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20:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sullivan Hart

"The world breaks everyone, and afterword, many are strong at the broken places."
Name: Sullivan Hart
Nickname:  Sullivan prefers his full name but those that are closest to him usually refer to him as Sully, which he will answer to. If he does not consider someone close enough then he will correct them if they attempt to shorten his name, which sometimes comes off as rude.
Age: 25
Faceclaim: Cole Sprouse

Ability: Telekinesis -  Sullivan's primary ability is being able to manipulate and move objects with a simple thought.  Over the years, he has formed a habit to keep random objects in his pocket that, if the need arises, he could use as weapons.  This can be anything from a spare bullet to a paperclip.

Telekinesis Weakness:  The more Sullivan uses his telekinesis the stronger his migraine is afterward. It can be debilitating to him and, in serious cases, cause him to pass out. When it reaches that point, he is usually out for a few days. He always keeps a prescription migraine medication with him. It doesn't take a migraine completely away, but it dulls the pain and can help him concentrate.

Regeneration:  Sullivan can restore organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning.

Regeneration Weaknesses:  This ability takes more out of Sullivan than his telekinetic gifts because he has to pull from his own energy to heal the damage.  The larger the wound, the more energy it takes from him, to a point where he could kill himself to heal someone else.

He tries not to use this ability unless it is a life or death situation or if he is too far away from the compound because it can cause him to lose consciousness if he gives too much of his own energy.

He cannot restore someone's limbs if they are lost, neither can he bring someone back from the dead - once the patient's heart stops beating there is nothing else Sullivan can do.

Other Special Abilities: Sullivan wanted to be a doctor for as long as he can remember. The desire to help those that are sick or in need of care always appealed to him; especially, the thought of bringing people back from the brink of death.  In his spare time, he always lost himself in medical journals, books, and magazines - anything that he could get his hands on.  He is extremely smart in this area and it is what he enjoys doing. Because of that, Theodore Collins.

Theodore Collins also makes sure the members of his League know basic hand to hand combat skills. He is aware that there are some out there wanting to do harm and not good to the people he has collected. This is not Sullivan's strong area.  He knows enough to handle his own, but it wouldn't be hard to put him down.

Is your character a League member or a recruit? Second-in-Command of the League
How many years with The League: Nine Years
Occupation on the Campbell Compound: Medic, trainer for new recruits, and anything else Theodore needs him to do (even if it just a coffee run.)

Theme song:

Physical Description: Initially, Sullivan does not appear like the type of person someone would eagerly take home and introduce to their parents. He has what most would refer to as a 'grunge' look and is often seen sporting his black leather jacket, tattered jeans, and faded t-shirts.

His dark brown, almost black, hair is unruly and hangs in his face, casting shadows over his deep green eyes, that are framed with thick lashes.  His olive colored skin reveals Italian blood runs within his veins. His smooth flesh is not  blemish free; he has several freckles that dot his frame, which most would consider imperfections.

Sullivan rarely smiles but when he does it changes his face completely.  A mischievous look will break through the stoic mask that he is often seen wearing.  He has been told to smile more but his lips are usually in a lush line as he contemplates those around him.

His physical attraction really depends upon the individual. Some consider him rather good-looking, in a mysterious, bad-boy type way, while others merely look at him as average (and in need of a haircut.)  He really doesn't care either way, especially since he would rather not be noticed at all.

As far as height goes, he is merely average.  He does not tower over others like some of his accomplices  do, but he is neither on the short side. A happy medium, he would say. His form is slender, but it is obvious that he does not skimp on taking care of himself.

Distungishing Features: He has often been complimented on his lips. They are fuller than most males and set in a perfect shape. When he is amused, the right side tends to pull up a little further than the left.

His voice. Those that know Sullivan can't mistake his voice when it is heard.  His tone is deep, level, and often resembles a voice of reason. When he is angry, he does not yell; instead, he tends to get quieter and even more reserved than normal.

Those that look close enough will see tiny scars on each of his temples (they are often hid by his unruly locks.) and little scars up and down his arms. Several are obviously punctures from needle overuse, others one can only imagine.

Personality Description: Some have said that Sullivan is not easily approachable due to his darker appearance and quietness, but those that have made the effort have found that he is actually an enjoyable character to be around.

He is quiet, even with his closest friends, but there are some subjects he will talk about non-stop, you just have to figure out what they are.

He is level-headed, and often seen as the voice of reason among the League. Because of that, he is one that people tend to come to for advice; he does not tell people what he thinks they want to hear, he tells them what he thinks they need to hear, whether they will like it or not.

Sullivan is loyal to those that he considers true friends. He may have several acquaintances that he does not mind being around, but he believes actual friends are rare and that they should be cherished.


Life often comes in seasons. Some are warm and enjoyable, while others are darker and tend to leave lasting impressions upon those that endure them.  The Hart's are no different than anyone else and have experienced seasons of joy and seasons of sorrow. At the moment, they are somewhere in-between.

The Hart family has made a name for itself in the world.  The family has always produced some of the most skilled doctors, lawyers, and politicians.  The family tree is filled with those that have discovered cures, set captives free, and even sat in high offices of power. Wealth and prestige has always been their goal - until Griffin Hart came along.

From the beginning, he was different than the rest of the family and put his own happiness before money and power.  He was the daydreamer, the misfit, the rebel, and the adventurer. He barely completed high school and he was gone before his graduation cap even hit the ground.   He started traveling and taking photographs, leaving his power-hungry family behind in America. He saw Africa, Asia, and many other countries, but when he reached Italy he met and fell in love with Viviana Fiorelli - a beautiful dancer.

They did not have the traditional romance where they met, married, and had children; instead, he talked her into traveling the world with him. The thought of marriage and children were far from their minds as she danced her way into the hearts of hundreds and he photographed their journey; he sold his photographs which helped them fund their travels.  When they did finally decide to expand their family Viviana suffered from multiple miscarriages and together they walked the dark valley of infertility. Even with all the medical advancements, things just were not in their favor.

Five years later, after they had returned to America to aid Griffin's sick older brother, Viviana finally conceived and carried their child to full term - Sullivan Lorenzo Hart (Sullivan was the name of an old Irish barkeep that housed Griffin for free during his travels, Lorenzo is the name of Viviana's father.)  Two years after her son was born Viviana became ill but nothing could find the source of her pain. Fifteen months after the beginning of her symptoms, she passed away, leaving Griffin and a three-year-old child for him to look after.

Devasted by the loss of his wife and overwhelmed by the weight of tending to a child, he turned to his parents for support. They welcomed Griffin and Sullivan into their home. It was during this time that Griffin slowly began to go mad - plagued by the death of his wife, held captive by unwanted roots that forced him to stay in one place, and made to sit behind a desk from 9-5 doing administrative paperwork for his father's company. It was all too much on him.

On Sullivan's 10th birthday he woke to find his father missing. To this day, no one is sure where he went or if he is even still alive, especially after the virus.  He left behind his camera, Viviana's favorite book, and a piece of paper for Sullivan that merely stated, To thine own self be true.

With his father's disappearance, Sullivan's grandparents - Marcus and Miriam Hart - became his sole guardians.  Unfortunately, they fell back into their old ways and attempted to mold their grandchild the way they had their children. They believed that he was still young enough to be changed, but he was born with his father's stubbornness and his mother's spirit - he refused to be the person that they thought he should be.  He remained respectful and tried to follow many of the rules that they set in place for him.

On Sullivan's 15th birthday the news announced the first case of the airborne illness that seemed to be taking the lives of those in Russia. It did not take long for the virus to reach the States and everything Sullivan had ever known about himself and his family changed.  His grandmother, Miriam, was taken by the virus. She was one of the lucky ones because she died before the virus could take full effect.  Dr. Marcus Hart's position as Director of the CDC got them a first class ticket to safety - a bunker that had been built and hidden for times of crisis.

Six months later they were able to resurface and everything had changed. It was not long after their return that Sullivan began to show signs of the virus, but before he could officially be diagnosed his fever broke and they deemed it just a reaction to the new pollutants in the air.  Days after the fever broke, Sullivan had his first experience with his telekinesis ability.  His grandfather finally pushed the right button and Sullivan, not normally one to react with violence, had a desire to throw something at his grandfather. He was surprised when the object flew across the kitchen on its own and hit his grandfather on the back as he went to leave the room.

Several other events like the one stated above unfolded and his grandfather eventually noticed. There had been other reports of these rare occurrences; it did not take him long to report his grandson's strange behavior. He oversaw numerous test and watched as they forced needles into his grandson's flesh - all for the greater good, of course.

It wasn't until Sullivan was 16-years-old that something bizarre happened. He passed out during one of the intenser examinations on his brain and woke up in a completely different state, on a different compound, under the supervision of a man named Theodore Collins. At first, he did not trust the man or the small team that rescued him, but it didn't take long for him to realize they were not going to hurt him the way the others had.

He eventually fell into place under Theodore's watchful care. He has been trained. He has been schooled in the medical field. He has helped build and enhance the Campbell Compound. He works closely with Theodore and some even look at him as a second-in-command of the League.

"Be careful trying to fix broken people because you may cut yourself on the shattered pieces."


Theodore Collins:  Sullivan has the utmost respect for the Director of the Campbell Compound. When he thought his life would end in a lab, Theodore broke through the chains and pushed him back into freedom.  Over the past nine years, the two have formed a bond that is similar to a father and son - both filling voids that loss left in the other's life.

Theodore has often said he sees great potential in Sullivan and has pushed him to continue expanding on his abilities, which he has. Because of Theo, Sullivan has got a handle on his Telekinesis and is a medic that exceeds expectation.   Sullivan's loyalties lie firmly with his friend and mentor, even if they don't always see eye-to-eye.

Jackson Bondurant:  Family is not always blood. No one understands this better than Sullivan Hart. Theodore has become like a father to him and Jackson... the annoying Uncle.   No one gets under Sullivan's skin like Jacks and, although he often seems annoyed, he secretly enjoys the back and forth between him and the Old Man.  He knows that he can trust Jackson with his life and he hopes it's mutual.

William Steers: William is the only person Sullivan considers 'best friend.' Sullivan's first deployment into the Waste was to rescue William and two others from a caravan that was moving from one Compound and headed in the direction of the Adelphi.

Since Sullivan was the closest to William's age and newest to the Compound, Theodore put him in charge of showing Will the ropes. The rest is history. Over the past eight years, the two have grown up together, even shared punishments when they got out of hand in their adolescence, and have trained together.

To Sullivan, William is more than a friend, he is a brother and his closest confidant.   When in the field there is no one Sullivan would rather have at his side.

Norah Coleridge: Other than William, Norah is his closest friend. When the duties of being the medic, League member, and second in command become overwhelming, Norah is his quiet place.   Since Norah arrived at the Compound, not a day has gone by that the two have not been seen together.  Rumor has it that there is something deeper than just friendship between the two of them but neither of them has confirmed the rumors. If there is, they have kept it very private.

Family Connections:

Grandfather: <center>Name: Dr. Marcus Hart
Position in the World: Director of the CDC, Ph.D in Molecular Virology

Information: The Hart family was a well-known name in many circles even before the spread of the virus.  The family has produced doctors, lawyers, and politicians that had advanced their area of expertise.

Marcus Hart is no exception. He was appointed the Director position of the CDC two years before the outbreak and continues to hold the position to this day.

After the death of his wife, he devoted himself to discovering a cure and has lost himself in his work.  He works closely with Eliza Wells and was one of the biggest supports of the Alpha Project - to the point of handing over his own gifted grandson to be used in her research.

Father:Name: Griffin Lolek
Position in the World: Leader of Nomad Sector 7 (West)

More Information: Sullivan currently has no idea that his father is alive.