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09:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Selina Kyle ~ Catwoman

Name: Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Age: Like I'd tell YOU!
Role: Villain. Or Hero. Depends on my mood.

Description: Selina Kyle is a very attractive woman in her late twenties. She is of average height, but her physique is extremely athletic. Not rippling muscle, but the taut and tight tendon and sinew of someone who uses her body hard, in actual action, not sculpted in a gymnasium. Her hair is midnight black, and she keeps it cut short into a chic pixie cut. Her eyes are a clear crystal blue, and filled with intelligence. And something else... cunning. There's an edge to her gaze. She does not seem entirely still at any time. She's always scanning the room... plotting.

Her walk is a confident, somewhat sensual strut, and her voice surprisingly warm and mellow. Combined, there's something there to catch at the senses, and jog the memory. It's almost... well, catlike.

And with good reason. When she is not dressed in a chic - and usually expensive - outfit, she wears some very special clothes. Her rather intriguing curves are enclosed in a skintight suit of black leather, which has the quality that really deep black often displays; it is almost as if it is another colour. An illusion of the mind, perhaps. But in the right light, that black could almost be the purple of the deepest, deepest shadows.

The material is supple, allowing a truly surprising range of movement. However, over the midriff, it is harder - reinforced, to protect the delicate organs within. The outfit comes with some comfortable knee-high boots in the same material. They have no heel. These are not fashion accessories. Their cleverly designed grips, and firm ankle support, declare these to be boots for hard work.

There is a mask that goes along with the outfit. It covers the head, leaving only the face free. Her hair is entirely hidden - presumably why she keeps it short. Atop the headpiece are two entirely decorative protrusions, resembling nothing else but the ears of a cat. She also has a pair of eye goggles. They seem to be rather complex, and sport dark red lenses. In this outfit, it is very hard to identify precisely who is beneath this disguise.

A utility belt completes the outfit, sporting a wide variety of intriguing looking gadgets. The whole ensemble is completed by a long whip, coiled and hooked onto her belt. Other than her face, she has no skin on display. Even her hands are enclosed in leather - and her fingrtips show small, but fiendishly sharp claws. They look ideal for climbing, but could probably do someone a dreadful injury, just the same.

The completed outfit has a very feline sort of feel to it. And so it should, for she is... the Catwoman!

Skills and Powers: Selina has no apparent supernatural powers or metahuman abilities that she is aware of, although her remarkable ability to attract and empathise with cats is certainly unusual enough to perhaps qualify.

Gymnastics, including urban climbing, and parkour.

Stealth and sneaking.

Urban survival & streetwise.


Combat abilities:
Selina trained under Ted "Wildcat" Grant during her difficult teenage years. As a result, she developed two things: a very skewed sense of justice, and a surprisingly comprehensive training in the arts of thuming people very hard. As follows:

Martial arts and boxing ( )

Firearms - Selina is a fairly good shot, but tends to only use firearms as a last resort.


Exotic weapons, such as nunchucks, caltrops, bolas, and especially the whip, with which she is an expert.

Throwing - Selina is a good shot with a thrown knife or shuriken, and has knockout-toxin darts.

Linguistics - Selina speaks several languages, including Spanish, French, and Mandarin Chinese.

Thievery. Selina is a superb thief, who prides herself that there is no security system she cannot circumvent (given time) nor any safe she cannot crack. She picks pockets, and when it comes to property on display in stores, they might as well hand it over to her on a silver plate. If she wants it, she can take it.

Thieving tools of all kinds. Climbing gear in a variety of exciting new colours(or so the catalgue said.) 9mm pistol. Her cunning and custom designed catsuit. Cat goggles, with infra-red and night vision. Slim carbon-fibre rapelling rope. Knockout darts... and that infamous whip...
And cats. Way too many cats. Her apartment is practically open house to any number of felines. She can't ever be sure how many are going to be there when she comes home. It feels like most of the local street cats use her home like their personal drop in centre.

She also has her car. A beautifully restored 1959 Cadilla coup de ville, with glossy black paintwork, shiny chrome, and beautiful purple velvet interior. She calls it the Catillac.

Selina has several character flaws. She trusts absolutely nobody, and can be extremely paranoid at times. She may not be diagnosed, but she is almost certainly a kleptomaniac. She also has a powerful need for vengance. If she feels slighted or betrayed (whether or not she is right - see her paranoia problem) she will try to find some way to return the insult. She also has her own unique morality, which is most definitely at odds with the actual law of the land. She will not kill unless provoked, or in self-defence, but equally has no problem at all with killing on the occasions she does so, and is unlikely to feel any remorse. She is not a psychopath, but is most definitely a sociopath.

Faction, Heroes or Villains:


That said, Selina may not be a hero, but she is also not exactly a villain, either. She probably qualifies as a villain, given her obsessive stealing and refusal to follow accepted morality and laws. But that said, she is not driven by the insane need for mayhem and slaughter that drives individuals like the Joker; nor is she driven by random chance chaos like Two-Face. That said, she will work with them if her plans coincide with theirs. In the D&D alignment chart, she would be described as Chaotic Neutral. She does whatever she feels like. She steals as much for the thrill, as for the loot, and certainly she does not necessarily need to thieve to survive. That's just her excuse. She actually gives a sizable portion of her ill-gotten gains to charity. It's not about the winning. It's about the game! On many occasions, she has done nefarious things to aid the needy, a victim, or a good cause. For her, the ends justify the means... and she does so *enjoy* the means!

Character History:


OK, in more detail, if you think you know where Selina Kyle came from, you're wrong. Just utterly, absolutely wrong. She has spent a lot of care and attention on ensuring that there are a lot of stories out there about where she came from, and how she made her money. Every single one of them is a lie. A lot of them are similar, with just a few details changed. Just enough to ensure that anyone comparing them will realise after a while that nothing they know is correct.

What is certain is that, before the age of around sixteen, she doesn't exist. No records. Not on paper, not on computers. Either she was never recorded anywhere officially - and what are the odds of that, exactly? -  or someone deleted all trace of her life.

The first confirmable evidence of her presence in the world seems to be from when she was in her mid-teens. She appeared, running as a sort of sidekick to the vigilante known as Wildcat. But that did not last very long before she broke out on her own. Or just plain vanished.

The next time Selina Kyle surfaced, she was apparently a wealthy socialite, and running in a totally different crowd. She appeared at the opera. She danced at expensive gala events. She dropped a lot of money to charities, and was linked to several very eligible young men -  Bruce Wayne amongst them.

Around the same time - and entirely coincidentally, naturally - the homes of the wealthy were hit by a gifted burglar. A one-person crime spree alarmed the well-to-do and the police alike, but nobody was ever able to catch the guilty party. The only facts anyone agreed upon was that the thief dressed in a skintight catsuit. And anyone who tried to grab them ended up looking like a fool.

To the criminal minded, the emergence of the Catwoman was actually a fairly beneficial development. Her price tended to be exorbitant, but she was free from the burden of morals. If you wanted it stealing, she would steal it, and was not likely to be too concerned about what you did with it afterwards. It was not long before she was working with the big players. She has stolen for the best (and worst) of them. Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Two-Face... they've all tipped the Catwoman at one time or another.

Which is not to say she has never been hauled in by the cops. On a few occasions, that pestersome flying rodent Batman has actually managed to grab her. And every time, once the cops have got her, she vanishes. They seem completely unable to keep her.

These days, she seems to be upping her game, and is actively approaching the truly villainous, looking for interesting new jobs. Rumour has it that somebody has seriously rattled her cage, and she's out to cause as much trouble as possible in return...