliss in higher academics.  A professor of Psychology was the first to discover that three personalities existed in the young woman.  He tried to help her and heal her, eventually rooting out the cause of the break.  Ann was introduced to her other personalities and experienced at the same time relief and frustration.  As they got to know one another, it became clear that they needed each other to be successful.  The trio was given the option of various drugs and treatments to combine them into one.  They made the choice to remain as they are- broken but whole- a team.

Dianna being the most educated picked up the highest paying job outside of College and for a time they went by the name Dianna Richards.  A well regarded Hematologist Dianna was one of the first called in when the strange plague hit, and she was one of the many care workers struck in the second wave.  It is the claim of all three that it was a united effort that stopped them from succumbing to the disease.  Each of them have individual vivid memories of the coma- their part in keeping Ann Richards alive.

The recovery of Ann Richards was more tumultuous than the disease.  It took Dianna only a few days to determine that they needed to get back into the lab, but Anne (now suddenly spelling her name with an additional e) and Polly disagreed.  Polly was worried- she sensed something wrong in the air as they walked through the town.  Her natural instincts for protection and survival balking at Dianna's desire to go to the CDC.  Anne sided with Polly, which startled everyone.  She was the one that noticed people were disappearing- she wanted to check on those people who were near and dear to them.

The argument in the local deli was loud and violent.  Napkins were knocked off counters, chairs were spilled over- most patrons thought the woman was having a fit.  When suddenly it happened.  Anne and Polly seemed to tear from Diana.  For the first time they were able to look at one another.  Startled and worried, they headed out of the deli before the police could arrive and headed to Dianna's old lab.  Polly broke in, and Anne kept a look out.  Dianna started with a simple blood test and from there they discovered their rather unique ability.

It only took a little discussion before the Trio did go to the CDC.  Taken over by military Polly backed them off before they could be swept into the system.  For all they know that soldier could still be waiting by the Ladies bathroom door.  The filtration system had been cramped, but they got out.  Unperturbed, Dianna began researching the plague gathering up a makeshift lab, that they moved from place to place.  She began with their blood and moved on to other fields including the blood of the infected and those of the mindless walkers- that Polly secured for them.  It is a puzzle that Dianna has yet to solve, but she's determined to do something.

It was Polly who discovered Campbell.  There were many options, and true to her character she checked them all out.  Campbell was safe, small, and most importantly it had a Doctor and decent Medical facilities. While Polly discovered the Compound, it was Anne who walked through the gates to introduce them.  Serving as the group's ambassador, she offered Dianna's research and Polly's mechanic skills.  It took them a while to reveal their ability to the members of the compound- rather it took to the very first disagreement where they all walked in separate directions-  But now they split regularly to run errands or to help in times of crisis.