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Welcome to The Holding Cell

19:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alexis Adaire

"She was powerful,
not because she wasn't scared
but because she went on so strongly,
despite the fear."

Name: Alexis "Lexie" Adaire
Age: 26
Position at the Compound: Computer Specialist
Ability: Does bossing people around count? Technically, she has no special gifts because she never contracted the virus. So, she is simply a human that is lending her hand to the greater good.
Faceclaim: Karen Gillan
Theme song: Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken

Personality: In terms of personality, Alexis is about as salty as they come.   Not only does she have the fire of a natural redhead but she was also born and raised in the Southern parts of what was once the United States of America. So, there is a good chance she'll put you in your place and bless your heart all in the same breathe.

She is fiercely protective and will not hesitate to put herself in front of a bullet for those she considers family and friends. So, don't mess with them or you have to deal with the spunky little tech that, may not be buff, but she sure is bold.

It takes a lot to make Lexie truly angry, but woe to those that push her to that point. Usually, it is a mistake that is only made once and then people are careful to stay on her good side after that.  She also tends to hold grudges by burying the hatchet but leaving the handle sticking out, but her forgiveness can easily be bought with cookies (chocolate chip - don't ever attempt to bring her oatmeal raisin.)

Last but not least, she rarely censors herself - if it crosses her mind, it usually comes out of her mouth.

Physical Description: Alexis is almost the exact image of her mother and grandmother. Her skin is smooth, the color of porcelain, but her flesh is not without imperfection. There are a few freckles that dust the bridge of her nose and cheeks.

Her skin looks even paler against red hair. In her younger years, she was extremely self-conscious about the bright color because it truly stood out - natural redheads are like unicorns in storybooks.  Over time, she embraced her differences and the desire to color it has faded.  The only physical trait she received from her father is her dark brown, almond-shaped eyes.

She is average in height for a woman her age. Her frame is slender, and every trace of adolescence has fallen to reveal womanly curves;  these curves are often hidden by the loose material of overlarge hoodies and leggings. It's hard to keep up with the latest fashions when the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

Other than her ears she has no piercings on her smooth flesh, but she does have one tattoo.  Inked into the flesh of her index finger, not far from the curve of her thumb, are the words Keep Moving Forward. Three simple words that hold so much meaning. It is a statement her father always encouraged her with. Never quit, just keep moving forward.

Background: To know Alexis Lynn Adaire is to know the family and town she came from because she believes those things helped create the best parts of the person she became.

Lucas Adaire and Elizabeth Walsh met their senior year of high school.  She was a military brat that had followed her father on his journey through the US Army and eventually, they were stationed at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia. It was their last duty station and they immediately put roots down in the beautiful town.

The Adaire family had been there for several generations and Lucas was the typical Southern gentleman.  A few weeks after graduation Lucas asked Elizabeth to marry him and she said... no.  Even though she loved Lucas deeply it was hard for the young woman to think about settling forever in one place.  Traveling was in her blood and that's exactly what she did, but her three years abroad did not bring her as much joy as she thought, and she eventually moved back to Savannah - only to find that Lucas had married another.

It was six years before the two would finally get their happily ever after.

Lucas wife at the time was an extremely needy individual that had been raised as the only child of a wealthy businessman. Lucas was busy with medical school and she could not handle his absence.  He attempted to make things works and make her happy again; eventually, she presented him with divorce papers and the two separated.

Lucas and Elizabeth married a year later. Eleven months after their wedding vows Jonathan Adaire was born.  Four years to the day after Jonathan's birth they welcomed a beautiful baby girl - Alexis.

From an early age, they noticed that Alexis was ahead of her peer group.  They kept moving her up in grades. As she advanced, she found a love for STEM and threw herself into extra classes that would help continue to forward her knowledge in technology.  When most of the girls in her class were working their hind-ends off in cheerleading and dance, she was in the science and computer labs.

When she was ten years old her parents pulled her out of the public school system and started to homeschool their daughter. She graduated at the age of fourteen and was accepted at MIT, where she began to work on a degree in electrical engineering and computer science.  Her family made the decision to move to Massachusetts. It was here that Doctor Adaire started to work with Doctor Collins and where the Adaire family remained until the outbreak.

>Alexis went with her family back to Savannah to help her grandparents after the outbreak. Not long after their arrival back in Savannah, both Lucas's mother and father succumbed to the virus; their frail, older bodies simply could not fight it off.

The closest Compound that had enough spots available for the Adaire family was the Arnold Compound.    During their time at the Arnold Compound they realized that Jonathan had also been affected by the virus, but instead of turning into a monster, he was blessed with the gift of darkness manipulation.  When they heard the rumors that Theodore Collins was alive and in charge of the Campbell Compound Alexis reached out to him, and he sent William Steers and Sullivan Hart out to retrieve their family and bring them back.

Back in the presence of his medical partner, Lucas Adaire began to help establish the Compound alongside Theodore. The entire family thought they had made it through together until Lucas began to show signs of the virus, one year after their arrival at the Compound. Three weeks later he lost the battle and died in the quarantine facility on Campbell.

Three years have passed since her father's death, four years since their arrival at the Compound, and Alexis has promised to help Theodore and the League in any way that she possibly can, which just happens to be technology.

Information:  Lexi has been a member of the Campbell Compound for the past four years.  Since then, she has been a huge asset to the Compound. She has cleaned up their computers and takes care of all the technology at Campbell.   When The League goes out into the field she is in their  eyes and ears. She does her best to help them with their surroundings. She also digs up as much information on the Compounds before their rescue attempts.


Lucas Adaire: Father. Previously worked with Theodore Collins.
Elizabeth Walsh-Adaire: Mother. Currently works in the childcare facility at the Compound.
Jonathan Adaire: Brother. Currently works as Compound Security. Was once offered a job with the League but turned it down.