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19:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Elrond of Rivendell

Elrond of Rivendell

Other names:  Elrond Peredhel (Sindarin, "Half-elven"), Master Elrond
Titles:  Lord of Rivendell, Ring-bearer of Vilya, Vice-regent and
herald to Gil-galad
Birth:  FA 532[1]
Realms:  Lindon, Rivendell
Children: Elladan, Elrohir, Arwen
Parentage: Father - Eärendil, Mother - Elwing, Foster Father - Maglor,Elros (twin)
Race: Half-elven
Hair: Dark Brown   Eyes: Grey

Elrond iwas a skillful warrior in battle and has commanded various armies of the Free Peoples well, including the Last Alliance. He is just as effective at leadership and gives much wise counsel. He has the gift of foresight through which he can view lands and events far away from Rivendell. He is also adept at healing others, though whether through medical knowledge or magic isn't known. The latter may be more probable in that Elrond managed to cure a Morgul wound, something which is almost invariably fatal due to its association with dark sorcery. While it is unknown just how powerful Elrond is compared to other Elf Lords, he certainly holds vast potential, being descended from the angelic Maia Melian and being the wielder of the ring of power Vilya. A notable demonstration includes Elrond summoning a great flood on the River Bruinen to sweep away the Nazgûl. Elrond is also familiar with ósanwe, the skill of entering others' minds. After the destruction of the One Ring Elrond communicated mentally with Galadriel and Gandalf on their return journey from Minas Tirith.

Elrond is one of the most incorruptible of leaders of Middle-earth. Aragorn speculated that among the few capable of completely resisting Saruman's power of speech were Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf. Elrond also rejected and opposed Sauron when the latter offered partnership with the Elves.

Elrond has the gift (curse?) of foresight. He gets glimpses of the future. His foresight is reliable enough that he can base decisions on it. For example, based on foresight he sends the Grey Company to Aragorn, bidding him to take the Paths of the Dead. Foresight plays an important part in many of Tolkien's stories and is not limited to Elves--an example would be Ivorwen, Aragorn's foresighted maternal grandmother.

Elrond is famous as a healer. No doubt part of this is due to his 6000+ years of experience, skill development, and studies as a loremaster. However, there is more to it than that. Aragorn (talking about his own considerable healing abilities) says that Elrond "has the greater power." This power seems to involve an ability to connect with, recall, and strengthen the spirit of the patient, as Aragorn demonstrates in The Houses of Healing when he calls Faramir, Merry, and Eowyn back from the Black Breath.

Elrond practices sanwe-latya, Quenya for "thought opening" or telepathy, with others who have that skill. It's not mind-reading but a speechless form of communication. In The Return of the King, "Many Partings," Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, and Celeborn have several late-night conversations this way.

Elrond is the bearer of Vilya, the Ring of Air, the mightiest of the three Elven-rings. This ring enables him to protect Imladris, monitor what's going on within its borders, and preserve it to a degree from the ravages of Time.

Elrond has power over the rivers of the valley; he commands the Bruinen to flood in order to bar the ford and prevent the Nazgul from reaching Frodo.