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Welcome to A Tale of Two Cities

05:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Camille Le Donne

NAME: Camille Le Donne
HOST NAME: Linda Barnes

Camille appears to be an alluring young lady with a carefree attitude and an easy smile.  Long blonde hair, a sun kissed tan, and emotive blue eyes are her stand out features.  Sometimes she speaks with a faint french accent, other times she uses Linda's Australian accent.  Camille can wear just about anything and make it look stylish, although if given the chance to wear finer clothing... she'll take it.

Camille is very good at intrigues, having spent the better part of her life scheming and jostling for social advancement.  She has a good eye for gauging people's motivations (except those inscrutable Iconnu) and working crowds like a natural politician.  Often Camille prefers to adopt harmless or charming facades, so that other people underestimate her... or believe themselves to be the superior position.  She derives a sense of satisfaction from her manipulations.  Her favorite tactic is playing the (emotionally) wounded damsel.

Camille Le Donne was a minor French aristocrat who schemed for power back in the 18th century.  She wasn't an only child and her brothers stood to inherit everything.  Camille wanted freedom but was denied many pleasures that were deemed unfit for women.  She took to writing, speaking, and playing the church organ.  Frustrated at her marriage options and the glass ceiling that prevented her social ascension, Camille took to mobilizing people instead.  She made their issues into her causes (although her primary 'cause' was naked ambition).  Less power for the nobility, democratic principles, an end to corruption...  all things that Camille thought would never change.  However the French Revolution proved to be a bad time in which to incite mobs.  Initially Camille was beloved of the commoners and protected against the purge.  Marrying a high standing Jacobin helped to solidify her position and she used her newfound influence to name former enemies as criminals.  She also protected selected people in return for favors and profit.  When Robespierre and his ilk were removed from power and executed, Camille found herself sharing their fate.

Linda Barnes was an Australian exchange student living in Chicago/Minneapolis.  She'd busted her ass to land a place in film class, having studied some pre-reg courses back in Oz.  Linda hoped to make important friends and get her foot in the door for later film projects.  Already she had a few minor TV roles from back home (mostly Soaps and cameos in a few other series... during her teen-aged years).  Linda was pretty, blonde, and young... thinking that everything was going to turn out all rosy.  All of her life she had been popular, so why was her US adventure going to be any different?
Sure, she missed her parents and the odd friend from time to time, but she easily found replacements to fill her social lifestyle.  Having no siblings, Linda  was used to going it alone (and wouldn't have liked sharing the attention of her parents anyway).  Her hobbies also tended to change depending upon what was popular and easy, but she was never able to play a musical instrument to her (fleeting) disappointment.

With the coming of the Iconnu and the creation of Vampires, Camille emerged from her Hell and greedily took hold of Linda's body... in the absence of a suitable French host.  However Camille did not expect to find so many pleasing traits within Linda... and their bonding was less one sided than one might have expected.  Camille uses her own name privately, but sees fit to keep Linda's identity intact for bureaucratic purposes.  While Camille IS the dominant soul, she cedes some control to Linda in dealing with technology, trivia, and things she does not understand well.  Camille uses that quiet time to plot and scheme.  Linda believes that Camille had her best interests at heart and that she would perish without her guidance.  It helps that both souls are somewhat similar in their desire for wealth, comfort, and adoration.