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19:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kelauniira Aleanrahel

Name: Kelauniira Aleanrahel (Kel-ah-NEER-ah Ay-lee-AHN-ra-hel)
AKA: Kel or Niira
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110lbs
Physique: Petite, but athletically built
Hair: Light Brown, lightens to blonde in the Sun, cut short in an angled bob
Eyes: Hazel (green, yellow, and/or brown)

What do people see when they glance at you?

She paints a picture of some wealth and a desire for finer things. She will typically be seen in well made dresses that do not retrict her movements, with nicely made sandals and various bits of jewelry on her body. One would be hard pressed to see her wearing something much different, even when traveling. She has an air of confidence that borders on arrogance, but generally has a friendly and respectful manner.

A petite but fit woman who clearly takes some effort in her appearance. Her hair is a medium blonde cut into an angled bob. Her skin is smooth and tanned from much time outdoors, mostly in travel, some in purpose. Her nose has a mild bump that may have been from a break in her youth.

What will people find out if they ask around about you?

She has made some waves in the fact that she is one of the rare 'Crystalomacers'. She has traveled through Sentar, Dernmarek and the Beastlands before coming to the Empire. She has stated to many that she has been looking for something, but has been elusive about what it might be. Her time in the Empire was to gather a retinue to assist her in finding what she is looking for. She seemd sure she will find it in Dernmarek.

Her family is scattered and disparate. Her mother a Lunar, her father Dimension, her sister Totemic. There is little indications that she has significant relations with many others outside of business, although that is difficult to say if from lack of any or her discretion in such matters.

She can be an incredible flirt, but few seem to have seen such come to fruition. Others may be so bold as to brag about such a union, but it would be difficult to tell if such stories were true or not. She is good and fair in business dealings. Her assistant, Anllela, seems quite devoted and there is some talk that she may have been saved from a terrible fate while traveling in the Totemic lands. The rest of her retinue have varying degrees of loyalty based purely on her being a 'good boss'.

If one truly digs, they may find her link to a Secret Order, which she does not advertise, knowing that such things can make some people uncomfortable. The rumors vary from a death cult that sacrifices people to maintain their beauty to a nature cult that thrives on becoming friends with the trees. The occasional cold breath she exhales many seem as proof that she is working with dark powers. She typically just smiles and shakes her head at whatever guesses may have been made.

She is, by all accounts, particularly bright and gifted at magic within the realm of her Birthright.

What will people find out if they talk to you?

She is a Crystalomancer and has come a long way from her place of birth at the Northern tip of Sentar. She has traveled a fair bit in search of something and is still looking. She values those that have been willing to link their lives to her and wishes to do well by them.

She cares for Anllela like a sister, whom she 'met' in the Totemic lands. She holds the meeting close to her chest, so rumors have settled in the place of truth. She lets such go with a cryptic smile.

She has an air of superiority some might find annoying or even offensive. That said, she is typically friendly and respectful of everyone she meets, no matter their station. Quick to smile, that smile rarely makes it to her eyes except for those she truly values in her life.

She is often preening, seemingly absently and consistently adjusting and correcting her appearance. She wears a scent of jasmine and citrus with an underlying note of vanilla. An occasional cold breath will escape her lips. And that steady, small smile...

She enjoys reading and exploring. She will go out of the way for her people and anyone she cares about. She cannot stand liars and dislikes the scent of unwashed humans. Her loyalties are to herself and her people and her search.
She fears not finding what draws her and, at some level, what it will mean if she finds it.

Her belief system is in the powers in her life. Those things that course through her and around her. Things she can control and things that wish to control her. She is the center of her belief system with deference given to the spirits and source of her magic. Justice will hold greater sway in her decision making than legality.

What will people find out if they look into your past?

She was born and raised primarily at the Norther tip of Sentar. Her parents were seeking riches from the region with some success. That success did not translate to an easy life. The region just does not allow for it. She envied her old sister for having been born in the Totemic lands, but her sister had to endure the change from living forests to cold, rocky wastes.

Her family was relatively close knit. The territory leaving few other options. There were fair elements of love and respect in everyone's role and, for the most part, they got along well enough under the difficult conditions.

Being a rare birthright, the search for mentors was difficult, but they managed. Her mother was her connection to Witchcraft. But her mentor was a crone, but clearly knew her art. Strict, but not cruel, giving her a foundation to build on.

Her almost innate ability to speak Yeth at an early age gave way to interesting challenges and opportunities. Her birthright, her maternal link to witchcraft, and the link the language itself seems to have with something...outside, are an unusual combination. It is from these in conjunction that she seems driven in her search.

When she was able, she left Sentar, her parents returning to Lunar lands and her sister leaving for Totemic. She followed her sister until she established herself as one of the Leopard. She then went to search in Dernmarek. Initially as part of a larger group, searching for resources and nodes of power and gaps in reality to discover incredible treasures. That is the source of her wealth.

With enough money to start her own expedition, she traveled to the Empire to start gathering professionals, for a more dedicated search within those lands, hoping that what she searched for would reveal itself upon her return. It was while she was in the south that the upheaval occured and she could not help but hope that the upheaval would be the difference in finding what she was looking for.

Anllela has been with her since she left the Barbarian lands. Gannik joined shortly after she arrived in Dernmarek. Most of the rest joined her in the last year as part of her new expedition into the very changed Dimensional lands.