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01:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Taurin Snow

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Name: Taurin Snow

Title: The Direwolf

Group: None

Age: 21 or thereabouts

Gender: Female

Homeland: Wailing Peak

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hair: Taurin's hair is rarely cut and holds the colour of freshly bundled straw. It kisses her hips bones when let loose but can be twisted into rough braids should she feel the desire. Knowing none of the popular styles and not caring to educate herself, Taurin's wild mane is more often than not kept natural. Oddly, she enjoys both the feeling of it plastered to the sides of her neck with blood during a battle and it twisted around a lovers fist during sex.

Eyes: Taurin has large, almond-shaped eyes and dark lashes. Her eyes themselves are mostly moss green but are heavily flecked with brown and when they catch the light, they shine like brass armour. Her gaze holds a wildness that has yet to be tamed. Taurin looks at people with a calculating stare. She seems to always be thinking and until she has determined if you are friend or foe, it is unlikely that she will blink.

Physical Description: Taurin's Ancestors must have been beautiful but what is beauty? It holds no importance to whether or not a person can provide for themselves, are intelligent, can start a family, will be something in this world. It helps. Taurin has seen this clearly enough but in the end, if not mastered like strength, it's a meaningless trait. Still, Taurin has been told that she is beautiful and it is a word that she has come to understand and accept over the years. Her beauty can be used as a skill in much the same way as her strong back and keen eyesight. They are all the same. Parts of her.

Taurin stands at 5'10 with the archetype of a predator. She is lean and strong with golden skin stretching over muscles and very little fat. Taurin has grown up eating only what she needs and fighting for her survival, so her body has adjusted accordingly. Her limbs are long and lean and her stomach is flat beyond the delicately carved abdominals that prove her strength. Her body is marred with the scars of a warrior's life and a brand of Slavery but they do not detract from her beauty. If anything, for some, they add to it by stating clearly that she is a woman of strength and not one to be trifled with. Taurin does not fade into the background easily. She is overlooked often but never forgotten once seen. She is bold and wild.

Her face is round and her breasts are soft. There is femininity about Taurin that will disappear whenever she opens her mouth. Uneducated, uncouth and hardly subtle, Taurin speaks her mind when she chooses to speak. It can never be forgotten that Taurin has struggled through life but instead of pitying her, she holds herself like one who should be praised. She survived and she continues to. Taurin is confident and unashamed. She carries her weapons with honour and pride and should she choose, she will display her body with the same pride.

Her style of dress reveals her past, or lack thereof. Taurin does not wear lavish gowns or expensive jewellery. Her clothing has been fashioned from scraps of leather and burlap. She wears animal pelts when it is cold and armour when she enters the arena. All her clothing tends to be of the same cut and make. All of it has been sewn by her hand and each and every piece seems to be fashioned not for style but for practicality. Having grown up in the piercing white snow of Wailing Peak, her body is accustomed to the cold and so when she can, she prefers the ease of movement over heavy layers. If there is one constant to the physical look of Taurin Snow, it would be her brass cuffs. She liberated them from her first kill when she was 12 and she wears them like a badge of honour.

Skills/Education: Taurin has minimal education. It has never been something that she has needed to know to survive. She cannot write and she can read only those words which she sees every day. The world of Royals and Lords is one that she cares little for. She cannot tell you who sits on the Throne or how they got there. She has watched the invasion of the Norse with subdued interest. Truly, until it reaches her doorstep, it isn't her problem.

That said she has been taught the basics in her later years but things like etiquette and the ways of a Woman are subjects that are always likely to be out of her grasp. If she didn't need it to win a fight or draw in customers then it simply wasn't a necessary part of her education. To put it bluntly, she is good at fighting and fucking.

Taurin is skilled in other, more practical ways however. She is a keen hunter and tracker. Her knowledge of the wilderness is vast. A childhood living in the elements have made her tough and years of fighting in the Arena have made her tougher. Not a lot affects Taurin. In essence, Taurin is a survivor. She developed her own style of fighting at a young age but has since then been trained in many different forms of combat. She is skilled with a blade and a bow and arrow is often an extension of her arm but her strongest skills are her instincts and her raw power. Taurin can stand up to any man and then bathe in their blood.

Personality Description: Taurin is the rebel, the wild child, the woman without a past. Most people know her simply as The Direwolf however. She is the runaway Slave and the instigator of a failed rebellion. Having been forced to survive and provide for herself from a very young age, Taurin is self-sufficient and resents help in any form. She prides herself in being strong as showing strength at times has been the only thing to keep her alive. Who her Parents are or where she was born is unknown. Taurin has limited memories of this portion of her life. On occasion, she will dream of a kind face but it quickly fades and trying to place the pieces of her shattered past together is like trying to turn mist back into water. It just can't be done.

Only speaking when feeling the need, as Taurin sees speech as just another way for people to lie to one another, the young woman chooses to prove herself through action. Despite what people assume and they assume very little of her, Taurin is actually rather intelligent. True, she cannot read nor write to any great degree but she is highly observant and after years of watching people and being ignored at the same time, she has learned a thing or two about life. Her trust is hard-won but once it is earned, she is loyal to possibly her own downfall. Taurin's trust goes hand in hand with her respect however. If she does not respect you, she will not trust you.

Savage in many ways, Taruin is more beast than Lady. She is wickedly strong and should you cross her or those she cares for, she will display her viciousness as well. She would never survive a life of Court but lucky for her, she doesn't have to. Taurin is deeply passionate which people often think is strange but it isn't really. When she finds something or someone that fills a need, she holds on. She's lost so much already and she never complains. It could be said that Taurin is a wild dog but really she is like any woman. She wants the same things, she simply has different values and ways of getting what she needs. Taurin may be wild but she isn't rabid.

Characters History: Taurin Snow's earliest memories are of the heaving of a ship. It is unknown if she was born upon the sea or simply a passenger along with her Parents but when the waves rose up violently, they all went down the same. Whether it was upon the wings of the Shining Lord or in the arms of the Captain that she managed to make it to that crystalline island in the distance is anybody's guess. What Taurin does know is that for the next several years, she was raised in the frigid wilderness that was Wailing Peak, an Imperial resupply port long since abandoned.

There was scant chance of rescue. Ships didn't pass by this icy little corner of the ocean very often. Not only had a tidal wave destroyed the port and docks years ago but there was an eerie aura surrounding Wailing Peak that kept even hardened sailors away. The sound of anguished cries echoed across the water on the wind. The superstitious believe that it is the sound of the dead, while those more schooled in science understand that it is simply the melodic wailings of the wind blowing through the many cavernous holes burrowed into the mountains.

It was the sound that Taurin fell asleep to each and every night and when she awoke, her days were filled with hard labour and lessons in survival. There was no time for fun and games, even for one so young. Their lives depended on her learning well and learning fast. Captain Harkness is the only Family that Taurin has ever known. The gruff Sailor kept her alive for reasons she has yet to figure out. His life surely would have been easier if his own survival were the only thing he had to worry about. Still, without his guidance in those early years, Taurin certainly wouldn't have made it puberty.

It was around this time, as her body subtly took on the form of a young woman and she abandoned childish thoughts, that Taurin's life grew exponentially worse. Her friend and protector had died long ago. The life they lead was an unforgiving one and harder on the old. Alone, Taurin was forced to fall back upon her training and her instincts. Needless to say that spending her formative years struggling to survive in desolate isolation had the unfortunate effect of stunting her social development.

By the time that Taurin saw another living face, she was well and truly a feral little wildling. Though the Men flying the colours of the sadistic barbarian Solomon, choose to call her a Foundling. While their visit to the Wailing Peak had been an unpredictable change of course, they returned home with a feisty little prize that Solomon eagerly chose to add to his collection. Despite her lack of coherent speech and her atrocious table manners, Taurin was a fighter through and through and Solomon saw potential in not only her skill in the Arena but her budding body as well. She would make a fine addition and if he could train her, teach her to fight instead of just react, she would make him rich beyond reason.

Furthering the legend that Taurin Snow was raised by Direwolves, Solomon began to market the feral girl as one of his best. While she did not take too kindly to being caged, Taurin picked up new skills easily and her natural instinct to attack anything she saw as a threat made her a formidable opponent. It wasn't long before Solomon had her marked as his leading champion in what those in the sport knew as The Tournament. A sadistic and violent fight to the death where 12 of Solomon's best battled in a pit until only one survived. The winner earning fame, glory, riches and the illusion of freedom. Nobody would ever be free of Solomon of course. He had already branded Taurin as one of his own with fire. She bore the mark of the crow and sickle on her shoulder like all of his slaves did.

His predictions were right however. Taurin rapidly rose the ranks and become one of the most popular warriors, earning herself the nickname The Direwolf. It mattered little who was placed before her. Taurin could take down Men, Women and Beast alike. She spent her days in the pit, earning money for the gamblers and her nights were filled with drink and food, celebrating her victories. Though even the frivolity was work as she shared her bed with Champions, Customers and occasionally her Captors.

It was a long-planned escape, one that Taurin had been thinking about from the moment she had been stripped, beaten, branded and locked away. Using her body as well as strength, Taurin gained her jailer's trust and upon the Eve of the Tournament, she soaked his sheets in blood and draped his entrails across his headboard. Escaping after that had been easier than she thought. On the run, it wasn't until Taurin had safely made it into the next County that the news reached her. Her escape had instigated a rebellion among the other Slaves, a failed rebellion.

Slaves were easily replaceable to Solomon and while he lost out on a wealth of riches and business by sacrificing the remaining 11 Contestants of his Tournament, it was worth it to send a message to his precious rebel Direwolf. It is a message that Taurin received and understood. He really should have known better however if he thought that she would back down. Wasn't that what he had taught her after all? To fight to the death. I mean that's why she ran in the first place. It wasn't fear. Taurin feared very little. She didn't flee because she thought she'd lose. She fled because she knew she'd win and the thought of murdering 11 of her friends for his entertainment, was simply too much.

Murdering Solomon's Men however was a sport that Taurin very much enjoyed. Over the last year, she had silently been dismantling Solomon's operation. Her end goal has and will always be his head on a pike. She has recently followed several of his Men to port and she hopes that with their bloody deaths, she will get one step closer to Solomon himself. Let him deal with the beast he has made.