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Welcome to State of Decay

23:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lucas Johnston


Name: Lucas Johnston
Age: 35
Physical Description: Lucas is well tanned from years of working on his fathers farm. Standing a 6'-0" and weighing 195 lbs he is in good physical condition. His light brown hair is kept in a short ponytail and he hasn't shaved for sometime.


(Elective skill 1) - Gardening 1
(Elective skill 2)
(Elective skill 3)

Former Occupation: (affects skills) Farmer

Positive personality trait 1 - Honest (Lucas was always taught to be honest. If someone asks him anything they had best be ready for an honest answer. At least as he sees it.)
Positive personality trait 2 - Diligent (Lucas is no stranger to hard work and will always do his best.)
Positive personality trait 3 - Resourceful (Lucas has a knack for always finding the right tool for the job or making another tool work)

Negative personality trait 1 - Stubborn (Although Lucas is helpful and a team player at times he can be a bit mule-headed as his father use to say.)
Negative personality trait 2 - Moody (The last few month have been rough for Lucas and have brought out a moodiness that he tries to keep at bay, but at times the bad mood just gets the better of him.)
Negative personality trait 3 - Forgetful (Lucas tends to forget things at time, especially if he is working on a project.)

Primary Firearm:

Secondary Firearm:

Melee weapon: A-Klub Fixed Blade Knife 12".

Close combat weapon: Brass Knuckles

Backpack type: Standard

Clothing type: Baseball cap, Longsleve flannel shirt, heavy duty work pants and boots and an  old leather drovers coat his dad use to wear.

Armor Type: