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Welcome to Newcastle Island

12:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jade Langley

Name: Jade Langley

Age: 26

Sex: female

Species: Witch, healer, can sense energy

Scent: Decidedly human, but a little more...fresh... like a spring day

Powers: Jade is able to heal most injuries except those that are fatal. She can pull power from the world, usually plant life, and channel it into an inner light that speeds up the body’s natural abilities rather than using outside forces.

Appearance: Jade is smaller in size at around 5'3", but still strong enough to move patients and do her job as a medic. She has dark eyes and hair, full lips, and is always quick to smile, though the look in her eyes seems to hint to a knowledge of life that seems to surpass her years. Jade has the Star of Life tattooed on her left wrist and a phoenix tattooed down her spine between her shoulder blades. She dresses casually most times, but is often in her uniform as well.

Face Claim: India Eisley

Personality: Jade has spent her life helping others in one form or another. She put herself through school, seeing helping others as her calling in life. She is quick to a smile even though, or possibly because, she has seen so much darkness through her job. Outside the public eye, Jade is much more somber, as if helping people keeps her own personal darkness at bay. Because of this, she often buries herself in her work.

History: Jade worked her way through Paramedic school, seeing it as the best use of her abilities to heal. When she was almost through the program, Jade got word that her brother went missing. She has spent the last five years trying to figure out what happened to him, when the last traces of him were found just outside a small town. This caused her to get a job with the local ambulance crew  so she could also search for answers. What she found was that her brother died in what was determined a car accident.

But things didn't quite add up even then, though her mind kind of glossed over that. She had spent 5 years looking for her twin, and at that point the answer she was given, the fact that she was so worn emotionally from searching for so long, and a few other things, caused her to sort of accept the answer and move on. Jade moved, taking up residence on the quiet Island of Newcastle hoping to find peace with what happened and finally move on.

Profession: Paramedic

Hobbies: Searching for answers about her brother, working on an ambulance

Sexual Orientation: bisexual