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Welcome to Walking The Dragon's Spine

22:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chayyliel Basevi

Name: Chayyliel Basevi (hSHAY-lee-el Bah-SEV-ee), Shay
Age: 24 years
Gender: Female
Birthright: Lunar
Concept: Shapeshifting Elemental Battle Witch
Hair: Platinum Blonde, long and straight
Eyes: Hazel, blue-green
Skin: Fair
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140lbs, athletic build

What do people see when they glance at you?

This woman is a study in contrasts. Her fair skin and long fair hair in contrast to the dark colors she wears. Typically garbed in dark reds, browns and blacks, her garments are splashed with bits of metal in silver and gold. She carries a polearm of note in its manufacture and design using it as a walking staff as often as an instrument of combat. A number of accouterments rest about her flowing dresses that are clearly cut for mobility.

She is tall compared to most women, but not exceedingly so. Athletically built of fair, lightly tanned and smooth skin. Her hair is thick and long and straight except where she might have it in braids. She has dark brows and her lips are frequently painted in dark colors. Her jewelry is is a mix of silvers and golds with some unusual pieces on her wrists and hands and fingers. A fine nose ring sits at her septum. Most would consider her resting look to be one of disinterest or boredom.

Her smiles are rare and usually subdued. An upticked eyebrow and amused cant at one side of her mouth show most of her amusement or pleasure.

What will people find out if they ask around about you?

She's a Witch! Associated with fire and demons and darkness and death, no less. The creatures she surrounds herself with are proof. A member of a Secret Order in search of new power sources for her coven.

She is rarely speaks of her homeland and family, content to live in the moment and focusing on where she is going...the Dimensional find new power nodes, ley lines, power bleeds. The only connections she's made have been professional, but it is clear that she has connections to the Lunar lands.

She is quite bright and has access to magic from multiple sources, yet seems to have no small bit of skill with that unusual spear of hers.

What will people find out if they talk to you?

She's a Witch! Just, perhaps not the one they might think she is. She is connected to the elements. Particularly of Earth and Fire. She just has an affinity of dark colors and a quirk in how she presents herself. Some of it she enjoys, some of it she does to enhance an image.

She has far more emotion than her expressions may reveal. She actually enjoys nature and animals and has little affinity for death or killing outside of that which must be done in fighting. She dabbles in craft, some of her own jewelry, charms, and talismans self-made, as well as some of her dresses.

Her loyalties are to her Order and to her friends and companions. She is fair in business and will keep her word. She prefers the order of Nature and often recognizes where man has tread upon it heavily. She will pick and choose her battles in that regard, however.

What will people find out if they look into your past?

A Lunar birthright, she has the typical powers so often associated with those born in the archipeligo...shapechanging and witchcraft. She belongs to a Secret Order that seem to focus on the Elements as their source of power. Her father has passed and her mother is rather aged considering how late she gave birth to her. She has a sister and brother, as well. All of whom have, so far, remained in the Lunar lands.

Her connection was different from her families, with most of them having connections to the Fey or the Loa. The unusual connection drove her to seek mentors that recognized her potential and found her place in the coven. Established enough with her coven, she was chosen to seek out the changes her coven felt with the great upheaval in the Dimensional Realms.

This is her first time away from Lunar lands and she has traveled light. She has spent the time looking for groups seeking to journey into certain regions of the newly disrupted Dernmarek. If she is able to find what she seeks, she will send for elements within her coven to establish a new base of power better suited for those of her connection.

Alternate Appearance

Her Spear...

Her Mount (Dire Lion), Caynith...

Her Familiar (Falcon), Cinderella...

Three of her Sisters...Hannah Chandrith (Earth, played by Madelaine Petsch), Phaedra Gant (Air, played by Margot Robbie), Kara Tonol (Water, played by Gal Gadot)

The other three Sisters...Kaitlyn Morrow (Phsyical, played by Bella Hadid), Andara Mirassi (Spiritual, played by Kate "Kato" Lambert), Oneida Fenric (Mental, played by Sophie Turner)