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13:53, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sephora Wilde

Character's Name: Sephora Hope Wilde
Nickname: Seph
Age: 23
Blood Status: Pureblood

Wand:  Length: 13 inches

Wood:  Willow wood  (Willow is known as “the tree of enchantment”, and is hence quite favored for Charms. It also enhances healing magic, and is overall a willing, feminine wandwood)

Core: Unicorn Hair (Unicorn hair is a more subtle wand, but it is quite compatible with Charms and Transfiguration. It is also hands-down the best core for healing, as it picks up some of the healing capabilities of unicorn blood. Unicorn hair has a reputation of picking gentler or more cerebral users, so it is common amongst Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. More laid-back Gryffindors and subtler Slytherins may find themselves with a Unicorn hair wand.)

Special possessions:   The ring that she received the day she joined the Order.  The band is made of solid onyx and has a single emerald stone embedded in it. Felix had the inside of the ring engraved especially for Sephora - Remember, always do good.

She also has a shackle bracelet that belonged to Oliver Hart. It is made of aged leather with a white gold clasp. The bracelet has his initials engraved on the inside of the band.  She is rarely, if ever, seen without it.  Those that know her well, know how precious this specific item is to her.

Special skills: Sephora has spent a majority of her life focusing on healing. She knows many healing spells that your average wizard and witch do not.

Hair: Dirty blonde/light brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5 feet, 7 inches

Physical Description: Some children resemble one parent or the other, but so many compliment Sephora on being a perfect mixture of both her parents. She has a youthful appearance and at times has been mistaken for someone that is younger -  she is sure she’ll appreciate it one day, but at times it can be irritating.

Her soft locks reach past her shoulders and is a light blonde that can, at times, appear white. Her skin is smooth, blemish free and has a soft tint to it that reveals she does like spending some time outdoors (usually to read). Her eyes are shaped exactly like her fathers but are light green like her mothers.

Sephora’s favorite feature is her lips. They are full, lush, and shaped like her mother’s. The young Wilde has several piercings and a few tattoos inked into the depths of that otherwise blemish-free flesh.

Distinguishing Features: While Sephora is rather reserve in nature her physical appearance is anything but.  She has several piercings: both of her tragus’ are pierced, in her right ear she has orbital and a helix, in the left a upper lobe.  Her belly button is pierced and so is her left brow (but she only wears it on occasion).

She has an infinity tattoo with her last name curving above it on the inside of her right wrist.  After going to work at St. Mungo's she had eyeliner tattooed along her top lids. It helps her feel a little more put together on the days she has very little time for herself.

Dress and Appearance:  Sebastian often teases her, saying she always looks like she is going to a funeral. He isn't wrong. A majority of the young woman's wardrobe is black, gray, and dark red. Her fair complexion and blond hair do make it difficult for her to wear bright colors because it can make her look washed out. So, she tends to stay away from them.  She is a casual dresser and only dresses 'to impress'  when Felix ask her. She wears a lot of t-shirts, jeans, flanel, and leggings. Anything that she feels comfortable in.

She has never been one to feel strongly about makeup; thankfully, she inherited good genes from her mother because she doesn't really need a foundation to cover up blemishes since there are very few of them.  She does believe a good eyeliner and lipstick can go a long way. Her go-to is the 'smokey eyed' look because it makes her green eye color really stand out.

Most of the time her hair is pulled up in a messy bun (she is accustomed to this style since she works long hours at St. Mungos) but there are times that she does leave it to frame her face.
Character Visual: Chloe Grace Moretz

Personality: Anyone that knew Felix when he was a boy will agree that Sephora’s personality is just like his. She is a very reserved individual and very intolerant to people who appear to lack intelligence. She is never one to jump feet first into a conversation; she prefers to sit back and listen. Like her father before her she often speaks in a condescending manner (most of the time it is not intentional).

She does not wear her emotions on her sleeve and it is often difficult to tell how she really feels about things. The young woman was raised in a world where people you think are friends will take advantage of you in a heartbeat, so she is quick to put walls up between herself and others, which has made it difficult for her to make and keep friends.

She is extremely loyal to those that do manage to find a place in her heart. Again, this is a personality trait she inherited from her father.  He has tried many times to talk to his daughter and help her understand that it is not necessarily a good way to be, and she has tried working on this specific area of her life.

People who watch her find she is extremely loving to her family (or those she considers family). She never hesitates to give them a smile, embrace, or talk openly with them. A completely different person that very few get to experience.


Sephora and her brother, Sebastian, were born during one of the darkest times in their world's history. Their world was filled with so much loss and mourning, so much devastation and rebuilding, but their new lives brought joy to those around them.  Their first cries were signs that there was still goodness in the world and that the new generation could do what the previous generation failed to do - bring together those that were once separated by blood.

Felix, Sephora’s father, was very absent during their first few years. It was during this time that he was aiding Charles Doyle in cleaning up the mess that Hogwarts had become, joining him in meetings with those that were rebuilding the Ministry, and other Order business that children were not allowed to know. 

Thankfully, their mother, Angel, was a constant during those years. Felix knew what it was like to grow up in the presence of hired caretakers, so he requested that his wife be home with their children. He was pleased when she obliged his request.

Of course, she does not remember much of those years due to her young age. 

Her earlier days were rather normal for a child- routine, spending time with her brother, hiding from Remy, and learning more mundane subjects (like reading and writing) from personal tutors.  Thankfully, by the time she was 7, their world was entering a more peaceful time. The Order was not as needed and her father was home more with his family. But his past darkened his outlook on life, and he chose to begin teaching his children magic at an early age.  

By the time she was 11, Sephora was already ahead of the curve, but it did not hinder her excitement when she received her letter to Hogwarts (by now, it was rebuilt enough that children were able to start attending again) She was sorted into Ravenclaw, the same house as her brother.  Like her father before her, she adored the school and excelled in her classes, but her social skills were very few (something else she inherited from her father) Her teachers encouraged her to participate more in group events but it took several school years for her to finally begin socializing more with her peers.


It was during the 3rd year that she befriended, and eventually started dating, Oliver Hart, a fellow Ravenclaw.  The two were inseparable. Other than Sebastian, Oliver was her closest friend.  In 2013 devastation rocked Sephora’s world. She was in Diagon Alley with Oliver when the explosion happened. His parents were the ones opening the new store. Sadly, he was one that lost his life. Sephora spent a week in Saint Mungos before she was sent home. She has kept in touch with Oliver’s older brother and younger sister and she considers them close friends.

Unfortunately, she had to return to school following Oliver's death to complete her education at the school. She was more withdrawn during that year than ever but the Professors (and her peers) understood and gave her the space she needed during her mourning.

The years following Ollie's death are what she refers to as the ‘dark years’, but they opened her eyes to the world around her. Up until that point she had been ignoring the rumors and believed her father was seeing things he wanted to see, trying to form his own conclusions without enough facts, but after the loss of Oliver, she started paying more attention and believed that her father’s concerns were valid.

She was relieved when graduation from Hogwarts came. Soon after, she began a new chapter in her life at St. Mungos.  Six years later and she is doing well at her job there and she loves every minute of being in the hospital and helping those that come in.

At the age of 20 she officially became a member of the Order.


Father: Felix Wilde - 1st in Command of The Order - She is as close to her father as her brother is to their Mother. Felix see's so much of himself in his daughter and is well-aware of the potential she has. Growing up Sephora always wanted to be where he was and if she needed something she ran to him.

Mother: Angel Wilde - She is not as close to her Mother as she is to her father, but she has respect for her. She talks more personally to her mother than she does to her father and the two often try to spend one-on-one time together since she is the only girl.

Brother: Sebastian Wilde (twin)

Pet/Familiar: A handsome little guinea pig named Higgins:

This little guy was a gift from her father on her 20th birthday which just happened to be 3 days before she joined the Order as an official member. Sephora isn't the type to like cute, cuddly creatures, but she has taken to Higgins. She showers him with treats and little Guinea pig gifts. He has a rather large set up in her room for him, but she rarely closes the cage door; instead, she gives him free reign since he is smarter than your average familiar.

Fears & Phobias: Heights. Complete darkness. Losing her brother. Giants

Worst Memory(ies): No one is exempt from negative memories. Every person has a wide variety of them, in fact. Sephora is no exception.  The worst of all, up until this point, is experiencing the explosion in Diagon Alley five years ago.  At that time, she was dating one of the son’s in the family that was attacked (Oliver Hart) . She was with him when the explosion happened. Sadly, he was one of those that lost his life.  It was during this time that she realized their world was no longer safe anymore and that things were truly brewing beneath the surface.

Best Memory(ies):

1. When she realized she had the healing touch and enjoyed the feeling of helping someone that is wounded. Sebastian and Remy were playing and Sebastian ended up hurt. He started crying, but before he could run off to their Mother she caught up with him, soothed him, and healed his wound. She really did not think it was going to work, but it did and the feeling or pride that welled up in her chest was unforgettable.

2. The first kiss she shared with Oliver. To some, this may seem childish and simple, but to someone that tends to keep a distance from people and relationships, it is a special memory. It was not just her first kiss with Oliver but it was her first intimate moment, ever.

Favorite Animal(s) Birds (especially ravens and phoenix)

Additional Notes:

+ Sephora loves to read. She ask the same question her father use to - What are you reading?  Unlike Felix, she does not base her friendships off of a person's knowledge and appreciation of literature.

+ She has worked at Saint Mungos for the past six years and recently made one of the head nurses there.  She keeps her eyes and ears open and has learned some important information from patients that come through that she carries back to Headquarters.

+ Her father taught her how to fence using Muggle weapons. She does not see how it will be useful, but she uses it as a stress relief when the weight of the world is on her shoulders.

+ Sephora suffers from insomnia.  She has tried both magical and muggle remedies but nothing seems to help her sleep.  Rarely does she go to bed before 3 or 4 am. She often sits with her father when he works late into the night when she is not on shift at the hospital. Because of this, she is not a morning person.  Most people learn quickly to steer clear of her first thing in the morning. She also drinks a significant amount of caffeine (coffee.)


Sebastian Wilde: Sephora considers Sebastian her better half. He is everything good about them as siblings. She doesn’t know what she would do if she ever lost him and she will do anything - anything- to protect him.

Remus “Remy” Morganstern:  In their earlier years, Remus was Sephora’s antagonist. He picked on her like he would his own blood siblings - he pranked her, called her out, and pulled her hair. Their personalities, as children, just did not mesh well (him being the out going type and her being more reserved.) In fact, it got so bad one time that Angel put the two of them in a magical ‘get along’ shirt and made them wear it together until they stopped bickering. It took hours, but finally, the two succumbed and made peace with each other.. until they got the shirt removed, that is.

As they matured, Sephora was able to handle Remus’s personality better and by the time they reached Hogwarts they could actually be in the same room with each other without arguments breaking out between them (but that did not stop them from throwing shade back and forth at one another.)

Oliver Hart brought them together.  He became their intermediary.  The day he died was difficult for both of them. For days after the attack, Remus was the only person Sephora would speak to. He did not try to baby her or look at her with pity. They also shared a hurt - both had lost someone in Oliver.


Since Oliver’s death, Sephora and Remus have continued to grow in their friendship. In fact, Sephora considers Remus one of her best friends.  Before Remus left to travel outside of the UK for work, he kissed her.  Over the past six months she has tried not to think about it and how it may change the dynamic between them once he returns home.

Morgana Dukes: Morgana has become the sister that Sephora never had.   When Sephora is not in the library or at work, she is with Morgana in the kitchen. Since she possesses her father’s cooking abilities (or lack there of), Seph usually just hangs out at the island and watches Morgana do her magic. This is when they attempt to solve the world’s problems. They usually talk from everything about books, to new recipes, to other things.  Sephora usually tries to keep the conversation light hearted, but she has told Morgana about Oliver and the relationship they had before his death.  Morgana is a breath of fresh air for Sephora, who has been surrounded by boys her entire life.

Oliver "Ollie" Hart (deceased):

 Oliver was one of the first real friends she made when she started her academic studies at Hogwarts. He was a Ravenclaw, just like Sephora and Sebastian, and he made the effort to get to know her even though many of her peers considered her standoffish and not worth befriending.

The two officially started dating the summer before their 4th year of school.  Even though they were young it was obvious that the two had something that is rare. They complimented each other and Sephora truly came out of her shell when she was around Oliver.

Over the next few years their relationship became rather serious. Felix and Angel welcomed Oliver with open arms and really enjoyed having the boy in their home. They also became friends with his mother, father, and two siblings.

In the middle of their 7th year, Oliver was killed during the explosion that happened in Diagon Alley. It happened at the grand opening of his parent's new store. The explosion also killed his father.  Oliver's death affected Sephora greatly and left a wound that will never truly heal.

She still sees his mother from time to time and is still friends with his older brother and younger sister.

Important Information:

Motivation: Before the loss of Oliver, Sephora really did not put much weight in the concerns of her father. She really believed that, after living through the last war, he was worried about nothing. Then, Oliver and his father (along with others) were killed during the explosion and things changed.  She does not want anyone else to have to go through the heartache that her and Oliver's family went through.

Special Skills: Wandless Magic:  From her adolescence, Sephora has been skilled in healing other.  Her father often says she was born with healing blood in her veins.  When her participation with the Order gained momentum, she started working on wandless healing spells.  It has taken her years and a lot of hours to get to where she is today.

Strengths: Healing (see above).

Potions:  Sephora knew from a small age that she wanted to become a Healer and work at Saint Mungo's.  Because of her desire to do that she had to pass potions with an N.E.W.T and she did just that. In fact, Sephora was at the top of her class for potions. She is one of the top witches at St. Mungo's for mixing medical elixirs.

Weaknesses: Her biggest weakness is her lack of social skills. Sephora is very much like her father when he was a teenager - she would rather be seen and not heard, she does not make friends easily, and at times can come off as condescending even though she doesn't mean it. Unless she is dealing with patients at the hospital - most would not even recognize her in this setting.

She lacks in physical strength. Sephora is a petite woman that has spent the last six years working long hours in a hospital and putting other's needs before her own.  Because of that, she has not worked on strengthening her own self physically.

Patronus: A Jaguar

Boggart: She does not see just one thing when her boggart appears. She see's multiple - the dead bodies of her loved ones. Her father, her mother, her brothers, and Remus.