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23:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Miles 2.0

The Basics

Name: Miles McCreedy  Age: 45

Story: Beauty and the Beast  Status: Magic Bean

Miles and Miles (Bren), Dragon (Bren), Asshole (Karen)

Miles' story takes place after the end of the original Tale, but he is the eldest son of Beast and Belle.

Length of Time on This Side:
A month and some change on his first visit. This time? Just arriving.

His first time coming through the Rift, Miles brought along a silver signet ring bearing the crest of his father's family and an old pair of glasses from his childhood- the ring remains on his finger while the glasses rest comfortably on the night stand beside his bed, in the home reserved for him in Castelecrest. This time, however, he brought his father's sword as well as a small journal that his mother kept when held captive in the Beast's castle.

The Physical

Physical Description:
When in fighting shape, Miles clocks in at a healthy 6'1" and 190 pounds. He has an impressive physique, one that most assume he puts a ton of work into. While he is muscular, he's not overly muscled. Miles is well toned and his musculature fits his form quite well. Preferring to keep his hair short and his beard trimmed, when able to do so, he has a clean cut look to him.

One would be hard pressed to catch Miles in anything more formal than a sarcastic t-shirt, a jacket and a pair of jeans- his go to outfit. If required, he does clean up on occasion, and pulls a tux off quite well. But, such opportunities are few and far between for someone such as him, and dressing up is certainly not something he enjoys.

Though he dresses casually and does not seem to fit the stereotypical shoe of one with royal blood, there is a royal elegance to the way he walks and talks - something he loathes having pointed out to him.

With piercing blue eyes, a muscular form, a healthy sense of a humor, a snarky attitude and a charming smile that gets him into just as much trouble as it gets him out of, Miles has never been easy to ignore.

That said, he hasn't been himself since the Bell fell and he was sent back to the Otherside. With the Darkness tainting the Lands of Make Believe, his thirteen year long venture there took its toll, and it shows. The once fit and lively man now is masked by a gaunt, dangerous doppelganger with a melancholic look in his eye.

The stress of his exile on the Otherside lead to the premature greying of his hair and beard, which are becoming long, uneven and unkempt as if he hasn't visited a barber in years, but has been grooming himself with what little energy he could waste on such unimportant endeavors. Overall, given the 'unaging' nature of Tales, Miles would likely look ten to fifteen years younger if he had a shower, shave, some new clothes and a decent meal.

Distinguishing Marks:
There isn't much that truly makes Miles stick out in a crowd. He's handsome, but not overly so. He's intelligent and quick with a joke, but not so much that it would draw the eyes or ire of a crowd.

However, he does have a few markings that would be noticed if given enough attention. Miles has two scars on his right side -an entrance and exit wound from a sword- which causes him pain in cold weather.

Also, if one looks closely, they may see a gnarly scar peeking out of the collar of his shirt on his left shoulder. At first glance, to those who are knowledgeable about such things, it seems to have been made by some sort of claw, talon or fang.

If one were to pull his shirt back further, they'd easily notice many more similar imperfections on the man's skin, leading them to believe that it was in fact made by some creature or another mauling him. The scars on his shoulder seem to have been acquired more recently than those on his side, boasting a reddish hue.

Under The Hood

At first impression, Miles is a little quirky. Hard to read. He has many years under his belt, and the acquired knowledge of a man twice his age. There is an obvious intelligence to his gaze, as well as a simple yet pure curiosity and borderline suspicion of the world and its inhabitants.

The second impression is a little worse for wear, however. Once you get past his general gruff and defensive exterior and move into the real Miles, he takes a turn for the worse. Rather than the polite and proper mannerisms that one expects of a royal, they get the sarcastic and even rude underside of the man.

Miles is a smart ass, to put it simply. He's sarcastic and has a very dry sense of humor, but he's a nice guy. A little rough around the edges, it takes a minute to warm up to him. Some may think he's an asshole, but others find him to be a loving guy with a big heart and a penchant for helping those in need- it's all a matter of perspective.

Miles' jokes are generally a defense mechanism, to keep those around him at a distance, rather than letting them get close. The less people he cares about, personally, the less he has to lose. While he wouldn't openly admit it, he loves the people of Havencrest, and truly sees the city as his home away from home. It wasn't the place that made it home, but the people, the friends he had made in his short time there. His time in that place was the closest he'd gotten to happiness in a long time, even with everything falling to pieces around him and the others.

Despite his affection for his new home, his somewhat chivalrous nature and his general compulsion to help those in need, he tends to get into more than his fair share of trouble, when his attitude rears its ugly head.

Why Did You Come Through The Rift?:
The first time Miles came through the Rift, he and his family were running from the Darkness. It was simple. Easy. Survival.

The second time was different.

He had made Bren a promise.

When the Bell fell, he found himself back home on the Otherside. But it wasn't his home. It was a twisted and cruel version of his home, warped and broken by the Darkness. Not only the land, but the creatures as well. It was no longer a land of Tales, but one of shades and nightmarish beasts. The longer he spent in that place, the more he understood. He didn't belong. He didn't belong there, and he didn't belong in Havencrest.

A man without a home, and no family to match. Everyone he knew was either dead or out of reach, beyond the Rift. The friends he had made along the way, back in Havencrest, were his family. He had to get back. He'd promised Bren, and he intended on keeping his word- no matter how long it took or what he had to go through to make it happen.

The Tale

The early life of Miles McCreedy isn't terribly interesting. He was born into royalty and wealth, to a tough and distant father and a loving and intelligent mother. Held at arm's length by his father, Miles had always been closer to his mother. Later on in life, if ever asked about his childhood, he would joke that he was a poor, little rich boy with daddy issues.

Though he would laugh it off, the statement rang true. The issues Miles had with his father began giving form to the issues he would have in his adult life. It was no surprise when Miles grew up with few friends, a string of failed relationships and a personality that drove others away. Miles held society at arm's length, much as his father had done with him, looking on others with suspicion.

Miles never blamed his father for his shortcomings, or his own issues later on. Though the man was distant, Beast and Belle had taught him plenty and provided a future worth looking forward to. Which was more than many could say of their parents.

Once Miles struck out on his own, which was fairly early for one of royal blood, he stayed as far away from his childhood home as he could for many years. On occasion he would leave a note with a courier to be delivered to his mother, informing her of his whereabouts and driving away any of her concerns for his health. Other than that, he had no contact with anyone from his childhood for over a decade.

Miles never stayed in one place for more than a few weeks at a time. He enjoyed traveling to faraway kingdoms, meeting strange people and facing off against fearsome beasts- just like the knights in many of the fictional books in his father's library. In his travels, Miles met many Tales, made several enemies and a few friends to boot. It wasn't an easy lot in life, but it was one he accepted easily enough.

Everything changed when the Darkness began creeping across the Lands of Make Believe. When destruction and chaos reigned across the kingdoms and whole civilizations were fleeing their homes, Miles returned to his in search of his parents.

Upon reaching his childhood home, Miles and his parents fled, having heard of a Rift that would carry them to safety. In the commotion, thousands of Tales vying for the Rift all at once, he was separated from Beast and Belle, and tossed into a world that was alien to him. Once again, Miles was alone.

After the events regarding the Midnight Bell transpired, Miles was once again tossed unceremoniously through a rift into a world unknown to him. Rather, a world warped and twisted until it was nearly unrecognizable. Lost on the Otherside for thirteen years, Miles was forced to do many unsavory things to survive.

Passing through a Rift yet again, he finally made his way back to Havencrest.

Miles' story begins anew- a ragged, wounded and broken man discarded like trash on the steps just outside of a strange door, waiting for whatever Fate decides to throw at him next.

Ever After:
What can be said about Miles' time in Havencrest? Friends and enemies were made, heroic feats performed, lives saved and ruined in equal measure... none of which Miles had participated in willingly. Fate is funny that way. And by funny, I mean heartless and cruel.

Coming through the Rift a second time after over a decade of attempting to keep a tight grip on fading memories, it is all still slipping away piece by piece. Miles does his best to remember, even writing little notes in his mother's journal, reminders of the important bits -Bren, Eva, James Tromper and the Bell, the Council, his name- but despite his best efforts, the Forgetting shows him no mercy.

Miles is fading into nothing, slipping into the void, losing himself and everything he cares about. It seems to be happening faster than the first time. Unsure if his memory loss is amplified by multiple trips through the Rift, or if it's just his own damned bad luck, there isn't much he can do to change the course he's on. The Heirlooms only help so much. Finding the others is his only chance at holding on to who he was, and who he wants to be.