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Welcome to Age of Worms [5e]

03:48, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alexander Pettorin

Physical Description: Alexander stands around 5'5" tall his hair a silvery blue a trait his mother has told him comes from her blonde hair and his fathers. His eyes are a rich hazel hue though they seem jaded and unsympathetic which could be due to the life he has gone through up to this point. Alexander has a healthy tan to his skin, as befits a member of the guard and working class, but has always mentioned that unless he is outside daily it does tend to fade quickly to a paler shade. One of the most defining features is the fact that his right ear is missing the tip leaving it looking more human compared to his left ear, when asked he explains it happened during a fight he got into as a young boy.

Alexander is a man that prefers function over form in his gear and equipment allowing him to do his job. His armor is not the polish shine of a nobleman's or parade marcher but a faded silver that doesn't reflect the light to well. When not armored he wears the basic uniform of the militia, though due to his current employment he has gotten all insignia of the watch removed.

Personality: Alexander has a very forward and out spoken attitude seeming to always feel like he has to prove himself to those around him due to his upbringing. One wouldn't call him a hot head as he is infact very hard to anger but he tends to not look at the long term repercussions of his actions, especially if they can help his mother. He also believes that people should be treated based on there actions and not on what status they were born into.

Character History: From the beginning, life was never very easy for Alexander. His human mother was a woman of some reputation as a known employee of The Emporium. The son of a notable brothel girl, he faced no end of bullying from the other town children. It would have been a truly lonely and horrible childhood if not for the Parrin kids who made friends with him growing up.

When he was young he thought perhaps he might gain a decent living in the Parrin mining company since he became close with the family. Over the years as he grew the mines began to fail, however, robbing him of any chance at a good career in mining as there was no desire to join the other mining companies where he'd likely never be more than the lowliest and most expendable of miners. He was just becoming a teenager when he learned that Parrin mines had failed in large part because one of their largest investors, an Elven noble named Amaodel, had withdrawn. He'd remember hearing of a man who used to visit the town by that name before he was born and when he was very little who had been arrogant and mean, and the man's daughter who had been kind and curious.

Without the Parrin mines as an option when he was old enough for work and no other promising opportunities, he decided to enlist. Being bullied for being a brothel girl's son had done plenty to toughen him up which made the Waterdhavian Militia a better job than most and maybe he might do some good as a soldier. It helped that it let him stay close to home as he was stationed at the garrison at Diamond Lake once he was through training, since they liked having locals familiar with the area when they could get them. He served an uneventful few years before he was approached by Shariah Amaodel with an offer to make him her personal bodyguard while she was in Diamond Lake, which she thought she'd be staying in for a year or two on business for her family. She made all the arrangements for him to be discharged. Not long after he became her bodyguard, he got a suggestive letter from her father. She was nothing but kind but her father seemed like a real bastard to him. In the letter, her father implied he knew that his mother had fallen on hard times as she had been replaced at The Emporium, getting too old as a human for their wealthier clients, and su