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Welcome to Newcastle Island

04:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alana Thorn

Name: Alana Thorn

Age: 29

Sex: female

Species: WereCougar

Scent: Those with sensitive noses would find she smells very much like Feline and Forest, and would likely pick up a milder scent of various other animals given the type of yarns she carries.

Powers: Alana is stronger than her smaller frame appears, though she often tries to hide that fact unless necessary. She can heal faster than human speed - a paper cut would heal in a few minutes, a bullet/knife/etc wound would take a couple of days, at least. She is also more agile than most humans with a cat-like grace and ability to land on her feet...most of the time.. she also has the heightened senses of a cat.

Appearance: Alana has bright tawny red hair, and blue eyes, both of which carry over to her cougar form. She can be either reserved or quick to a smile, and lives in comfortable clothing. She rarely dresses up, mostly because she doesn’t feel the need.  She stands around 5’6” with a slim, toned figure. She may look small, but never underestimate the feline grace of a cat as anything less than strong and quick.

Face Claim: Molly Quinn fmc960; ncl021

Personality: Alana is quiet at first, until she gets used to people, then she opens up more. When really comfortable, she is big on touch and wants to be close to the people she cares about most. She can be flirtatious when she wants to be, but doesn’t always connect it to liking someone. The cougar side of her causes her to be standoffish, especially when she feels threatened, preferring to hide in the shadows and only attack when necessary. However, when she reaches that point, she will hit hard and fast.

The easiest way to get Alana to open up is to ask her about her store. Or catch her in her store. That is her happy place, and while not much gets Alana down, she can be overly wary about new things and people initially. Though, once she decides, that can flip almost on a dime. Always fickle, those cats...

History: Alana has been a Cougar for her whole life. She caught the gene from her father, and grew up learning how to blend in as needed. It was a difficult day at school when some kids realized what she was and laid out catnip on the floor just outside the class Alana was about to come out of. She found herself struck by the scent and was rolling in it before she realized what her human form… From that point on, she was much more careful, and while Catnip still entices her, she tends to avoid it because of the memories it can bring up.

She traveled a bit, mostly through the US, trying to find herself and a place she wanted to live. Everywhere she went, however, she had to hide what she was. Her parents had drilled it into her that it was for her own safety, that she would be hunted if she ever let her secret slip out again. Yet, that wasn’t the life Alana wanted.

She wanted to just be, to exist as she was without having to worry who knew what. Eventually, she found Newcastle and moved in. There was a charm to the Island, and more importantly, no one cared that she went off to hunt in the forest every so often, or even that she was a cat. While she might not come right out and say it to anyone before they ask, she doesn’t hide those feline attributes either.

Profession: Owns a yarn/craft store

Hobbies: knitting, crochet, basically anything yarn related. She also enjoys reading in front of a fire on a cool day, and hosting knit/craft nights at her store. Watching movies curled up with a good friend is also something Alana enjoys, whether it be a good movie and good company, or a terrible movie that results in making fun of the thing and sword fighting with twizzlers, it’s more about the company than the movie itself.

Sexual Orientation: bisexual