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Welcome to The Holding Cell

20:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Felix Wilde

Character's Name: Felix Wilde
Age: 43
Blood Status: Pureblood
Current position in the Order (subject to GM approval): 1st in Command
Current job outside of the Order: Owner of the Daily Prophet (the business has been in his family for 4 generations)
Wand: 13 inches in length.

Acacia wood is a very unusual wand wood, which creates tricky wands that often refuse to produce magic for any but their owner and also withhold their best effects from all but those most gifted. This sensitivity renders them difficult to place.  When well-matched, an acacia wand matches any for power, though it is often underrated due to the peculiarity of its temperament *

Core:Unicorn tail hair core (Consistent Magic. Bonds strongly to first user*)


Patronus: Mountain Goat
Boggart: His wife’s lifeless body.
Special skills: Occlumency - The skill of protecting one’s mind from external penetration. Nonverbal magic.

Pet/Familiar: (Does my children count?)

Hair: Wavy. Dirty blonde.
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6’ 2
Physical Description: It is obvious that Felix Wilde possessed good looks during his youth. Even now he tries to remain in good shape, but at times it can be difficult balancing a family, a uprising, and oneself.

There are still traces of the boy that attended Hogwarts there in the way his eyes light up with mischief when Tristan is around. He is more aware of himself now than he ever was before, and it is obvious in the calculating way he moves, and how he thinks before he responds, even to the simplest questions.

He rarely smiles these days, but when he does it is warm and welcoming.

Distinguishing Features: There are several. As mentioned above, he has a birthmark in his right eye - a noticeable brown spot close to the pupil. He has a few scars from scuffles and hardcore quidditch sessions throughout the years.  He also has tattoos (his mother despises them along with his long hair).  He has an Ace of Spade card tattooed on his right bicep. Between his shoulder blades he has To thine own self be true.

Personality: Felix continues to be a quiet person who would rather sit back and listen rather than speak. When he host a meeting regarding The Order he listens to what all those around his has to say before he makes his own comments. What has changed is how he speaks to people when he does talk - gone is his condescending days. His tone is neutral and leans more towards friendly.

He continues to remain intolerant to people who are ignorant. It is one reason he has spent years educating his children and having some of the best tutors come in to teach them.

Gone is the boy who once challenged authority. He now understands what comes with a title, and he regrets treating adults in his life the way he did, but he can’t change it, only learn from it.  He still has a brilliant mind, but he praises the support system he has for that.

His loyal spirit remains and it is one reason he has made it this far in his life. He will not hesitate to stand up for his friends, his family, the people who support his cause, and the cause itself.


His Early Years:

A majority of people Felix Wilde’s age can look back on their adolescent years and reminisce about good times they have had with parents, siblings, family in general. Unfortunately, this certain individual is one of the minority. There are no memories of sitting around the dinner table and laughing with his parents, there is no rowdy late nights with siblings, there is only a huge gap that is filled with being alone or being surrounded by people who were paid to be in his home.

Phineas and Celia Wilde were not burdened with the desire to have children. They wanted to leave that task up to their siblings - let their offspring carry on the family name. Their desire to further their careers in ways very few do is one of the main things that brought them together during their early years at Hogwarts. Phineas was a proud Slytherin who knew exactly what he wanted after Hogwarts and he would do anything (anything) to climb that ladder and get his hands on exactly what he wanted.  Celia was a brilliant Ravenclaw. Her teachers knew she was going places. She spent a majority of her time soaking up as much knowledge as she could. She refused to let a lack of intelligence keep her from doing whatever she desired after school.

It was their desires and thirst for power that brought them together. Celia knew the Wilde’s were a popular family in the Ministry and Phineas was well aware of the Eveland’s standing in the community. Neither married for love and they were both well aware of that (and were fine with it). Children were never mentioned. Never an option. Never even a consideration.

Until Felix happened. It was not Celia’s idea to keep the child, but Phineas thought that it could help in the future. So many others have children - playdates with others in power could be arranged. The child could be used for leverage. He promised his wife that she wouldn’t have to take care of the blonde headed child she bore.

And she didn’t...

From the moment Felix was born he had nannies. Stern-faced, well dressed, disciplined women who were supposed to shape him from the moment he came out of the womb. But, he was a smart child from the beginning and he was well-aware of his parents lack of love and intention, because of that, he was determined to make it as hard for his caretakers as he could. Until Charles came along. It was during that time he actually listened to someone in charge of him. His rambunctious nature started to settle and he clung to the man in a way any unloved child would.

As he grew Celia began her attempts to prime Felix. She began to realize how stubborn her son was and everything she attempted backfired, from the way she wanted him to sit at the table to the way she wanted him to dress.  Argument after argument began and the home, once cold and silent, filled with yells and words of disdain.  It remains that way between him and his mother. His father pretends like he is not there and in-turn Felix does the same. He does not want to be anything like the people that brought him into this world and has a desire to leave his home as soon as possible..  If Charles had not been there Felix has no idea how he would have made it as long and as far as he has.

..Love me or hate me, both are in my favor...

From then until now..

Felix’s years at Hogwarts are some he will never forget. There were up’s and down’s during that time, but they are the years that began to mold him into the person he is today. It was during that time he began to change, to mature, to see a different path for his life than what his parents wanted. He felt like the little bookstore he wanted to own could truly happen, that the book he wanted to write and publish was just around the corner.

It was during that time that he found Angel - when he learned what it was like to truly love someone, to feel complete, to finally give yourself to someone else without fearing they would completely ruin you.

But, during his 20th year things began to change. Those little dreams he had for years started to fade, started to change, and form into something he never thought possible.  He was aware of the changes going on in their world, knew his parents were helping with some of that change, but he tried to put it behind him and concentrate on a quiet future with Angel.

It wasn’t until Charles Doyle, his lifetime caretaker and friend, approached him that he realized he couldn’t do that. There were things going on in the world that were more important than his dreams. He joined Charles, became his second in command, and became the first member of the new Order. He left Hogwarts to focus fully on his opportunities to help.

And he did just that.

He was able to hold on to some of his dreams. At the age of 19, he married the love of his life - Angel - and started one of his most memorable journeys with her (husband, father).

But, during his time as a husband, he was also a soldier for a new cause. A new hope that Charles was trying to ignite and instill in others, a new hope for the future of the world that was being torn day by day. It was during this time that he played grim reaper and took the lives of his parents, it was during this time he held his children for the first time, it was during these years he became first in command, it was during this time he had to bury some of his best friends.

Together, each of these moments in time molded him into the person he is today.


Angel Wilde  - Wife - It is obvious by the way Felix reacts to Angel’s presence that she is the love of his life and is highly esteemed. He can’t fathom why there was a time he didn’t want her as his wife. Whenever she is around she is at his left side, and it is obvious he takes what his wife has to say to heart.

Sebastian Wilde - Son - His firstborn son (by 5 minutes). When he became a father to a son he was determined to be different than his own. He would not put the weight of the world on his child’s shoulders and expect things from them.  Unfortunately, it is easier said than done.  He respects his son and even though they don’t always see eye-to-eye he doesn’t try to sway or impose his views on his son.

Sephora Wilde - Only Daughter - Parent’s often claim that they do not have a favorite, and the same goes for Felix, but it is obvious that he treats his daughter differently since she is the only girl he has.

From the beginning, it was obvious that she was just like him - in her mannerisms and personality. It connected them. He is very protective over her and has a hard time accepting that she is growing up.

Tristan Wilde  - Son (17)  Trouble, with a capital T. He is a prankster and troublemaker, and if he isn't looking for it, it finds him.

Silas Wilde - (13) Silas is confident and playful. He has dreams of being a pro Quidditch player, and currently plays Beater for the Gryffindor house team at Hogwarts.

Anders Wilde - (5) The baby of the family. Anders is very sweet natured, sensitive and intelligent.

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Additional Notes:

In the beginning of his reign as 1st in Command of the new Order, Felix was a rather lenient individual. If someone decided they did not agree with the ideals of the Order then he allowed them to go freely.

All it took was one casualty..

Since then, Felix has ruled more tightly. If he believes anyone is putting any of the members or his family in danger he will not hesitate to remove them from the picture.