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Welcome to Fantastic Tales and Where to Find Them

02:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bryanna Hale

Name: Bryanna Hale

Nickname: Bree

Age: 28

Species: werewolf

Faceclaim: Marie Avgeropoulos fmr283

Physical Description:  Bree is very much the girl next door. Her big bright blue eyes framed with dark hair tend to give her a very disarming appearance. She stands a mere 5’5” with a more muscular 120 lbs. She is not the type of girl to win any beauty contests, mostly because she wouldn’t think to try for them. A soft smile is often on her face, but good luck guessing what it means, unless you know her well.

Distinguishing Features: Bree’s eyes will almost glow right before she shifts, or whenever her wolf is close to the surface. Sometimes, it’s just curious about what is going on, especially when Bree is particularly excited or curious about something.

Personality Description: Bryanna was always the quiet kid in the group. She was soft spoken and preferred to go along with what the group decided. She valued time spent with the people who meant the most to her over what they were actually doing. In college, her degree was Psychology. She was planning on working with children who had suffered abuse, but everything changed that fated camping trip.

Her attitude went from mild-mannered to one that didn’t take anyone’s shit. Once she had seen evil and felt fear from creatures that weren’t supposed to exist, her world was thrown on its head, and she was left to adjust or drown. Instead of wallowing in the fact that she is a monster, she decided to fight fire with fire. Anytime she heard of werewolves killing people, she would hunt them down. The idea was that she is on even footing with the monsters now, having been turned into one. She has the same strength, speed and ferocity, and isn’t afraid to use it to defend humanity, one human at a time.

Strengths:  Added strength, speed, ability to heal herself, increase to senses,

Weaknesses: Silver will affect her, wounds caused by them will be much more painful than regular wounds and will heal much slower, even with her ability to heal. Senses are stronger in wolf form. Cannot change forms, then change back right away, doing so too quickly uses up energy

Character Likes:
Contagious laughter - the kind that rings out and doesn’t stop, that fills the air with happiness to the point that not only can everyone around feel it, but they join in.

Thunderstorms...from indoors - they bring out her quiet, contemplative mood that can ground her and help her think clearly when she is stuck on something.

Bullies - regardless of their form, bullies prey on the weak, and that is something she has always been against.

Being stuck in a wet environment - it’s one thing when she can dry off, but if she’s stuck in the rain, in water, in any sort of damp environment, she is pretty sure she, and those around her, can smell wet dog emanating off her. No one likes that smell...even the werewolf it is coming from.

Other Information: Bree has figured out how to shift into two forms - a wolf that appears as any other timber wolf, and a hybrid form like those seen in horror movies that look like a bipedal wolf. In her full wolf form, she is a large black wolf with a patch of grayish-white on her chest. In the hybrid form, she loses the light colored patch and gains almost a foot on her human form.

Worst Fears: While Bree is fine with her path as a hunter and a werewolf, and that the path is inherently lonely, she does not want to die alone. After that fateful night, she knows what it feels like to be the only one left, and how terrifying facing death alone can be. It is an experience she only wishes on the worst of her worst enemies.

Bryanna grew up in a small town, USA with a group of friends that were together through school, and even through college. Camping had become their way of staying together after everyone had graduated and gone their separate ways, and this trip was important to Bryanna in many ways. She had just gotten into Graduate school, and she wanted to share the news with everyone, but more importantly, Ronan would be there.

He had slowly become more than just one of the group to her. He was the first she called with good news or when she needed someone to talk to, and often they would talk until all hours of the night. The friendship grew more intimate without actually crossing into anything more than friendship, and she hoped to change that.  It was a big step for her, since she was usually the one to go with the flow, to actually step up and say something first, but she was just as excited as she was nervous.

However, before that chance came, Ronan left to get more supplies. She was determined to pull him aside as soon as he got back, but fate had other plans. Shortly after he left, the group heard rustling in the trees. At first, they thought it might be Ronan playing a trick on them, but the rustling was coming from all around the camp. Whatever was going on, they were surrounded.

Once Bree figured this out, she urged the others to grab what they could use as a weapon, but it was too little too late. The group of tight-knit friends was torn apart by a pack of rogue, feral werewolves. However, a few of them that had actually managed to get some blows in were dragged off after they had been weakened.

Bree was delirious. She heard a car, heard Ronan’s voice, but she was far too weak to do more than whisper his name. They were taken to a cave and left, either to die or to be dinner the next night, no one knew, but Bryanna was the only one to make it. Instead of falling victim to her wounds, the following night - the night of the full moon - she shifted.

She quickly learned that she had gained a strength that was more than any human. Her own wounds healed faster, even in human form, and she was stronger and faster than any human she knew. Instead of hating what she had become, she decided to use it.

Even with the beast inside her wanting desperately to tear flesh apart, she never once let it prey on humans. Her food, her chosen prey, was animals. This allowed her the ability to hunt and feed the beast within the flesh it craved, but was no more harmful to the region she happened to be in at the time than the local population of hunters.

It took her two years to regain full control over herself. Once she had control of her new form, she set out to hunt those like her. Either out of revenge or a form of righteous vengeance, she took to a life on the road. She would follow rumors of werewolves, using her own abilities to stop those that preyed on humans. Her philosophy was that if she could master the desires and hunt traditional prey, so could others, but they just refused. So she hunted her own kind.

For the last four years, hers had been a lonely life on the road filled with sad, fearful tales that belonged in horror books rather than real life. Even as one of the monsters, she is determined to be one of the good guys.