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10:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chieftain Padraig O'Rourke ~ WCL ~ Ireland

Character Name: Padraig O'Rourke

Age:300 (Approximately), though appears to be approximately 30 years of age.

Description: A tall oak tree of a man, standing at 6' 7'' with broad shoulders and a powerful build, Padraig looks every bit the sort of fellow you expect to see bending iron in a blacksmith's shop or hauling on the lines of an old sailing ship, with a rugged but handsome physique. Sporting a long mop of brown hair he tends to keep tidy in an old-fashioned haircut that goes nicely with the long sideburns he wears on his face, the one thing you tend to remember about the man most is his eyes, which are a metallic silver in color.

Although it's been many years since he's been in his ancestral home of Ireland, Padraig still has a noticeable brogue in his deep voice

Skills:A jack of all trades from his long life, Padraig seems to know a little bit about everything, but his primary skills are as a soldier, a sailor, and a field medic, roles he's filled many times over the centuries, and thus is skilled in hand-to-hand and armed combat, especially with a sword and most kinds of boomsticks. Has good knowledge of triage-level medicine, as would be used in the battlefield to stabilize a wounded soldier, though he is not a full doctor and needs to visit a healer himself for his more serious injuries.

Almost on par with this is his ability as a tinkerer and a mechanic, though his real love in this field is the technology of earlier times such as steam engines, though he still knows his way around modern tech as well.

A voracious reader, and able to pick up languages in fairly short order.

Weakness:Tends to hit the booze a little too hard for his own good, particularly when he's depressed, which tends to come about from recalling his earlier life. Pretty women also tend to be his downfall, especially if they're in distress.

Character History:

Born to a poor Irish family around the 1700's, Padraig seemed to have been born with the wanderlust inside of him, often dreaming of faraway places and a better life for himself and his family. All of that changed when he reached maturity, and his werewolf nature made itself apparent, a trait which tended to skip a few generations in his family.

Being fearful of his son's bestial side, his father cast him out, and from then on Padraig lived a vagabond lifestyle, going wherever he could find work, though this didn't tend to last very long as people tended to grow suspicious of his unnatural habits and his disappearances during the full moon, or the fact he didn't age.

Eventually immigrating to the New World like so many of his countrymen, Padraig eventually fell into the ranks of the U.S. army, beginning a long on-again off-again cycle of being a soldier or a sailor during times of war when his adopted country should have need of such things, having fought in the U.S. Civil War (on the side of the Union), all the way up to his last stint as a combat medic during Vietnam.

As with so many of his other jobs and relationships, Padraig eventually had to "disappear" himself when his superiors grew suspicious of his true nature, faking his death during a combat patrol and working his way back to the States under false names and changing his appearance and much as was practical.

Seemingly doomed to be a wanderer forever more, Padraig tends to go wherever he can make a living for himself, a lone wolf if you will, though he inwardly dreams of a time where he can put down roots once again and live out a quiet existence much as when he was a child back in Ireland.

By birthright, he is the Chieftain of the Irish clan of werewolves, and though he does his best to fufill the clan's wishes and see to their best interests, he detests politics in general and were politics in particular, but essentially has little choice in the matter.