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13:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Fringilla Vigo

Fringilla Vigo

Fringilla Vigo is a Nilfgaardian sorceress and a member of the Lodge of Sorceresses along with her fellow countrywoman, Assire var Anahid. She is also the second cousin of Anna Henrietta of Toussaint. She is a woman with natural grace, green eyes and close-cropped black hair.

When Geralt and his party reached Toussaint, Fringilla embarked on a romantic relationship with Geralt and did everything in her power to keep him from leaving the castle. While the witcher did develop some feelings for her, he never quite was able to put Yennefer out of his mind, even going so far as to use Yennefer's name instead of Fringilla's in the throes of passion.

Basic Information
Hair color: Black   Skin: Dark
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Nationality: Nilfgaardian
Profession: Mage to Emperor Emhyr var Emreis
Abilities: Sorceress basic powers and master of Illusion magic
Relative(s): Artorius Vigo (paternal uncle)

Conclave of Northern Mages

Fringilla arrived at the conclave of Northern mages and denounced any suspicion that Nilfgaard was planning to take over the continent. Under their new leader, Emperor Emhyr, Nilfgaard had strengthened trade and funded research. They tore down walls while Queen Calanthe continued to put them up. Tissaia accused Fringilla of rejecting the order and way of life that took centuries to build. Tissaia retorted that they simply modified it. They took a new path, guided by the White Flame. When Triss claimed that Nilfgaard also forced mages into servitude and practice black magic, Fringilla responded that they believed in shared sacrifice and that there was no such thing as dark or light magic. Fringilla believed that in taking Cintra, they had a chance of saving the continent. If the Northern mages won't take sides, Fringilla asked that they at least stay out her way. Stregobor and Artorius were in favor of letting Cintra fend for themselves.

Fringilla pointed out that if not for Yennefer, she never would've been assigned to Nilfgaard, and it wouldn't be the empire it is today. Artorius joked that had they sent Yennefer to Nilfgaard as planned, It would still be a "shitty backwater." Yennefer admitted this was true. Instead of Nilfgaard, she went to a prized kingdom and did "fuck all for decades." She helped murderers and rapists keep their crown. If given an option, she'd vote to burn it all down. Tissaia wagered that Cintra was scared and suggested that they lend a hand. The mages put it to a vote. Unfortunately, most side with Stregobor and Artorius to allow Cintra to fend for themselves.