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Welcome to Blackout: A Steampunk Adventure

05:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Simone Olivie Alexia Felicie

Simone Olivie Alexia Félicie raised her foil, leveling it to the face of her foe. The Count stared down the weapon, a sneer twisting his goatee.

"Really?" the Count lifted his own blade, touching the length to Simone's. In practiced, easy steps, the pair began to circle. They had always had such chemistry. "Even now, my men are in Parliament. They stalk the halls of the Continent. My plans unfold everywhere. You think you'll stop me with a swordfight?"

"I think it's a fine place to start," Simone quipped with a tiny shrug of her slender shoulders, each word dripping with the Seine.

Their blades rang off each other in a quick series of strikes and parries. Each blow drawing the pair closer. Until a burst of noise sent a tremble through the airship's frame. A groan of metal twisting, suddenly exposed to the weight of the machine's design. The shudder traveled through the captain's quarters, sending Simone and the Count tumbling together once more.

"And here I thought we wouldn't be doing this again," Simone laughed as the Count twisted his head around. Horror striking his face as he saw the flaming wreck that was the aft engine. Black smoke streaming out, pouring into the English country air.

"What have you done?!"

"Oh- Maybe I started back there..."

Simone Olivie Alexia Félicie is among the finest swordfighters and duelists in the QEQO, despite being so French it pains many of her fellow agents. She serves the Enquiry in a very specific role. Sometimes, problems aren't best solved with a rational mind, a cunning finding, or a mystery unraveled. Rather, they are best solved with a combination of a sharp sword, a sharper wit, and a handful of explosives unraveling everything.

Simone's true identity is something of a mystery. She dodges questions about her past, replacing answers with utility. Frankly, the one thing the Enquiry is certain of is that Simone is certainly not her first name. Chronically speaking, of course. She probably is French, but precisely who she was before defecting to the Queen's service is somewhat unknown. Rumors swirl, of course. A disgraced Marquess, family driven out by the Revolution. A double-agent sent by the President of the Republic. A man who decided he preferred a dress. All are possible, but SImone isn't telling.

Other than her skill as a blunt instrument, Simone is known among the Enquiry for two things. First, a withering and lightning-quick wit. There seems to be no situation she doesn't have a line prepared for. Her quick thinking is, perhaps, one of the reasons she's so fine with a blade. The second is a string of affairs, usually carried out with agents of her targets or her targets themselves.