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Welcome to ~~ SILVERMOON AGENCY ~~ {Adult}

07:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Xanthos ~ EV Vampire

Character Name: Xanthos
Age: 22 (biologically, 196 chronologically)
Description: Golden Blonde Hair of medium-long length, somewhat covering his face; Pale White Skin; Deep Crystal Blue Eyes; Toned but not too much. Minor abs, some muscle, upper level of healthy but most college athletes are more impressive.
Skills:  (Must be kept on an even level as all other characters in game)
-Unaccounted-for strength/speed/reflex
-Improved Regeneration/Healing Factor (while not poisoned with holy water/vervain or in direct sun)
-Day Walker (save for regeneration is halted when exposed to direct sunlight without proper covering)
-Heightened Hearing
-Skilled with Knives and short blades
-Skilled in Stealth both detecting others and not being detected.

-Burning cremation fire [prevent regeneration]
-Decapitate and buy head (with garlic in the mouth) away from the body [prevent regeneration]
-Expose to direct sunlight [Cannot heal any injuries exposed to sunlight]
-Vervain [Ingested by any means negates healing until worked out of the system up to 24 hours, mere physical contact such as holding it is ineffective, but a weapon coated in vervain tea will be as effective as holy water; vervain incense is extremely effective as it messes with his radar as well as his regeneration]
-They are wary of crucifixes [Not a physical weakness but a psychological one; holding one to him breaks his concentration and entice him to target the holder]
-Holy Water [Cannot regenerate any woulds exposed to holy water; should any enter his system it could shut off regenerative abilities up to 24 hours]
-Decapitation [Even if the head is not stuffed with garlic and buried separately, he'd still be rendered unconscious at minimum 24 hours (max 72 hours) until he starts to regenerate again. If daylight shines upon him during this time, the clock is paused until he is no longer in direct sunlight, which could potentially take longer than 72 hours]

Faction or Race:
Vampire, Kemetian Chaote (a chaote is a practitioner as a means to an end, rather than as an end, using faith as a tool versus devoting it in servitude; also called Chaos Magicians)

Character History:
An old serial killer who'd been at large for years, killing without rhyme or reason, as far as the media knew. He had rhyme and reason, they just overlooked the pattern. They were all human. Boring, mundane, weak... pathetic. After a while he had started to grow bored of his game, he was but one man, and though it pained him to admit hit, he was only human. Eventually he'd decided to end it all; but was attacked by a vampire at the funeral he'd set up for himself (well, set up for some other guy but he didn't mind, he simply 'borrowed' the coffin... and the decorations... and the small crowd he'd 'convinced to stay'). Likely attracted by the scent of the blood his guests so inconsiderately spilled all over the setup, as humans tend to do. When he awoke transformed, he'd noticed some differences about himself. He felt more capable, he felt rejuvenated, he felt alive! After making his way around and finding out about the vampire community, and learning the ropes of his new self and capabilities, he'd eventually come across the Kemetians. They seemed for some reason much more capable; but he didn't understand why. After asking around, he discovered they were specially blessed for following the ancient Egyptian pantheon, Ra specifically. Not one for religion, he couldn't believe a word of it. But it was worth looking into. So he initiated, and felt no different. He continued working for them, doing the jobs as requested, and found he'd steadily started growing less wary of the sun. It no longer started to burn him. After working with them longer, he'd started gaining more power, and more confused. How was it this was happening? No way this could be some 'god', that's just silly! These had to be innate powers of these creatures of the night; but only through working to achieve them could one truly awaken them. The Kemetians are very useful, for now. But they may prove problematic in the future for the vampire community as a whole.