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Welcome to Blood Moon: New Orleans

04:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Coltrane Boudreaux

Name:  Coltrane "Colt or Bo" Boudreaux
Nickname: Colt

DOB: 30 March 1985
Age: 30 (as of 2015)
Gender: Male

Place of Birth: New Orleans
Ethnicity: Caucasian/Hispanic (Mother is from Columbia)
Religion: Catholic (Raised) but with a respect for the local Voodoo practices.
Degree of Practice:  Major holidays and events. Sporadic otherwise due to his job.

Physical Appearance:
Height: 6’2
Weight: 220LBS
Body Type: Athletic
Hair Style: Short, Shaved
Hair Color: Black (Shaved)
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Tone: Light tan

Werewolf Power

Silent Hunter

Block the Master's Call

Physical Description: Standing over 6 foot tall with shaved black hair and hazel eyes that seem to change with the light, Colt has an intense gaze that often appears to look through a person.  He’s often able to make people uncomfortable with a look (Interrogation techniques). He is well built but in a rugged way, a result of years of military training rather than living in a gym.  He stands confidently, always observant but with a quick smile and friendly wave or nod to people.  Though his mother is from Columbia, he takes more after his father.

Colt has no birth marks but he does have an American Flag/cross tattoo, on his left shoulder from when he was a teen. He sports multiple bullet and slashing/stab wounds from rebellious days as well as his time in the service.  On the inside of his left forearm he has a green beret tattoo.

Physical Disabilities:  Creaky knee (Tore ligaments playing football at the Academy) and left Shoulder (Hurt while deployed).

Father:  Jefferson Davis Boudreaux
Mother:  Katherine Maria Boudreaux (Maiden Name: Garcia from Columbia)
Oldest Brother: Michael (Twin) (5 years older)
Older Sister: Charlotte (Twins) (5 Years older)
Younger Sister: Samantha (Twin)
Grandfather Paternal: Nathan Boudreaux
Grandmother Paternal: Rosalyn (Rose) Boudreaux
Grandfather Maternal: Deceased (Killed by the cartel violence)
Grandmother Maternal: Deceased (Killed by the cartel violence)

Marital Status: Single (Widower – Angela Boudreaux, B. 1980 d 2015 Killed in car accident)
Other Romantic Relationships: Nothing serious

Children: None (1 – Deceased Joshua Nathan Boudreaux B 2012, d 2015 Killed in car accident while he was deployed)

Highest Education Achieved:  Masters
Masters Degree in Sociology (BS from West Point, Masters from LSU)
Bachelors in Criminal Justice with a focus on Forensics.

Universities Attended:
West Point Academy
LSU (Online Masters program)
Purdue University (Online Bachelors program) Criminal Justice
High School: Mount Carmel Academy
Elementary : Waldorf School of new Orleans

Lycanthrope Powers|Strengths|Weaknesses
Immune to Disease/Illness – Shifters are essentially immune to all infectious diseases/illnesses.

Enhanced Healing – The virus which infects Lycanthropes’ increases their metabolism, and as a side effect increases their ability to heal from wounds. Powerful Lycanthropes’ can recover from almost any wound other than those caused by silver weapons or fire, and even very weak individuals heal a bit faster than humans. Transformation can allow a Lycanthrope to regrow freshly lost limbs and critical body parts, although if the injuries are extensive or repeated they might not heal in entirety with a single transformation.

Enhanced Strength/Dexterity - Lycanthropes' strength seems to depend on their actual size and their level of supernatural power. Their strength is on par with vampires and they are fully able to fight off and even overpower them. Their strength is lesser in their human form, though they are still far stronger than humans. Likewise, Lycanthropes’ have increased dexterity, especially in their shifted form.

Enhanced Speed - All lycanthropes are extremely fast and can run faster than the human eye can see. They can equal or even outrun vampires with their speed, depending on their age.

Heightened Senses – Lycanthropes’ have acute senses, even in human form. In its most basic expression, a Lycanthropes’ heightened senses allow them to identify a person unique scents, identify other Lycanthropes, as well as other types of preternatural entities (unless they are actively masking their scent, i.e. Fae Glamours or masking charms).

Pass Unseen – As a Lycanthrope in it’s animal form you can blend in with other animals of your type, as well as with animals closely related to your type (I.E. Werewolves can pass themselves off as large dogs when moving about the city in their shifted form). This does not mean that a Lycanthrope whose animal type of not native to the region can go about unseen, quite the contrary. A Tiger walking through the streets of Boston is going to raise a few eyebrows, and likely get Animal Control called on it at the very least.

Silver Vulnerability - Just like all of the legends about Lycanthropes state, they are vulnerable to silver. Regular silver works, so don’t think you have to melt down your Grandmother’s heirloom broach to forge a silver bullet. This vulnerability extends to silver nitrate and colloidal silver as well, which are difficult to clean out of wounds. Injuries created by silver, silver nitrate or colloidal silver heal human slow.

Weakness to Fire - Just like silver, injuries created by fire heal human slow as fire cauterizes the wounds.

Moon Called/Bound - Lycanthropes’ are bound to the moon and to the Lunar cycle. In the week leading up to a Full Moon, a Lycanthrope can experience increasing anxiety, frustration, and anger. New Lycanthropes find the the normal stresses of everyday life can be too much. This week is generally when the newly infected will experience their first shift, and unless they are aware of and prepared for it, it can oftentimes be a very violent and bloody ordeal.

Base Powers
Aura of Power - Lycanthropes exude an aura of power than can be felt by those around them. Generally, mundane humans pass off the feelings of a Lycantropes aura as them ‘exuding strength and confidence’.

Beast Speech – Allows line-of-sight communication with animals of the Lycanthropes’ type. It allows the Lycanthrope to interpret the animals basic vocal and sub-vocal communications, as well as interpret body language to pick up on basic ideas and concepts (I.E. ‘I’m hungry’ or ‘I want to play’).

Hybrid Form - Lycanthropes can shift from their normal, natural, human form into either an animal or a bipedal hybrid. This hybrid looks like your stereotypical Hollywood ‘Werewolf’.

Partial Shifting
(Uncontrolled) - This power is similar to the Dominant-level power Partial Shifting except the Lycanthrope had zero control over it. When stressed or triggered in another way one part of the Lycanthropes' body shifts uncontrolled. The Lycanthrope cannot immediately shift it back.


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