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23:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Father Ephraim

Name: Ephraim Prorokowski
Archetype: Haunted Priest.
Monster: Human - but he's Roman Catholic :/
Generation: 1970s
Gender: Male (he/him)
Theme: Song Title
Experience: 3XP

POWERIntelligence   ◆ ◆ ✧Streangth   ◆ ✧ ✧Presence   ◆ ✧ ✧
FINESSEWit   ✧ ✧ ✧Dexterity   ◆ ◆ ✧Manipulate   ✧ ✧ ✧
RESISTANCEResolve   ◆ ◆ ◆Stamina   ✧ ✧ ✧Composure   ◆ ◆ ◆


Ephraim is a short, skinny, gloomy little figure supplemented by an entirely black wardrobe. His glasses are thick-framed and have heavy lenses that make you wonder if he's legally blind. His eyes are blue, he's blonde and has thin, pale eyebrows that lend themselves well to his spectacularly unemotive face. His cheeks are pockmarked and gaunt. He isn't sick, he's just really, really pale. As far as priests go, he looks more like the 'tie you to the bedpost and exorcise you kind' more than the community leader type. Maybe Catholics are just like that.

Ephraim looks severe and spooky. That's about the depth of his actual severity and spookiness. He's actually shy and frightens easily, which arguably isn't a great trait as far as paranormal investigators go. He is kind-hearted and attentive to the needs of those around him. He spent most of his childhood around old, stuffy men so he isn't the best at socializing and doesn't get most pop culture references. But he has a warm, genuine way about him that's hard to dislike.

Ephraim was born in Detroit, Michigan during the 1970s. His mother had a 6th grade education and stayed at home to raise Ephraim. His father worked in auto assembly, oh, and also was one of the Midwest's most prolific serial killers. The FBI used him as one of the early case studies in criminal profiling. Pretty embarrassing stuff if he ever has to rub elbows with Feds.

Serial killers with traumatic head injuries aren't amazing at rearing children, or being husbands, it turns out. Ephraim's childhood was pretty wretched. Sometimes he would go to the church and sleep outside instead of going home. He doesn't remember a lot of it. He does remember the time he wound up medically dead in the hospital. That was kind of the last straw and his mother tipped the hospital staff to what exactly was buried under their deck.

He ended up in an orphanage and Catholic charity funded foster homes, but never stayed with one family for long. He had too much baggage. Nothing to do with his behaviour. He was described as "extraordinarily well-mannered" because he was an incredibly anxious, traumatized child that was generally too shy to speak. The baggage had more to do with seeing ghosts and ghouls after dying that one time.

His foster homes weren't haunted though. He was. And most people found it hard to deal with the creepy little child who sees shadow people, predicts deaths in the family, and somehow manages to cause fires to manifest and furniture to fly around on the regular. Ephraim's case was documented in the public, but not with any credibility. It was a short blip on the media radar in the 80's and talked about on local, largely crackpot networks.

So he spent most of his time in orphanages until he was out of the system. Unsurprisingly, he was quite interested in spirituality after spending so much time with the church. He went on to study Theology in university and became an ordained priest. He had hoped to worked with his community but, well, shit happens.

The Vigil first noted his existence in the 80's and took more of an interest when he went on to do some "guerilla Catholic exorcist shit."

Presently Ephraim lives modestly in a clergy house (he doesn't like being alone.)


Vibe Check
You can confer with some angels or ghouls to become privy to information your puny mortal mind shouldn't be able to comprehend. On a 7-9, choose 1 of the following. On a 10+ choose 2.

    ✦ Remove all harm from someone and gain the condition "Exhausted".
    ✦ You sense something that would otherwise go ignored. It has some significance to your current quest.
    ✦ Ask the Powers At Be a single question and receive an honest answer.
    ✦ Remove a condition and replace it with another of your choice.

With the power of God behind you, you can face evil head-on. Undead, demons, and other fuckers, beware. You are experienced in blasting binches with Catholic vibes to exorcise them or sanctify an area. On success, you successfully banish a creature from their current vessel and choose one of the following.

    ✦ You are pumped! Inflict extra harm to anyone weak to holy magic for a scene.
    ✦ Inflict a condition on the creature that will carry over to your next meeting.


    ✦ Everyone in the scene must Roll to Keep Their Cool or become vulnerable to the unleashed power.
    ✦ You are left with a souvenir... gain the conditioned "Marked".


Ephraim died and can now see ghosts, ghoulies, and other extrasensory assholes. He is also so deeply traumatized and has such rancid vibes that they are attracted to him. They're not all necessarily evil, but they are loud, distracting, and still kind of creep Ephraim out. He is basically constantly under siege by shadowy figures, voices, and whack auras. He ignores them when he can. But sometimes he can't.

Crisis of Faith
Ephraim's extrasensory abilities aren't faith based or anything like that. He uses his faith to ground himself enough to function. When bad things happen, sometimes "God works in mysterious ways" is a good enough platitude. Sometimes it isn't. Sometimes Ephraim finds it difficult to believe in a loving God, history erring toward justice, and his ability to make a difference against the overwhelming pain in the world.


Dead Man Walking
Except he's so freaked out, he stops walking. Or doing anything. Ephraim ceases to function and is so frightened he isn't much help to anyone, especially not himself. He can't ignore the curse and is completely consumed by it. He finds it impossible to distinguish the difference between physical reality and the specters. When in this state, he alters between states of hyperactive fear or catatonia and cannot function at a level where he can take care of himself.


[beep boop....]

[beep booop...]