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23:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jarl Asgard (CoGM)

Asgard, was born to be a leader, trained basically since birth for combat and leadership by force, His ability with all weapons and his physical attributes seem superhuman to most, he is a rock hard warrior and he doesn't take any shit from anyone.

As Asgard was raised he was training in all sorts of battle techniques, only those closest to him know anything really about him other than being one of the if not the fiercest warriors ever, he has always had a charismatic flare that has had many suiters lined up before him, but he has refused them all.

While entering into his adult life, his Clan was waring again the rival of Jarl Forkbeard.  Asgard was appointed the care of a young woman while under his care and Forkbeard went right after her, after a long bout Asgard got the upper hand and from what everyone could tell or see including Asgard, he killed the Jarl, in a coldblooded rage, the woman was still safe but he had Beaten a Jarl, while he went to claim his right to lead that Clan as their new Jarl according to his Clan's rights and priveledges, yet Forkbeard's younger brother denied him and deciding that another war wasn't worth that pathetic Clan and hearing news that Asgard's own father had been dealt a morbid blow, and was on death's door, Asgard pulled his troups back to his land.

As Asgard's father survived the wound, but later died from a infection months later forcing the young man of only 17 to become his clan's Jarl. With all the confusion in the recent battle and him killing Forkbeard(or so he believed he had killed him but no one knows for certain) there was a manhunt for revenge from Forkbeard's son not wanting to further ruin his standing nor his clan he took off North across the sea, he along with his closest companions went into hiding knowing someday he would come back and reclaim his clan, as it was his natural born right.

4 years pass, as we see the young Jarl, making his way with his kinsmen across the Poison Sea, Asgard determined more than ever to reclaim his clan, he was advised to wait longer, but he wouldn't hear of it, as he reached his old stomping grounds, he saw little to no resistance as the Clan Elders who were left in charge recognized the young Jarl(more scrapes, bruises, and scars then before) and he was placed back into the charge of his clan, upon hearing rumors of a Great Kingdom to the south with a Castle and a maiden that was unclaimed, but was alone as he family was slain, he decided to head that way.

On the way to the Castle his clan pillaged and plundered all that stood in his way, as he now had a new goal, one that would help not only his clan, his status but if he could gain the Maiden's hand either by will or force or however he had to he could help raise their status as well, he could help to protect so much more, it was something he not only wanted to do he felt he had to do, as it was foretold to him.