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Welcome to Age of Worms [5e]

03:59, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Bohruk, like all of his kind, is a massive mountain of muscle and thick bone. Perhaps moreso than normal in his case, because of the life of hard labor that he has had to endure. His green flesh is somewhat pale for an Orc, as he has spent many years underground away from the sun. Because of the rough conditions he has found himself in when mining, Bohruk has wisely chosen to crop his hair short. Much to the annoyance of his Dwarf mining companions. His warm emerald eyes stare out at the world over a mouth that seems to be almost constantly smiling. Despite the savagery of his appearance, he has the air of a kind soul about him. A friendly looking Orc might seem like a contradiction in terms, but there it is.

He is not a man of wealth. Simple tunics and trousers are all that he owns. A few tools and some well-worn boots, and one will have discovered all his possessions in the world. And sometimes,not even that. Such is his exertions, that he sometimes just decides to go without a shirt, just to save on laundry. He is going to be soiled and sweaty in a few hours work anyway, so what is the point?

Bohruk is an oddity for an Orc. While he has all the savage instinct of his kin, he has chosen to temper them in the light of civilization. While he has to admit that his temper can get the best of him, and in such times all he wants to do is kill everything before him, that is not who he is. In his deepest heart, he is an empathetic soul. More at home with a laugh and a few friends than with blood on his blade. He likes to listen to people and their problems. If they want his advice, he is more than willing to give it. And if they don't, he is more than happy just to lend a friendly ear.

But despite his soft heart and hearty laughter, there is a need to better himself and his circumstances. Some might say an almost all-encompassing need. Certainly this desire is tied up with his unresolved issues with his mother, but also with the unfair trials of life that have plagued him since childhood. Despite his simple appearance and demeanor, there is more going on in that mind of his than people give Bohruk credit for.

Bohruk owes his unusual life entirely to his mother. She was a fearsome Orc who came down from the Sword Mountains just north of Waterdeep. She was already very pregnant with Bohruk when she entered the colorful city, and never revealed who his father was. Wanting her child to have more opportunities than the brutal life of a simple tribal raider, she worked nightly as a bouncer and leg-breaker for a shady businessman in the Dock Ward in order to provide for them.

As a lad, Bohruk pulled in a little extra coin by working as a dockhand. Many hours of hard manual labor turned him into a muscular young man, even for an Orc. When he reached adulthood at age twelve, he applied to join a number of organizations and businesses that would allow him to increase their lot in life. However, such was the racial prejudice towards Orcs that he was flatly turned down by the Marines, the Guard, and even a few mercenary companies. Not wanting to end up as just another Orc thug like his mother had insisted he not become, he sought less martial pursuits. There was a call for some miners at Diamond Lake in the Cairn Hills. They at least wouldn't turn down any strong-backs. No matter their race. As long as the silver and iron continued to flow.

For six long years, he labored in the dark places beneath the earth, and for a time, it was a good life.

But when word reached him that his mother had died of her long battle with consumption, a spark of discontent began to smolder in his heart. For more than half a decade, he had worked for a pittance, and his mother had died while he toiled beneath the earth. Was this to be his lot in life? To be nothing more than muscle for the rich, or become a criminal like his mother wished him not to be? No, there had to be a way to make his fortune and better his life, while still honoring his mother. There HAD to be!