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Welcome to The Lost Regiment

12:15, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ian Lees


Ian was born in North Berwick, Maine - his family had immigrated there from Scotland before the Revolutionary War.  His great grandfather made good money as a smuggler when he first arrived, then fought against the British during the War.  His success allowed him to found a thriving whiskey distillery business, which Ian's father and brothers still run to this day.

Ian himself grew up rich, spoiled, and willful; usually more interesting in drinking the whiskey than making it.  He was intelligent, but in constant trouble with anyone of authority growing up.  But Ian was charismatic and his father was rich, so he was able to avoid both death and jail until he came of age; his father was all too happy to ship the young man off to Dartmouth.  He managed two and a half years before being kicked off campus due to demerits.  He returned home only slightly humbled.

With no prospects, Ian began working for his brothers at the distillery but it quickly became apparent that his talents lent themselves towards sales, far more than distilling.  Ian spent his next few years on the road, up and down the eastern coast, marketing and selling his family's whiskey.  It was best for everyone; his family could barely stand him and it let Ian carouse and hobnob as he traveled from city to city.

Ian was good at what he did, and he made money for the family those first several years.  But by the time the Civil War broke out, Ian had a growing  mountain of gambling debt, was on the run from several angry husbands, and was nursing a growing alcohol addiction.  He jumped at the chance to join the war - he thought it would be an adventure, a way to leave behind his problems...

It was probably the worst decision he ever made.

Those first few months were pure hell; his aversion to authority and the tendency to cause trouble became a liability.  Ian watched his friends and commanders die in battle - it forced him to grow up and take stock of his life for the first time ever.  He's been with the company just over six months now and it has been a tough time for him, and he's a changed man because of it.  But the war seems to be waning and reaching it's end, Ian is eager to simply return home again and leave the memories behind.

Physical Description:

Ian is a couple of inches shy of six feet tall, he's lean and muscular, sometimes verging on skinny when the month's rations are thin.  He is not unattractive, but the wear of years in the field make him more ruggedly comely rather than handsome.  He has dark, intelligent eyes with a brown mess of curls that reach just past his ears, and he's let his beard grow full recently - he looks older than his 25 years would suggest.  His uniform is in better condition than most, generally clean but well-worn in with obvious signs of self made repairs.