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09:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tauriel of Mirkwood

Birth TA 2341
Age 600
Fate Returns to Mirkwood after the Battle of Five Armies
Hair color Auburn
Eye color Green
Gender Female
Weapon Elven Bow and Two Elven Daggers
Race Elf
True Love   Legolas

Tauriel means "daughter of Mirkwood" or more literally, "daughter of the forest"

Tauriel has green eyes, fairly pale skin and long, red hair. She wears either a dark green tunic which is split at the bottom for movement or a medium green tunic which is about the same length and the bottom resembles giant leaves. She also wears dark brown leather bracers and is often seen wearing one of the two dark brown leather bodice.  They could also be used as light armour, though neither offer an extensive amount of protection. She either wears medium brown tights (with her dark green tunic) or, less often, teal tights (with her medium green tunic). She also has a light green, long coat, which, like both her tunics, has splits at the side, front and back for movement. Out of these many clothing combinations, she wears a brown belt with a gold Elven buckle. She is also seen wearing a silver Elven necklace. Her tunics are often referred to as dresses, though they are the same length as Legolas' outfit, and his is usually referred to as a tunic. She has two pairs of almost knee-high boots, one pair are a greenish brown colour with an Elven symbol and buttons at the sides, while the other pair are much simpler, and are made of a medium brown leather.

Tauriel is ruthless when it comes to Orcs or giant spiders (if she hadn't been stopped by Thranduil she would've killed the captured Orc with her daggers, though Thranduil later beheaded the Orc after Tauriel had left), but she can be kind and caring, especially when it comes to Legolas. She is also rebellious, and she tends to disobey orders if she doesn't agree with them.

Born in TA 2341 of the Third Age, Tauriel is the daughter of Tauressar and Calmiriel. During that year when she was born, her parents went on a scouting mission to the southern borders of Mirkwood until they were ambushed by Orcs that probably spawned from the old fortress of Dol Guldur. After hearing news of their deaths, Thranduil decided to look after Tauriel. While growing up, Tauriel was insightful into the changing nature of Middle-earth, like her parents had during the Third Age. Despite Thranduil's isolationism, she had become very interventionist, and recognized the growing evils of the world and the need to eradicate them, rather than withdraw into the safety of the elven city.

At adult age, Tauriel began her training and was mentored by Thranduil's son Legolas Greenleaf. Moderately effective in infantry combat, Tauriel had proven herself proficient in both archery and hand-to-hand combat. Thranduil was impressed by her skills and promoted her to Captain of the Guard.

Legolas and Tauriel feel in love but Thranduil would have none of it for she was a mere Silvan elf, and he banished her after forbidding her and Legolas marriage.  In her travels she was taken in by the Lady Galadriel and made her personal guardian.