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00:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tyra Grimnirsdottir

Group:  Vikings

Name: Tyra Grímnirsdottir

Age: 18

Occupation: Midwife, daughter of the Earl/Jarl

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Physical Description:
Tyra is tall, around 5'2", and has a strong yet feminine form.  Her hair is blonde, typically done up in the complicated braids their people adore, though she does wear it just loose at times.  Though she resembles her older brother, her features are soft and quite lovely.  Her eyes, too, are a bright blue and easily convey her emotions.  Being the daughter of a Jarl, she wears fine garments, tending more toward the deep reds and purple but also wears a lot of earth tones.  Like most of her people, she carries a sword and bow, but her most treasured possession is her reed flute which she uses to help calm labor pains.

Tyra is full of life and love though not nearly as robust as her brother.  Her moods tend to stay more even and she isn't as prone to outbursts.  When she is working she is calm and unflappable, typically able to calm the most hysterical mother to be or anxious beast.  She is kind and compassionate, always ready to help whether it's cooking and sewing or tending the wounded.  While she can be no-nonsense at times, she is a true and loyal friend willing to knock back an ale.

Biography: Tyra is the youngest child and only daughter of the Jarl, thus she was doted on muchly by her mother and even the Jarl himself.  She was always sweet natured but would cry when tensions between her olders brothers rose and then she cried more when Erland was sent away.  It was always like a piece of her was missing because she missed his singing and laughter, always feeling closer to him than their older brother but that was likely because of the age difference.

Like everyone else, she learned to use a sword and bow to defend herself and others.  She might not be as good as the shieldmaidens but she certainly cannot be discounted.  Where she thrived, though, was dealing with herbs and poultices.  She spent a lot of time with the village healer who found the girl had a knack with women and the birthing process.  It wasn't just the women as she often tended to the sheep and goats and often it seemed they sought her out when it was time to give birth.

Her life thus far has been fairly uneventful.  She has become a good enough healer that she could deal with things on her own but still prefers to work alongside old Astrid who has been much like a grandmother to her.  The stories she has learned from her are just as valuable to her as the healing knowledge, all of it combining into a deep familial love.  That said, she is now old enough to start considering a mate and starting a family and make her own way.

Earl (?) Erland's Father
Mother (?)
Brother Rangvald
Brother Erland