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Welcome to Fantastic Tales and Where to Find Them

14:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aris Belmere

Name: Aris Belmere
Age: 24

Appearance: Standing at 5'6", Aris sports a mostly athletic body, but with a pleasant curve to it. She has an oval-shaped face and a certain frame to it which makes her look very serious but is capable of melting into a warm smile at a moment's notice. She has warm brown eyes, sharp and keen on details. Her hair is a reddish-brown color, courtesy of her parents "paying a bit extra" to make her not take after them and inherit their completely dark tresses. Being a member of one of the more „quality“ houses, she sports fair skin, thin wrists, and long elegant fingers.

As all dome-born (genetically designed children), she has several golden-colored tattoos encircling her upper and lower arms, as well as a long one stretching down her spine. Though they look like they serve no purpose beyond decoration, they are, in fact, a government-issued way of identifying "manufactured" individuals.

Personality: By those who met her briefly, Aris would be described as a true skeptic. Usually enjoying good humor and spending time with the people she cares about, her positive attitude can be gone in an instant, once she gets into contemplating the society she lives in. She is well aware that the stories of the dome-city's grandeur, in comparison to the harsh and downright dangerous conditions outside of them are nothing more than putting a pretty pink bow on a thorn bush. She is deeply skeptical of the way the society is run and longs for a change, as well as dreading it a the same time. Despite having some rather strong opinions on all of it, she is one of those people who is actually willing to see things from a different perspective. She is of firm belief that coexistence with the alien visitors was a possibility, but is aware that the majority of the dome-city population does not share that view, so she mostly keeps it to herself.

History: Though she came from a family closely tied to wilderness exploration and material procurement from the ruined and abandoned cities surrounding the dome, Aris has never ventured outside. And upon hearing what awaited there, she was unsure she ever wanted to, though she knew the journey was unlikely to be avoided forever.

Raised on stories of the invading force and the terrible war their arrival resulted in, Aris spent mosy of her life blindly believing them, until one day, she got a chance to speak to a man working at the dome-city as an educator. He posed a single question: "If they were the invading, hostile force, then how come the landscape shows traces of being destroyed by our weaponry?"

That was enough for Aris to begin wondering about the history they were spoon-fed since childhood and the more she dug into it, the more irregularities surfaced, making her slowly but surely lean towards the minority advocating for the start of peaceful negotiations and possible collaboration against the constant threat of the creatures inhabiting the wastelands, growing bold and creeping ever closer to the city borders.

There was a silver lining, though, appearing in the form of an unexpected reply over a salvaged communication device. The voice belonged to someone she did not know and despite common sense telling her that continuous usage of the comm line was a security risk, Aris felt a connection to the voice and simply, secretly continued to use it. They never went into any details about their whereabouts and such, probably for the same security reasons she herself still tried to partially uphold. But as their late-night talks continued, she found herself connecting to the voice more and more, finding understanding and a strange sense of camaraderie on the other end of the line.