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Welcome to Chains Unbroken

12:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Yssik is tall and elegantly built, his face comprised of high cheekbones, an angular jaw and features that tend more towards beautiful than handsome. Thick golden brown eyelashes frame dark grey eyes highlighted with brighter flecks of silver. He is expressive, possessing a thin mouth and angled eyebrows which are rarely still. He is long-fingered, long-limbed and sinuous. His hair, which reaches roughly to his waist, is often tamed into something resembling a long mohawk, braided tightly at the sides of his head and neck and teased up in between. The braids are more often than not adorned with gold or silver rings, his right eyebrow is pierced with the same and his right ear is pierced in several places from top to bottom. The left has just one, in the lobe.

Yssik is a changeling, a fae child put in place of a human one. If driven to a major loss of control, or by choice, Yssik's fae nature can be revealed, in a less-than-subtle changing of his hair colour from it's regular golden brown to a verdant sea of different shades of green, his eyes from their usual grey to a deep purple and a slight shift in the shape of his ears.

Yssik has been on a ship for most of his life. He was born on a ship (so he thought), grew up on a ship, and spent the majority of his youth and early adulthood on a ship. Fortunately, to his way of thinking anyhow, it was a pirate ship. Being on a pirate ship affords one many lessons, including swordsmanship both for offence and defense, use of weaponry, both small and large, and also how to look after oneself. From an early age, he was expected to pull his weight, swabbing the decks or assisting in the galley or even fishing for the crew's dinner. Once he got older, it also afforded him many experiences, in a variety of exotic locations around the world.

It wasn't until he was seventeen that he discovered what he truly was when his Captain, a man he was very close to, was killed in front of him by the lawman of a particular city they'd had the misfortune to think was easy plunder. The emotional shock of it snapped whatever instinctive, inbuilt net contained his fae appearance. His crew turned on him as an impostor and he was forced to flee, hiding and eking out a somewhat base existence away from civilisation as he taught himself how to maintain his normal human look.

He has come to Leera possessing a sackful of gold most likely obtained by nefarious means before he arrived. He heard it was a melting pot of cultures and peoples and has arrived with some vague idea of setting up a business of somesort. What he lacks in forethought, he makes up for with bravado.

A changeling was something Yssik had heard of, but never suspected he was. What he knows about them is only from folktales and stories told over games of dice and mugs of ale. That the human child is taken to be enslaved by the fae, or as punishment upon the parents for some wrongdoing. He can only really assume he's a changeling, as he's no real proof and has never met another he knows of. No fae has ever come looking for him or confirmed his suppositions.