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Welcome to FE: New Markets

22:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Damen Iourdanos

Race: Half Triton (Water Gensai), Greek
Height: 5'6"  Weight: 140 lbs  Age:  25
Hair:  Pearlescent sea foam white
Length/Style:  Bottom of shoulder
blades either tied back in a ponytail, or loose and
free.  Eyes:  Abalone gray  Skin:  Aquamarine
Aboard ship, Damen tends to wear simple garb:  a simple, gray linen chiton (tunic made from a square of cloth) fastened at his left shoulder, or leather waistcoat and linen breeches in gray, with a green linen sash at the waist and wide-brimmed linen petasos upon his head (quick to dry and cheaply replaced) with a leather satchel and usually barefoot.