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Welcome to The Rightful Ones

01:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Group: Vikings/Norse

Name:Eldey Vadoma

Age: About 23

Occupation: Candle Stick Maker, but rumor has it they might need a Blacksmith

Sexuality: Hasn't shown any interest since he has come to the Vikings.

Physical Description: Eldey is clearly from distance lands, a true black sheep among the Mighty Vikings. His skin is olive in tone, and darkens easily in the sunlight. His eyes are mostly brown, flecks of blue and green and yellow turning them hazel around the iris. His brownish black hair is straight, and runs a bit long, curling around his chin with glass beads randomly braided in a few strands. The only braid that doesn't change is the 3 glass beads braided into the strands by his right ear, often dangling in his face while he works- the top is reddish yellow, like fire, the middle bead is clear with white, cream swirls, and the 3rd, bottom bead is pitch black. When he is distracted, or thinking deeply, Eldey often fiddles with those beads the most.
   He wears loose tunics mostly, but likes longer sleeves, the ends either tied around his forearm with a small thong of leather or tucked under bracers. His pants are simple leggings, and even though he works around heat a lot, Eldey seems quite comfortable even with the sleeves and keeping covered. He works hard, the cords of muscles seen well defined under his clothes, and he seems to have an open face, slightly smiling.

Personality: Eldey is quiet, and prefers to stick to the background of the group. He works hard, bringing the skill of Candle Making from the place he was from. He doesn't talk about his home town unprompted, though it is widely known he is from an Island. He isn't standoffish, and has a bit of a curious streak, wanting to learn about all sorts of topics. He loves learning. He speaks Norse, but has an accent. Sometimes he speaks his Native Tongue, and it sounds similar to Norse, but different. Some people might view him being an Outsider, or Untrustworthy, but Eldey respects every person he meets equally until proven otherwise.

Biography: Eldey came to the Vikings about half a dozen months ago, but has tried to prove himself a worthy addition to the group. His skills at candle making are amazing, bringing new techniques with him that makes the process easier. He often prefers trading his wears with other craftsman, instead of being paid, and has been known to give away some for the truly needy. Sometimes, it is like he has a 6th Sense about things, and makes off handed comments that stops things from happening, but its only happened once or twice.

Family: None that he talks about.